Audiojack CEO David Tobin: “Don’t lie to yourself; You can pretend and imagine, but never pretend you’re something you’re not.”
Don’t lie to yourself. You can pretend and imagine, but never pretend you’re something you’re not. The only way you become something great is by building. If you build on emptiness, you’re gonna fail. — someone once came up to me and said: “you’ve never run a tech company before, how are ya gonna do this?” I said, “first, we’re not a tech company. Second, who cares? I don’t need to have done something before to be able to do it. There’s a first time for everything.” They looked dismissive at me and I went on with my day. Later, at the event, someone came up to me and said, “I want to interview you. You’re not like the others. We need more of that.” If I had tried pretending to be a tech exec, not only would this person not have been inspired, but I’d be a fake…