Derral Eves, Co-Founder of ‘The Chosen’ on the Five Things You Need to Create a Film That Makes an Important Social Impact
…once you have identified what your vision and mission are, you need to be able to consistently let people know about that vision and mission. Because there are other people out there that can make it happen. I can’t tell you how many people felt called to be a part of “The Chosen,” just to do whatever…whatever it may be. If we didn’t have our content out there, if we weren’t consistently sharing that vision and mission with the world, we would never get the help. It doesn’t matter what it is. So you have to include people along the way. For us, we’d like to increase our Chosen Army. That’s what we call them, getting the people that are helping us get it out to the world. That’s really important.
I had the pleasure of talking to Derral Eves, Executive Producer and Co-founder of…