EdTech: Riaz Moola of HyperionDev On How Their Technology Will Make An Important Positive Impact On Education

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
8 min readJun 25, 2024

Instead of getting caught up in the technology of the day, prioritise your personal growth and development. It’s important to remember that the need for continuous personal evolution will never waver, so focusing on building the skillsets that will help you to make a lasting impact on our environment and society as a whole is key.

In recent years, Big Tech has gotten a bad rep. But of course, many tech companies are doing important work making monumental positive changes to society, health, and the environment. To highlight these, we started a new interview series about “Technology Making An Important Positive Social Impact”. We are interviewing leaders of tech companies who are creating or have created a tech product that is helping to make a positive change in people’s lives or the environment. In this particular installment, we are talking to leaders of Education Technology companies, who share how their tech is helping to improve our educational system. As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Riaz Moola.

Riaz Moola is the Founder and CEO of HyperionDev and CoGrammar, pioneering tech education solutions in Africa and globally. He has received prestigious honours, including the Gates Cambridge Scholarship, and has been named a Forbes 30 under 30 entrepreneur.

With extensive experience in academia and industry, Riaz works to close the global tech skills gap through innovative coding bootcamps and human-mentored code review systems. He has collaborated with top universities and tech companies, leading efforts to address the UK skills gap. Recently, he participated in an EdTech roundtable about harnessing the benefits of AI in education with other education leaders, hosted by Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden and Education Secretary Gillian Keegan.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory and how you grew up?

I was born as a South African citizen of Indian descent, just two years after apartheid officially ended. I began my studies in Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa, where racial segregation was still prevalent. After transferring to the University of Edinburgh, I completed my undergraduate degree in AI and Computer Science while working on building HyperionDev. I pursued an MPhil in Advanced Computer Science at the University of Cambridge in 2015 and later worked as part of the search team at Google where I contributed to projects like Google Voice Search and the latest version of Android.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

Back in 2017, HyperionDev won Facebook’s top award for innovation in education in Africa. It was an incredible honour to be recognised for our hard work, and to top it off, Mark Zuckerberg congratulated the winners in a Facebook post. I later went on to meet Mark Zuckerberg in person. Despite being jet-lagged, I was honoured to have had the chance to chat with such a renowned figure in the tech world. It was a surreal experience that I will never forget.

Can you please give us your favourite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“Embrace the unpredictability of life and always be ready to adapt, evolve, and grow.”

Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Resilience has been crucial in overcoming obstacles and setbacks on the journey to building HyperionDev. When we faced challenges early on, it was my resilience that enabled me to persevere and find solutions. Creativity has allowed me to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. In the early days of HyperionDev, creative marketing strategies, such as partnering with universities and offering unique coding bootcamps, allowed us to differentiate ourselves and attract a loyal customer base. This creative approach has continued to drive our success today. Ambition has also been the driving force behind the growth and expansion of HyperionDev. From the beginning, I had a clear vision of where I wanted to take the company and worked tirelessly to make it a reality. I constantly set ambitious goals for myself and the team, pushing us to achieve more and strive for excellence. This ambition has led to HyperionDev becoming a leading player in the edtech industry, with a global reach and impact.

What problems are HyperionDev aiming to solve?

HyperionDev aims to tackle critical challenges in tech education, such as the high dropout rates from online programming courses, closing the ever-growing tech skills gap, and meeting the need for a personalised approach to tech education. Our solution integrates one-on-one human mentoring and code review into every step of the bootcamps providing direct technical help, personalised learning experiences, and comprehensive career support to ensure students are job-ready within six months.

How do you think HyperionDev can address these problems?

HyperionDev can address the problems in tech education by offering personalised human mentoring and code reviews. This approach ensures that students receive immediate, tailored feedback on their code, helping them understand and fix errors more effectively than automated systems. Additionally, the human element in their mentorship provides emotional support and motivation, reducing dropout rates and enhancing the overall learning experience, ultimately preparing students to be job-ready within a short timeframe.

Can you tell us the backstory about what inspired you to originally feel passionate about education?

The motivation for setting up HyperionDev stemmed directly from witnessing the depressing drop-out rates in South African universities for computer science degrees. Witnessing the country’s staggering average failure rate of 88%, I couldn’t see South Africa meeting its tech demands, and I wanted to change that. My initial idea was a simple one: an online course where people struggling with limited internet access — a reality in South Africa — could still become programmers.

To address these distinctive circumstances for many in Africa, I developed a simple online course in Python to teach students the basics of Artificial Intelligence with small files rather than the large data-hungry videos offered in many massive open online courses (MOOCs). The course gained traction organically across various universities in South Africa, receiving an enthusiastic response from individuals seeking affordable and accessible programming courses. HyperionDev is now the largest online coding bootcamp in Africa and has successfully expanded internationally to over 40 countries.

How do you think your technology might change the world?

HyperionDev’s technology has the potential to change the world by democratising access to high-quality tech education through human-led mentoring and personalised code reviews. This approach not only tackles the global tech skills gap but also empowers individuals from diverse backgrounds to excel in coding and secure well-paying tech jobs. By fostering a new generation of skilled developers, our programs can drive innovation, stimulate economic growth, and promote inclusivity within the technology sector worldwide.

Keeping the “Law of Unintended Consequences” in mind, can you see any potential drawbacks about this technology that people should think more deeply about?

HyperionDev’s technology has the potential to reshape tech education and employment by enhancing the accessibility and effectiveness of high-quality coding education through human mentoring and support. This approach addresses the global skills gap by equipping more individuals with practical, industry-relevant skills, thereby increasing their employability in the tech sector. By combining structured, mentor-led learning and real-world coding practice, HyperionDev can democratise tech education, enabling a diverse range of people to pursue careers in software development and related fields.

However, it’s essential to consider the “Law of Unintended Consequences”. Potential drawbacks include the risk of over-reliance on mentor feedback, potentially hindering the development of independent problem-solving skills in learners. Additionally, the scalability of personalised mentoring may pose challenges, potentially leading to inconsistencies in the quality of education as the program expands. Lastly, an increase in tech graduates could saturate certain job markets, potentially heightening competition and making it harder for qualified individuals to find employment.

How do you envision the landscape of education evolving over the next decade, and how does your technology fit into that future?

Looking ahead to the next decade, the education sector is on the brink of significant transformation driven by technological advancements and a greater emphasis on accessibility and personalised learning. Traditional classroom models are giving way to hybrid and fully online learning environments, enabling students to access education from anywhere in the world. This shift is fueled by the growing availability of high-speed internet, advancements in AI, and the proliferation of digital learning platforms.

At HyperionDev, we are at the forefront of this educational evolution. Our technology leverages the power of human mentorship combined with automated tools to deliver a deeply personalised learning experience. While technology offers scalability and accessibility, we firmly believe that the human element is essential for effective learning. By integrating one-on-one mentoring and real-world code reviews into our curriculum, we ensure that students not only learn to code but also understand industry standards and practices from the start.

Over the next decade, we envision a future where education is more inclusive, flexible, and tailored to individual learning styles. HyperionDev’s approach addresses the current gaps in tech education by providing immediate, personalised feedback and support, effectively reducing dropout rates, and enhancing student success. Our partnerships with leading universities and tech companies further ensure that our curriculum remains relevant and aligns with industry demands, preparing students for the job market of tomorrow.

In this evolving landscape, HyperionDev is committed to democratising tech education and closing the global skills gap. By continually refining our methods and embracing new technologies, we aim to empower a diverse range of learners to achieve their full potential in the tech industry.

How do you ensure the ethical handling of user data, especially when it concerns students?

At HyperionDev, we take the ethical handling of user data very seriously, especially when it concerns our students. We are committed to ensuring privacy through comprehensive data protection measures as outlined in our privacy policy. Utilising advanced security technologies and implementing strict access controls, we strive to safeguard personal information from unauthorised access, use, or disclosure. Additionally, we ensure transparency with our users by clearly communicating the data we collect and its purpose, aligning with data protection regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

If you could tell other young people one thing about why they should consider making a positive impact on our environment or society, like you, what would you tell them?

Instead of getting caught up in the technology of the day, prioritise your personal growth and development. It’s important to remember that the need for continuous personal evolution will never waver, so focusing on building the skillsets that will help you to make a lasting impact on our environment and society as a whole is key.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

To stay updated on my work and the latest developments at HyperionDev, you can follow us on our social media platforms. Connect with HyperionDev on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for news, events, and insights into our innovative coding education programs. Additionally, you can follow my personal updates and insights on my LinkedIn page.

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational, and we wish you continued success in your important work.

