Edward Villanueva On 5 Proven Strategies for Increasing Lead Generation

An Interview with Rachel Kline

Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine
16 min readJun 19, 2023


Creating a Funnel: Designing a structured sales funnel can significantly improve conversions. An effective funnel guides potential customers through the buyer’s journey, from the first point of contact through to the final sale. For example, we managed to increase our conversion rates on sales calls simply by requiring potential customers to read a sales letter before joining the call. This primed them with the necessary information and context, making the call more effective and productive.

Generating quality leads is crucial for businesses in today’s competitive landscape, and finding innovative and effective ways to attract potential customers has become a top priority. In this interview series, we are talking with marketing experts, industry professionals, and thought leaders who can share insights and stories from their experience about the best strategies for effective lead generation. As a part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Edward Villanueva.

Edward Villanueva, an entrepreneur from Puerto Rico, took the initiative at just 17, launching a business with a mere $80 and running ads for local establishments. As his savvy in the business-to-business sector grew, he started providing top-notch outbound prospecting strategies to help service providers secure qualified leads. Today Edward Villanueva runs Villa Nouveau a lead generation and email marketing firm.

Thank you for doing this with us! Before we begin, our readers would like to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us the “backstory” about what brought you to this career path?

Thank you for having me, it’s a pleasure to be here! My path to digital marketing was quite the journey, a mixture of curiosity, determination, and a willingness to jump into the deep end. At the age of 18, I found myself interning at a marketing agency. It was there that I got a first-hand experience of how the industry worked, and it sparked something in me. I saw the potential in digital advertising and thought I could bring a fresh perspective to it.

However, starting out wasn’t easy. I was just a teenager with big ideas but limited resources and contacts. The world of marketing seemed vast and intimidating, but I knew I had to start somewhere. That’s when I began to learn the importance of self-reliance and resourcefulness. Since I didn’t have the money to run ads, I turned to a method that was both cost-effective and efficient — emailing.

This was where my real education began. I threw myself into learning everything I could about lead generation, networking, and persuasive communication. There was a lot of trial and error, a lot of late nights and frustration. But every failure was a lesson learned, every mistake, a stepping stone.

Can you share with our readers the most interesting or amusing story that has occurred to you in your career so far? Can you share the lesson or takeaway you took from that story?

Absolutely, it’s quite an interesting story indeed. One of the most memorable experiences in my career came about quite unexpectedly, and it’s still somewhat surreal when I think about it. A few years ago, I was reaching out to several potential clients via cold emails. There was a certain startup that had caught my attention, and I felt that they had great potential. I sent them an email, proposing how my services could help them grow further. As it turned out, they were impressed by my initiative and invited me to join them. In lieu of a traditional payment structure, they offered me equity in the company, a proposal I accepted with excitement. What happened next was nothing short of a miracle. Among the various cold emails I sent out, there was one that unintentionally ended up in the inbox of an executive at a much larger firm. I’d actually meant to send it to another company with a similar name, but it ended up being a fortunate error. The executive was intrigued by the proposition and the startup’s potential, and initiated talks with the startup.

Fast forward a few months, this unintentional email resulted in a joint venture deal worth $1.5 million a month for the startup. It was a game-changing moment for the company, and being a part of it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my career.

The takeaway from this story is that sometimes, the most unexpected outcomes can result from the most ordinary actions. You never know where a simple email can lead you, and it’s important to take chances and put yourself out there. This experience has reinforced my belief in the power of cold emailing, and the surprising opportunities it can unlock. I’ve also learned the value of embracing mistakes and serendipity, as they can sometimes lead to the most rewarding outcomes.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

Yes, indeed! My partner, Tomas, and I are currently working on a fascinating new project that we believe could revolutionize how companies approach their Sales Development Representatives (SDR) efforts. We’ve identified a common pain point among many businesses — the risk involved

with hiring inexperienced SDRs at high costs without any guarantee of results. To address this, we are developing an offer to double a company’s SDR efforts at half the cost. We understand that employing a team of SDRs can be expensive, and when those teams are inexperienced, the return on investment may not always justify the cost.

Our solution leverages our collective experience and expertise in sales and marketing. We’re confident that we can offer businesses a more efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional SDR roles. This will not only reduce the financial risk for companies but also improve the quality of their lead generation and sales efforts.

The goal is to enable businesses to grow and scale more effectively, without the concern of investing heavily in SDR resources that may not yield the desired results. We’re very excited about this project and believe it could significantly help many companies optimize their sales strategies and reduce costs.

For the benefit of our readers, can you tell us a bit about your experience with Lead Generation? Can you share an anecdote or two that illustrates your experience in this area?

Absolutely, I’d love to share a bit about my journey in lead generation. It’s an area I fell into quite organically, and it has shaped my professional life in significant ways.

I am, interestingly enough, a college dropout. While my peers were focusing on their studies, I was more intrigued by the practical aspects of business. I started my first venture in lead generation at a local level, focusing primarily on business-to-consumer leads. Despite my lack of formal education in the field, I was determined to learn and grow.

As I built my business, I had to learn how to generate leads for myself. This was a process of trial and error, and I invested every bit of my teenage allowance into various cold email software to streamline and optimize my efforts. I was literally learning from the ground up, using my own resources rather than riding on a company’s budget. I believe this gave me a unique perspective and appreciation for the value of each lead.

While my primary focus is on cold email and lead generation, I also manage significant advertising campaigns, spending into six figures annually. However, it’s important to note that advertising is not my main business; it’s a supplement to my lead generation efforts.

The interesting anecdote here is that despite this heavy investment in ads, my experience has shown that leads that go through a lead nurturing process often yield higher conversion rates. This has been a powerful lesson and a defining aspect of my approach to lead generation and customer acquisition.

In one particular instance, I noticed that leads we were getting from our advertising efforts weren’t converting as high as we would have liked. It was frustrating, given the amount of money we were spending. That’s when we decided to implement a lead nurturing process, with the goal of building relationships with these potential customers, rather than just trying to sell to them outright.

We began providing value, educating them about our services, and addressing their pain points, essentially guiding them through the buyer’s journey at a pace that was comfortable for them. The impact was significant. Our conversion rates improved, and we started seeing a better return on our advertising investment.

How do you determine which channels to invest in for lead generation, and which ones have been most successful for you?

Determining the right channels for lead generation is an essential aspect of a successful marketing strategy, and it primarily depends on who you’re targeting.

When dealing with business-to-business (B2B) scenarios, my experience has shown that cold email is an incredibly effective method. It allows for direct communication with decision-makers and provides an opportunity to tailor your message in a way that can grab their attention and establish a connection.

For business-to-consumer (B2C) scenarios, the ideal channel often depends on the nature of the search traffic. If there is significant search traffic around the product or service, Google can be a potent tool. The power of search engine marketing is that it captures people who are already actively looking for what you offer, increasing the chances of conversion.

If there isn’t much search traffic, Facebook tends to be more effective. It allows you to target potential customers based on their interests and demographics, effectively reaching out to those who might not be actively searching for what you offer, but would still be interested.

It’s important to note that while cold calling can generate a high volume of leads, the quality of these leads can be variable. Cold calling is often a numbers game, and while it can yield results, it may not always provide the high-quality, interested leads that other methods can.

In conclusion, the most successful channels really depend on the specific situation, the audience you’re targeting, and the nature of the product or service. By understanding these elements, you can better choose the channels that will deliver the best results for your lead generation efforts.

How do you balance lead quantity with lead quality? What metrics do you use to measure the quality of your leads, and how do you ensure sales and marketing are aligned?

Balancing lead quantity with quality is one of the key challenges in any lead generation strategy. High volumes of leads can seem promising, but if those leads aren’t turning into customers, then it’s not benefiting the business in the long run.

Often, lead quality issues stem from misalignment between marketing efforts and sales needs, or the channel from which the leads are sourced. For instance, if leads are incentivized to get on calls, this may increase the number of leads but decrease their overall quality. They may just be interested in the incentive rather than genuinely interested in the product or service, which results in lower conversion rates.

The most effective way to measure lead quality is by analyzing conversion rates from lead to sale. High conversion rates generally indicate high-quality leads, as these are people who are not only interested in what you’re offering, but are also willing to make a purchase.

Alignment between marketing and sales is crucial for maintaining lead quality. This can be achieved through regular communication and feedback. Sales teams are at the front line, interacting directly with leads and customers, and as such, they have firsthand insights into what works and what doesn’t. By providing consistent feedback to the marketing team, they can help shape marketing strategies and ensure that lead generation efforts are targeted and effective. To summarize, balancing lead quantity with quality requires a thorough understanding of your audience, effective measurement and feedback mechanisms, and a coordinated approach between sales and marketing. This helps ensure that not only are you generating enough leads, but those leads are also likely to convert into customers, which is the ultimate goal.

What are the biggest challenges you see companies facing when it comes to lead generation, and how do you suggest they overcome them?

There are two main challenges I frequently see companies struggling with when it comes to lead generation:

1. Insufficient Pipeline Volume: Many companies struggle with generating enough leads to fill their sales pipeline. This scarcity can create a mindset of desperation within sales teams, which can negatively affect their interactions with potential customers and ultimately lower conversion rates. Salespeople operating from an abundance mindset, knowing they have plenty of leads to work with, are more likely to approach each potential customer with confidence, patience, and a focus on relationship-building, which are key to closing deals.

To overcome this challenge, companies should focus on scaling up their lead generation efforts. This could involve investing in more channels, refining their targeting strategy, or enhancing their lead magnet or value proposition to attract more leads. Another solution is to improve the efficiency of the lead generation process, for instance by automating

certain aspects or using more effective tools and software.

2. Low Quality Leads: This is often a result of strategies like offering incentives to get on calls, or bait and switch techniques. While these may increase the number of leads, they often lead to a lower quality of leads, as many are motivated by the incentive rather than a genuine interest in the product or service.

The key to overcoming this challenge is to focus on attracting leads who have a genuine interest or need for your offering. This could involve refining the messaging to better communicate the value proposition, or targeting more niche audiences who are likely to be interested in the product or service. Companies should also prioritize transparency and honesty in their marketing efforts, avoiding strategies that may attract leads under false pretenses.

By addressing these challenges, companies can significantly improve both the volume and quality of their leads, leading to a healthier sales pipeline and higher conversion rates.

What role do marketing automation and CRM systems play in your lead generation strategy, and how do you use technology or AI to streamline the process?

Marketing automation and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems play pivotal roles in any efficient lead generation strategy, including mine.

CRM systems help manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. This data aids in improving business relationships, customer retention, and driving sales growth. From a lead generation perspective, a CRM system is indispensable for tracking interactions with potential customers, segmenting and scoring leads, and ensuring a smooth handoff to sales.

On the other hand, marketing automation plays a crucial role in streamlining and scaling lead generation efforts. It can automate repetitive tasks such as email marketing, social media posting, and even ad campaigns, freeing up time for more strategic tasks. In my process, about 80% is automated, allowing me to focus on refining strategies and engaging with potential customers in more meaningful ways.

As for the use of technology and AI, they are potent tools for enhancing lead generation efforts. AI can be used to generate new ideas, conduct market research, and optimize marketing strategies. For instance, I use AI to anticipate potential objections that might arise from my marketing efforts. This allows me to address those objections proactively in my messaging, thereby increasing the effectiveness of my lead generation.

Furthermore, AI can also be used to analyze customer behavior and predict future trends, which can inform targeting and personalization strategies. It can automate aspects of content creation, personalization, and even customer service, all of which can enhance lead generation. To sum up, technology, AI, CRM, and marketing automation tools are all instrumental in creating an efficient, scalable, and effective lead generation process. They not only automate mundane tasks but also provide valuable insights that can significantly improve the quality and quantity of leads generated.

Can you share an example of a successful lead generation campaign you’ve led? What made it so effective?

Certainly, I’d be delighted to share. I’ve led many lead generation campaigns throughout my career, but one principle consistently makes them effective: focusing on benefits and outcomes, not just services or features.

Take for instance, one of the campaigns where I used cold emailing for my clients. Instead of saying “I can send emails for you,” which emphasizes the service I provide and not the outcome, I reframe the value proposition. I say, “Interested in getting 10–15 new qualified sales appointments every month?” This statement underlines the tangible benefit they would receive by using my service. It’s not about sending emails, it’s about generating valuable sales appointments.

This approach focuses on the results the potential client can expect, which immediately makes it more appealing. They don’t just want someone to send emails; they want someone to help them get more sales appointments. By speaking directly to that desire, I’m able to generate more interest and, consequently, more high-quality leads.

It’s this emphasis on outcomes and benefits that has consistently contributed to the success of my lead generation campaigns. This approach provides clarity and direction to potential clients, helping them understand exactly how my services can help them achieve their goals. This outcome-oriented strategy has been a cornerstone of my success in lead generation.

Here is the main question of our interview. What are your 5 proven strategies for increasing lead generation? If you can, please share a story or example for each.

1. Creating a Funnel: Designing a structured sales funnel can significantly improve conversions. An effective funnel guides potential customers through the buyer’s journey, from the first point of contact through to the final sale. For example, we managed to increase our conversion rates on sales calls simply by requiring potential customers to read a sales letter before joining the call. This primed them with the necessary information and context, making the call more effective and productive.

2. Balancing Outbound and Inbound Leads: While outbound strategies can generate leads more quickly, inbound leads are often of higher quality. Inbound marketing attracts individuals who are already interested in your product or service, meaning they’re more likely to convert. However, the challenge with inbound is that you don’t get to choose them; they choose you. So, it’s about creating valuable content and opportunities that attract the right kind of prospects to your business.

3. Refining your Positioning: Your positioning in the market must be on point. It’s not just about what you do, but why it matters to your potential customers. If your positioning is off, you might face trust issues and low conversion rates. Potential clients need to trust that you understand their needs and can deliver the right solutions. This can be achieved by clearly communicating your unique value proposition and backing it up with social proof, like testimonials or case studies.

4. Sales Experience Enhances Marketing: To be a better marketer, you need to understand sales. The insights gained from the sales process can greatly improve your marketing efforts. For instance, by doing sales, you’ll get a firsthand understanding of the common objections, questions, and concerns that prospects have. This knowledge can then be used to refine your marketing messages and make your lead generation efforts more effective.

5. Volume Negates Luck: This is all about playing the numbers game. When you put your services in front of a large number of people, your chances of finding interested and qualified leads increase substantially. It’s the law of large numbers — the more people you reach out to, the more likely you are to generate positive responses, even if the conversion rate remains constant. In essence, you’re making it virtually impossible to fail. Let’s say, for example, your service has a conversion rate of 1%. If you reach out to 100 people, you’re likely to make one sale. But if you reach out to 10,000 people, that number could potentially jump to 100 sales. The increase in volume allows you to maximize the opportunities available and negate the element of luck. Therefore, scaling your reach and consistently putting your services in front of more people can significantly enhance your lead generation results. This principle holds whether you’re using outbound strategies like cold emailing, or inbound strategies like content marketing.

What trends do you see emerging in this space that businesses should be paying attention to?

Indeed, the digital marketing and lead generation landscape is evolving rapidly. Here are a couple of trends I believe businesses should keep an eye on:

1. Short-form Content for Lead Generation: Attention spans are shortening, and with the rise of platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, short-form content is becoming increasingly popular. This type of content is quick to consume, highly shareable, and can be incredibly effective at capturing attention. Businesses can leverage this trend by creating short, engaging pieces of content that highlight the value of their product or service, or provide useful information related to their industry. These can serve as lead magnets, attracting potential customers and encouraging them to learn more.

2. Direct Response Marketing: As the digital landscape becomes more crowded, direct response marketing methods are becoming more important. These methods involve making a specific, direct call-to-action (CTA) to prompt an immediate response from the audience. This could involve signing up for a newsletter, downloading a whitepaper, registering for a webinar, or making a purchase. The key is to provide a clear, compelling reason for the audience to take immediate action. Direct response marketing is highly measurable and results-driven, making it an effective strategy for lead generation.

Furthermore, we’re seeing the integration of AI and machine learning technologies in lead generation efforts. AI can provide deeper insights into customer behavior, automate repetitive tasks, and even personalize content at scale, making your lead generation efforts more efficient and effective.

By keeping an eye on these trends and adjusting their strategies accordingly, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and maximize their lead generation results.

We are nearly done. You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the greatest amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

That’s a wonderful thought! I strongly believe in the transformative power of understanding and empathy. They are key to establishing meaningful connections, bridging divides, and fostering collaborative relationships.

If I could inspire a movement, it would be one that encourages people to pursue and embrace diverse life experiences. I believe that our experiences significantly shape us, inform our perspectives, and deepen our understanding of the world around us. By actively seeking out new experiences, we expose ourselves to different cultures, ideas, and ways of thinking that challenge our assumptions and broaden our horizons.

These experiences not only enhance our personal and professional lives, but they also make us more empathetic. When we experience a wide variety of situations, we’re better able to understand and appreciate the experiences of others. This greater understanding promotes tolerance, inclusivity, and kindness, values that our world needs more of today. This movement wouldn’t just be about traveling or taking on adventurous pursuits, though those are certainly part of it. It’s about saying yes to opportunities, meeting new people, learning new skills, volunteering for a cause you care about, and continually seeking to grow and learn. Imagine a world where everyone is open to new experiences and perspectives. This openness would promote greater understanding, empathy, and respect amongst individuals, communities, and nations, ultimately contributing to a more peaceful, inclusive world. That’s the kind of movement I would be proud to inspire!

How can our readers further follow your work online?

My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edward-villanueva-451001232/

Thank you for the interview. We wish you only continued success!



Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine

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