Divorce Coach Vindy Teja: “5 Things You Need to Know to Survive and Thrive After A Divorce”

An interview with Ilyssa Panitz

Ilyssa Panitz
Authority Magazine


Vindy Teja credits her commitment to surviving and thriving with being able to manage her emotions and mental state during her divorce and you can too.

My circumstances that could have easily robbed me of my equilibrium and left me dwelling in that yucky swamp, really did make me stronger, wiser, and more loving. That is because I had great support and did what it took internally and externally to reach a more objective vantage point. From there, I could see the value and opportunities in my life. I help my clients to reach the place where they can do the same for themselves. The unexpected bonus? A better sense of humor, or at least I like to think. When you have cried a lot, and there is nothing left to do or nothing that can be done in the moment…there’s laughter. Laugh at yourself, people, the situation, life. It is amazing how much personal power and coping can come from that release.



Ilyssa Panitz
Authority Magazine

Ilyssa is the "Only" Divorce Journalist, Content Producer at The NADP, Public Speaker & Host of “The Divorce Hour with Ilyssa Panitz” on CRN Digital Talk Radio.