Dr. Benjamin Caughlin Of Impressions Face + Body On 5 Things You Need To Create A Successful Career As A Plastic Surgeon

An Interview With Jake Frankel

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
9 min readJul 3, 2024


Firstly, an unwavering drive is essential. Becoming a plastic surgeon is arduous, demanding countless hours of effort and dedication. Without fierce determination propelling you forward, the challenges and sacrifices inherent in this field can quickly become insurmountable obstacles.

As a part of my series about healthcare leaders, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Dr. Benjamin Caughlin.

As part of my series about healthcare leaders, I had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Benjamin Caughlin, a trailblazer in the realm of aesthetic medicine. Dr. Caughlin, celebrated for his innovative contributions to jawline sculpting and chin implants, has dramatically transformed the field with his signature procedures, CHEEKAGO™️ and Face BBL™. His mastery in molding contours allows individuals to achieve the coveted shadows and curves, enhancing their natural beauty with precision. As a co-founder of Impressions Face & Body, alongside the esteemed Dr. Steven Dayan, Dr. Caughlin’s collaborative efforts have been instrumental in driving forward the boundaries of aesthetic enhancements and establishing new benchmarks for excellence in the industry.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! What is your “backstory”? What led you to this very interesting career?

My mother was a nurse, and my father worked in construction, instilling in me a knack for problem-solving and an obsession with the satisfaction of hands-on work. Initially, I wanted to be an architect. However, the poor state of the economy led my mother to suggest looking into medicine. School-wise, I’d always been proficient in math and science. After doing well on the entrance exams, I decided to become a doctor, opting for the surgery route. I enjoy working with my hands, as there’s a sense of satisfaction in solving a problem, tangible and calculable — much like a math equation. That’s why I like being a surgeon — when someone comes to me with an issue that I can change and solve with cutting or building, it takes me back to the days of working with my father. I can solve it, show it, and be satisfied.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

My first experience in a clinic was at a bustling practice. When a lead physician had to take an unplanned leave, I was tasked with taking on a large caseload of up to 60 patients daily. In this high-pressure environment, I quickly had to master various skills, particularly facial aesthetics and contouring, as most of my work at that time involved filler treatments. This experience was pivotal in accelerating my professional growth. Being thrown into the deep end taught me an immense amount, and I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to that first doctor, whose unexpected leave turned into one of the most formative (and interesting) experiences of my career.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

When I was interviewing for residency, I had an awkward experience where my then-girlfriend, now-wife, lived in Chicago while I was traveling to Philadelphia for an interview. To make it for an early morning flight, I woke up at 5 a.m. and hastily grabbed a black suit from her closet since I wasn’t living with her then, but I had some of my belongings stored there. Once I arrived at the interview, I changed in the parking garage of my rental car, soon discovering that I’d mistakenly grabbed my wife’s blue SPANDEX pants instead of my own. Throughout the entire day of the extended interview alongside other candidates, I courageously wore her pants with my black suit, even jokingly claiming they were expensive Italian pants. This experience taught me a valuable lesson about taking risks, stepping out of my comfort zone, and persevering through challenging situations. It reinforced the importance of pushing myself to grow and overcome obstacles with determination, drive, and resilience. It also showed off my nice legs.

Are you working on any new or exciting projects now?

Currently, I am involved in an exciting endeavor where I am collaborating with a company to develop a customized chin implant that focuses on achieving a slender and sleek appearance while enhancing the jawline. I have worked on multiple iterations of this implant. In conjunction with that, I am utilizing 3D printing technology to create pre- and post-operative pictures of patients’ heads. This project offers a unique opportunity for growth and learning. It allows me to blend art and medicine intriguingly. I’m currently working on shopping out the 3D-printed heads to different art galleries to showcase the transformative effects of these implants. It’s an extraordinary fusion of human art, capturing changes in people’s faces. The entire process is incredibly cool and especially rewarding!

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

You know, I owe a great deal of credit to my wife and kids. During the early stages, when I was starting, I had to invest a significant amount of time and manage high levels of stress. My wife and I experienced the birth of our first child on the same day as my fellowship began, which created a challenging situation! Despite that, I pushed myself to work hard and give it my all. Financial constraints were a reality back then, and we had to navigate those challenges. Looking back, the accelerated growth in my career is due to the unwavering support of my wife and the motivation I derive from my children. They are my driving force, and their well-being and happiness remain my priority.

Is there a particular book that made an impact on you? Can you share a story?

I don’t have a particular book per se, but I highly enjoyed the Freakonomics series. It aligns with my data-driven approach to life. Economists by trade, the authors explore and analyze various complex topics through data and statistics, offering unique insights and thought-provoking perspectives. I tend to run my life this way — retroactively looking at data and numbers, attempting to understand the reasons behind fluctuations in various aspects of my life.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

I firmly believe in the transformative power of aesthetic changes and their profound impact on an individual’s confidence and well-being. Every day, I witness firsthand how enhancing someone’s appearance can positively change their outlook on life and their place in the world. This is a passion of mine that I approach with genuine enthusiasm and empathy.

Beyond my work in plastic surgery and to ensure my mother still thinks I’m a real doctor, I’m deeply committed to giving back to my community. I’m involved with a local nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting survivors of domestic violence, particularly those who have suffered facial trauma or scarring. Through this initiative, we provide reconstructive procedures free of charge, offering hope and healing.

Additionally, I’ve served at Cook County Hospital for over a decade, specializing in trauma and reconstructive surgery for cancer patients. This commitment to serving others, especially in moments of vulnerability and hardship, is a cornerstone of my professional ethos. These experiences exemplify my dedication to making a meaningful difference in people’s lives inside and outside the operating room.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share a story about how that was relevant to you in your own life?

Oh, life lessons… an ongoing journey. While I don’t have a specific quote at the ready, I firmly believe that success hinges on how we view challenges — as simply obstacles to overcome. Life is filled with positive and negative experiences, and our response to them shapes our path. Whether we’re young or old, it’s essential to reflect on how we react to life’s ups and downs, as this ultimately influences our future trajectory and our ability to contribute positively. Responding with love and resilience can make a difference in a world that could always use more compassion.

Here is the main question of our interview. What are your “5 Things You Need To Create A Successful Career As A Plastic Surgeon’’ and why? (Please share a story or example for each.)

To excel as a plastic surgeon, you must embody several qualities.

  1. Firstly, an unwavering drive is essential. Becoming a plastic surgeon is arduous, demanding countless hours of effort and dedication. Without fierce determination propelling you forward, the challenges and sacrifices inherent in this field can quickly become insurmountable obstacles.
  2. Secondly, kindness is paramount. Unlike other medical specialties, plastic surgery is often elective, meaning patients have the freedom to choose their provider. So, cultivating a reputation for compassion and empathy is crucial in attracting and retaining clientele.
  3. Thirdly, in the dynamic world of plastic surgery, my specialties of jawline sculpting and chin augmentation stand as a testament to how innovation and creativity can sculpt not just bone and tissue, but also confidence and identity. Pushing the boundaries with inventive techniques and personalized approaches is what sets a surgeon apart in a field teeming with talent. It’s not just about the technical mastery of the craft; it’s about pioneering new methods and offering bespoke enhancements that transform and resonate on a personal level. This commitment to innovation is the heartbeat of my practice, and drives the continuous evolution of my work in jawline and chin aesthetics.
  4. Fourthly, a solid understanding of the business side of medicine is super important. Despite being trained as medical professionals, plastic surgeons must navigate complex business decisions while prioritizing patient care. Striking this balance effectively demands a keen business acumen and dedication to ethical practice.
  5. Lastly, genuine passion for the craft is non-negotiable. Plastic surgery is a field where enthusiasm shines through, impacting patient outcomes and satisfaction. Embracing the responsibility of enhancing beauty while ensuring patient well-being requires a deep love for the profession. To thrive as a plastic surgeon, one must embody ambition, compassion, creativity, business savvy, and genuine passion. It’s a demanding yet gratifying path for those who embrace its challenges and opportunities.

What are the “myths” that you would like to dispel about being a plastic surgeon? Can you explain what you mean?

You know, there are a lot of misconceptions out there. Many peg us as mere money-chasers, but I’m here to dispel that notion. Financial stability matters to us, but it’s not our sole focus. I like that I have a career that supports my family and my lifestyle. Still, at the same time, I find immense satisfaction in bringing joy to my patients. It’s evening out those two things to a certain degree. Balancing financial security with genuine patient care can be challenging; often, one seems to come at the expense of the other. However, in plastic surgery, we’re fortunate to achieve both. Unlike some medical fields where this balance feels out of reach, we’ve crafted an environment where we can excel in both realms: financial stability and exceptional patient care.

If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of wellness to the most amount of people, what would that be?

I would start by encouraging physical activity! Stretching and even light exercise rank second only to diet in importance. While we know diet is crucial, it’s a topic often discussed. Exercise offers mental and physical health benefits, improving overall wellness; I would prioritize it for everybody.

We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them.

Jeff Bezos stands out as someone I’d love to meet. He’s undeniably a visionary who’s navigated risks with remarkable success. Exploring his failures would be incredibly insightful; we often glean our most profound lessons through setbacks. His journey from humble beginnings to titan is a testament to grit, vision, and courage, especially evident in Amazon’s early days. Of course, I’d love to glean his entrepreneurial insight aboard his Mediterranean yacht.

What is the best way our readers can follow you online?

It’s hard not to find me!

For insights into the art of jawline sculpting, chin implants, and chin augmentation, follow my latest endeavors online at Impressions Face & Body. Join me on social media @impressionsfaceandbody to see how we redefine aesthetics with precision and care. You can also discover the transformative results of my work by following @manyfacesofchicago. These channels are where I share the beauty of our craft and the remarkable changes we bring to faces — and lives.

Thank you so much for these wonderful insights!

