Dmytro Kotliarov of DeXe Network: Five Life and Leadership Lessons I Learned From My Experience During The Russia-Ukraine War

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
12 min readApr 17, 2023

Ensure clear communication: In times of crisis, it’s important to maintain open and honest communication with your team. Communicate any changes and plans, and always be available to discuss issues as they arise.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dmytro Kotliarov.

Dmytro Kotliarov — Entrepreneur and crypto-visionary. Core Contributor in the DeXe system. One of the visionaries of DAO technology.

Thank you so much for doing this with us despite the very challenging circumstances. Our readers would love to get to know you a bit. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood “backstory”?

My name is Dmytro, I am an entrepreneur and trader. Having started from stock markets in 2013, since 2016 my team and I moved into cryptocurrencies and mining. Since then, we have focused on developing innovative solutions for crypto trading and decentralized finance.

One of our main achievements is a unique trading terminal for EVM-compatible decentralized exchanges, as well as DeXe Asset and DAO Management Protocol for capital management and DAO management, which has been developed by our team for over 2 years (over 500,000 lines of code, over 1000 pages of screens for users, thousands of hours of product development and development. We are currently preparing to launch it.

This is an opportunity to create from scratch your own decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) in a few clicks to meet any customer need. I truly believe and support the idea that the future of wealth management belongs to such organizations with the ability to collectively make decisions, vote and execute transactions in a decentralized way. This opens new horizons for the development of the financial world and wealth management, making the process more transparent and accessible to all participants.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

One of the life lessons I have learned that has changed my approach to business and life in general has to do with understanding the importance of teamwork and the desire for continuous learning. While working on projects in the crypto industry, I realized that individual successes cannot compare to what can be achieved by combining the efforts and talents of an entire team.

A key moment for me happened when my team and I moved from stock markets to cryptocurrencies. This transition required us to make significant efforts to learn new knowledge and technologies. We realized that only together and through continuous learning can we overcome all difficulties and achieve success.

This lesson taught me to value each team member, to share knowledge and experience, and to prepare for all the changes that can happen in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency and decentralized finance. I now realize that flexibility and the ability to adapt to new conditions, as well as continuous development and learning, are fundamental to success in business and life.

This life lesson also emphasized to me the importance of communication and mutual support within a team. When team members trust each other and openly express their ideas and suggestions, it facilitates the creation of innovative and effective solutions that can turn the industry around.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this experience has taught me to see the big picture and strive to create not just a successful business, but a positive impact on society through the implementation of new technologies and improved financial opportunities for all.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now with your business? How do you think that will help people?

Our team is currently working on several interesting and promising projects that we believe can bring real value to users in the Web 3.0 space. One of the key areas as I mentioned earlier is the development of a platform for creating decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) based on our DeXe Asset and DAO Management Protocol.

Our technology will allow anyone to create their own DAO to meet their needs, whether they are foundations, organizations, businesses, or even government entities. We strive to make this process as simple and accessible as possible, so that everyone can take advantage of this opportunity and experience all the benefits of decentralization.

We believe that decentralized, autonomous organizations will play a key role in the future of Web 3.0. They will provide transparency, democracy and direct user participation in decision-making. This, in turn, will lead to fairer and more equitable management of capital, resources and projects.

In this way, our work on new projects contributes to an ecosystem where users can actively participate in the governance of their own organizations and communities, and influence the development and shaping of a new digital world based on the principles of decentralization, openness and trust.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now move to the main part of our interview. I’m sure it might be challenging, but do you feel comfortable telling us a bit about your experience during the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

While experiencing the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I was aware of my responsibility as the founder of the company to my team and community. During such a difficult and tragic period, it becomes especially important to maintain spirit and unity among all involved, as well as to help those suffering from war.

Throughout the conflict, our company and I personally have done and are doing everything we can to help the Ukrainian people and believe in the victory of Ukraine. We have participated in charity events and fundraisers, which have been used to support the victims and provide them with the help they need. Part of our team, including myself, is involved in volunteer work, providing support in various areas.

It is not easy to be in this situation and continue to work on the development of the company, but we realized that our success and growth could be a contribution to the future of Ukraine. We sought to create stability and maintain jobs for our employees, providing for them and their families in difficult times.

In conclusion, although the period of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was and is extremely difficult and testing for all of us, I believe that such trials only harden the spirit and bring the team together. We will continue to do everything we can to help Ukraine and its people find a bright and peaceful future.

As events began, our team and business faced many challenges and changes. The first step was the transition to remote working, which allowed us to continue our operations and ensure the safety of our employees. Part of the team was forced to leave the country, while others continue to work from Ukraine.

The first weeks were extremely difficult because of constant bombing, power outages, and general tension. It took us at least a month to adapt and return to normal work rhythm. However, over time, the team adapted to the new conditions, and we were able to find new approaches to the organization of work.

Today, our team successfully copes with the challenges and works remotely. We often hold online meetings and teambuilding events, including informal meetings and “heart-to-heart” communication, which helps maintain mutual understanding and team spirit during this difficult period.

Despite all the difficulties, we continue to develop our business by participating in charity and helping Ukraine. We strive to contribute to a peaceful and prosperous future for the country and its people.

Can you share the most interesting story that you experienced during the War? What “take away” did you learn from that story?

During war, many sad stories surround us every day: the loss of loved ones, the destruction of homes and the suffering that the aggressor brings. However, I would like to share one interesting story that happened to me during this difficult time.

At a charity event from Enough Tea in collaboration with United24, I was invited to speak on behalf of our startup. It was a film festival held in three countries — USA, UK and Ukraine. I had the honor of supporting our nation by demonstrating the strength and unity of our community.

The event showed short Ukrainian films about the current war, made by incredibly talented Ukrainian filmmakers. There was also a fundraiser to help people affected by Russian aggression. It was an important moment for me because I realized that our unity and solidarity is what can help us overcome difficulties and endure in this struggle.

What I learned from this story is that it is important to unite, support each other and use our talents and capabilities to resist and support our country. Together we can make the world a better place and overcome the adversities that stand in our way.

We are interested in fleshing out what a hero is. Did you experience or hear about a story of heroism, during the War? Can you share that story with us? Feel free to be as elaborate as you’d like.

We are curious to know what a hero is. Did you ever experience or hear about heroic stories during the war? Can you share that story with us? Feel free to be as detailed as you would like.

To me, heroism is a quality that is evident in people when they are willing to overcome their fears and difficulties for the sake of others or the common good. I witnessed many heroic stories during the war, and all Ukrainians were heroes to me.

I was struck by the cohesion, openness and interaction between the people and the organizers, especially our defenders and volunteers. All of our people contributed to the resistance, and it was truly inspiring.

We especially want to mention our crypto community, who also showed themselves to be true heroes. They raised funds to help people suffering from the war, supported the liquidation of various information sources of the aggressor country and engaged in informational activities to spread the truth about the events on the front.

These stories inspire and remind us that even in the darkest of times, humanity is capable of showing its best side. It is examples like these of heroism and mutual assistance that strengthen my faith in justice and the victory of good over evil.

Can you share with our readers 5 Leadership or Life Lessons that you learned from your experience during the Russia-Ukraine war”? (Please share a story or example for each, if you can.)

  • Unity and solidarity: During the war, I learned how important it is to unite for common goals and to support each other. Seeing people from different spheres and backgrounds come together and help each other reminds me that solidarity and unity are key success factors.
  • Adaptability and flexibility: During the crisis, we quickly moved to work remotely, adapted to new circumstances and found new ways of working. This confirms that flexibility and the ability to adapt to change are important leadership qualities.
  • The value of communication: During the war, our team became even more connected to each other, even having online sit-ins and heart-to-heart conversations. This has shown that frank and sincere communication builds spirit and keeps morale up.
  • Frugality: In the midst of war, we have learned to value resources and be more frugal. For example, the use of lights and the Internet has become more conscious, since any moment there could be a blackout. This lesson can be applied to ordinary life as well, when resources should not always be spent thoughtlessly.
  • Responsibility to your team: As the founder of the company, I realized my responsibility to the people I work with. In times of war, caring for and supporting my team has become especially urgent. Leaders must be willing to accept responsibility and take care of their employees, especially in difficult times.

What do you believe are the characteristics or traits needed to survive a crisis?

  • Flexibility and adaptability: In times of crisis, it is important to react quickly to changes and adapt to new conditions. Flexibility allows you to rethink your strategies and approaches to keep your business afloat.
  • Determination and tenacity: A crisis can create many obstacles and challenges. Leaders must be decisive and persistent in overcoming these challenges, keeping their hands up and moving forward.
  • Stress Resistance: Stress is inevitable in a crisis. To stay in business, it’s important to be able to manage stress and remain calm enough to make deliberate decisions.
  • Creativity and Innovation: A crisis often forces you to look for new ways and solutions to stay in business. Leaders must be creative and innovative to find alternative approaches and strategies that can bring success.
  • Communication and empathy: In times of crisis, it is important to communicate openly and honestly with your team, customers and partners. Empathy helps you understand and take into account the feelings and needs of others, which is key to successful collaboration and business retention.
  • Strategic thinking and planning: In a crisis, it is especially important to determine your long-term goals and develop a clear plan of action to retain your business and reduce possible risks.

What advice would you give to other leaders about the best way to manage a large team?

  • Ensure clear communication: In times of crisis, it’s important to maintain open and honest communication with your team. Communicate any changes and plans, and always be available to discuss issues as they arise.
  • Focus on priorities: In times of crisis, it is important to prioritize and reallocate resources to the most urgent tasks. This will help the team focus on what really matters.
  • Maintain flexibility: Be prepared for change and adapt to new circumstances. In times of crisis, unexpected problems may arise, and your team must be able to respond quickly.
  • Involve the team in decision making: Involve collective brainstorming and decision making to ensure diversity of ideas and approaches. This will also increase team motivation and promote team engagement.
  • Take care of your team’s well-being: In times of crisis, it is important to pay attention to your team’s emotional well-being. Keep team spirits up, offer support, and encourage them to participate in various activities to relieve stress and build team spirit.
  • Finally, managing a team during a crisis requires flexibility, effective communication, and the ability to prioritize. Take the lead, but also be willing to collaborate and involve the team in decision-making.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

It is thanks to the support of my wife that I was able to keep moving forward and not give up even in the most difficult moments. Her faith in me and our mutual success was the motivation to keep working on myself and my projects. We were able to overcome many obstacles and difficulties together, and I am truly grateful to her for that.

I believe that it is important to have someone around who believes in you and supports your decisions, especially if you are an executive or entrepreneur. The environment plays a huge role in our success and development. In such situations, you have to learn to screen out negative opinions and listen to those who really want to help you and see your potential. You should always be grateful to those who genuinely support you on your path to success.

How can we help Ukraine?

Indeed, everyone can do their part to help the refugees and victims of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Here are a few ways you can help:

Unite: Connect with friends, family, and colleagues to organize joint fundraisers and events to help refugees.

Donate: Donations can be sent through trusted charities that assist victims in Ukraine. Before making a donation, make sure that the chosen organization is reliable and transparent.

Volunteer: Volunteer activities may include helping to organize humanitarian aid collections, participating in awareness campaigns, or helping to work with refugees in your country.

Believe in the Ukraine Army: Support and believe in the Ukrainian Army and people of Ukraine. Their courage and determination in fighting for their independence is an inspiration to many.

Spread the word: It is important to share accurate information about events in Ukraine and support refugees on social media to bring the issue to the world’s attention.

Some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them :-)

I would love to have breakfast or lunch alone with Ilon Musk. He is one of the most respected and successful entrepreneurs of our time, and his companies, such as Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink and SolarCity, are revolutionizing their industries. Elon inspires many with his vision of the future, his tenacity, and his ability to solve big problems for humanity.

I would be interested in hearing about his experiences in building and running companies, discussing the future of technology and its impact on our society. I would also like to know his thoughts on Web 3.0, blockchain and decentralized systems. There is no doubt that lunch or breakfast with Ilon Musk will be an unforgettable experience that will enrich me with new knowledge and ideas for my business and personal development.

Thank you so much for these amazing insights. This was truly uplifting.

