Education Revolution: Mathew Georghiou Of MediaSpark On Innovative Approaches That Are Transforming Education

An interview with Eden Gold

Eden Gold
Authority Magazine
6 min readMay 10, 2024


How challenging the education industry is and continues to be.

The landscape of education is undergoing a profound transformation, propelled by technological advancements, pedagogical innovations, and a deepened understanding of learning diversities. Traditional classrooms are evolving, and new modes of teaching and learning are emerging to better prepare students for the complexities of the modern world. This series will take a look at the groundbreaking work being done across the globe to redefine education. As a part of this interview series, we had the pleasure to interview Mathew Georghiou.

Mathew is an engineer, inventor, designer, writer, and entrepreneur. Mathew is a leading expert in the design of educational games and simulations and his creations have reached millions of people around the world through thousands of schools, nonprofits, government agencies, and Fortune 500 companies. Mathew has founded and operates businesses in educational technology, toys, social media news and advertising, and metal art and signage.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share the “backstory” behind what brought you to this particular career path?

I grew up in the first generation of gamers — with the Atari, Colecovision, Vic 20, and other first-generation consoles. I think games changed how I think and view the world and helped me discover how powerful they can be for learning.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Over the years two publicly-traded companies wanted to acquire my business but both went bankrupt before the deals closed.

Can you briefly share with our readers why you are an authority in the education field?

I’ve been designing and selling educational games and simulations for 25 years. My programs have reached millions of learners through thousands of schools, universities, nonprofits, and businesses around the world.

Can you identify some areas of the US education system that are going really great?

The education system is vast and I don’t have sufficient visibility to know about all the great things that may be happening. But if I were to take a macro view at a global level, I would say it is access to education. Young people in the US have much greater access than many in other parts of the world.

Can you identify the key areas of the US education system that should be prioritized for improvement? Can you explain why those are so critical?

There are many competing priorities, but in my area of experience, it has to be curriculum delivery. How education is delivered, measured, assessed, and credentialed needs to be reimagined. Old-school methods are too slow and uninspiring.

Please tell us all about the innovative educational approaches that you are using. What is the specific problem that you aim to solve, and how have you addressed it?

My focus is on experiential learning — sometimes described as learning by doing. There are many things in life that must be experienced to be fully understood. Conventional learning methods using textbooks, lectures, videos, and quizzes fall short.

My team and I have created a learning methodology that we describe as “experiential + social + gamified.” We have applied this methodology to build a series of educational games and simulations, called GoVenture, that leverage the power of experiential and game-based learning.

In what ways do you think your approach might shape the future of education? What evidence supports this?

When designed properly, experiential learning is faster, more effective, and more enjoyable. Technology can be used to scale learning to reach more people at low cost. And assessment methods can be automated and provide authentic and rigorous credentialing of skills.

Research continues to show that experiential learning is the best way to learn and more and more people and organizations are adopting game-based learning.

How do you measure the impact of your innovative educational practices on students’ learning and well-being?

Intuitively, most of us know that learning by doing is better. There has been more and more research published on the benefits of game-based learning.

But we measure our impact directly from the feedback we receive from our users. Educators tell us that student engagement is higher than before. Students tell us they are excited to play and learn, rather than be a burden. Adults have told us that they became entrepreneurs because they discovered a love of business through our programs.

Learning that is faster saves money. Learning that better facilitates skill development and credentialing creates economic opportunity. Learning that is scalable becomes accessible to more people. Learning that is enjoyable expands minds. These benefits are too good to pass up.

What challenges have you faced in implementing your educational innovations, and how have you overcome them?

When I launched our first educational game in 2000, I couldn’t use the word “game” to describe it because gaming was considered an activity purely for entertainment — or worse, as a time waster. Few people understood the powerful learning that happens with playing games and how this could be harnessed in schools.

So, I would use other terms like simulation and experiential learning to get in the door and demonstrate the program. Once people saw the program, they immediately understood the benefits.

The skepticism towards gaming in education continued for many years, and while attitudes have become much more enlightened today, there are still many pockets of resistance.

We have overcome these challenges in two ways. First, by creating highly advanced products that are versatile, affordable, and easy to implement. And second, through sheer grit and determination.

Keeping in mind the “Law of Unintended Consequences” can you see any potential drawbacks of this innovation that people should think more deeply about?

The biggest drawback of this type of learning is the cost of development. Developing the types of advanced experiences that we create requires unique skills and takes much more time than conventional learning methods.

This type of learning can also influence behavior more effectively than other methods. This makes it possible for poor quality content or bad actors to misdirect hearts and minds.

What are your “5 Things I Wish I Knew When I First Started”?

1 . How challenging the education industry is and continues to be.

2 . Business is a marathon not a sprint.

3 . Pivoting is ok.

4 . Relationships top everything.

5 . Invest in Apple stock (the company was on the verge of bankruptcy when I started my business).

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

This is a quote of my own — “Always consider other people’s experiences of the world, but never assume them as your own.” I learned early on that people view the world differently and we need to experience things ourselves to come to our own conclusions.

We are blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them :-)

I prefer to eat alone :-) Or with my wife and kids.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Visit my website at and consider subscribing to my newsletters and online communities.

Thank you so much for these insights! This was so inspiring!

Thank you 😊

About The Interviewer: Eden Gold, is a youth speaker, keynote speaker, founder of the online program Life After High School, and host of the Real Life Adulting Podcast. Being America’s rising force for positive change, Eden is a catalyst for change in shaping the future of education. With a lifelong mission of impacting the lives of 1 billion young adults, Eden serves as a practical guide, aiding young adults in honing their self-confidence, challenging societal conventions, and crafting a strategic roadmap towards the fulfilling lives they envision.

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Eden Gold
Authority Magazine

Youth speaker, keynote speaker, founder of Life After High School, and host of the Real Life Adulting Podcast