Dr Natalie Pennington of The University of Nevada: “5 Things I Learned From The Social Isolation of the COVID19 Pandemic”

An Interview With Phil LaDuke

Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine


Be proactive. If you are missing friends and family, don’t wait for them to come to you. Take the initiative to reach out. We have an innate need to belong and connect, and if we don’t take those steps on a daily basis the emotional and physical toll can add up over time. I recommend a text as a great starting point, just to say hi. It doesn’t have to be a big deep conversation; sometimes just an “I hope you’re doing OK” or picture can go a long way towards helping you and them.

With the success of the vaccines, we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel of this difficult period in our history. But before we jump back into the routine of the normal life that we lived in 2019, it would be a shame not to pause to reflect on what we have learned during this time. The social isolation caused by the pandemic really was an opportunity for a



Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine

Author of “I Know My Shoes Are Untied. Mind Your Own Business”, “Lone Gunman. Rewriting the Handbook on Workplace Violence Prevention”, and “Blood on my hands