Dr Heather Grossman On The 5 Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Children Thrive and Excel In School
Stay rational! To a child, a negative incident in school can seem catastrophic. Without invalidating their concerns, help guide them to focus on their strengths and joys without putting themselves down for their challenges. There is no need to be great at everything and it is easy for some kids to get caught up in thinking they do, and this can cause great anxiety and actually shut them down for learning. De-emphasize grades and comparisons to other children’s grades/performance. Remember that children need to have fun and lots of down-time. Don’t be afraid to modify your child’s homework if it becomes overwhelming.
School is really not easy these days. Many students have been out of school for a long time because of the pandemic, and the continued disruptions and anxieties are still breaking the flow of normal learning. What can parents do to help their children…