Ehsan of Visions by Ehsan: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became An Artist

Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine
Published in
15 min readJun 19, 2023

Stay in alignment with your truth and co-create it with God. Seek guidance from Him every step of the way, as He knows everything and can guide you.

As a part of our series about “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me When I First Became An Artist” I had the pleasure of interviewing Ehsan.

Ehsan, an influential artist, embodies a passion for peace amidst the darkness he witnessed in his youth, and his remarkable project, The Vision of Unity and Peace, aims to unite the world through a physical symbol of hope. Most of us feel great concern about the war, hate, and fear raging around us, but Ehsan’s art inspires global peace and supports charities, inviting others to be part of his vision by collecting, sharing, and supporting his work.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

Growing up, my story is shaped by a fusion of cultures and experiences that have deeply influenced my artistic journey. Born and raised in Sweden to Iranian parents, my early years were marked by a sense of duality, bridging the gap between two vibrant worlds. At the age of 10, for two years my family relocated to Iran, where I witnessed the devastating impact of the Iran/Iraq War and the plight of those affected by senseless violence. It was during this time that my father’s selfless acts of offering food to refugees and victims left an indelible mark on my heart, instilling in me a profound empathy and an unwavering desire for peace.

However, my family’s journey was not without its challenges. In Sweden we faced prejudice and discrimination in our new surroundings, being labeled as “gypsies” and subjected to disdain. These experiences heightened my awareness of the importance of unity and harmony among diverse communities. It was clear to me that my life’s purpose was to use my artistic gifts to advocate for peace and bring people together.

At the age of 18, I embarked on a new chapter when I moved to Southern California, just as the world was shaken by the tragic events of 9/11. This pivotal moment became a catalyst for my artistic calling. Fueled by a deep-rooted determination, I began channeling my emotions and aspirations into my paintings. Through vibrant textures and mesmerizing bold colors, I discovered the transformative power of art as a medium for healing and unity.

Under the guidance of a master artist in California, I honed my skills and expanded my artistic horizons. I delved into the realm of creativity, constantly pushing the boundaries of my craft. In 2003, I gave a name to my artistic vision — the Vision of Unity and Peace. It became more than just a collection of artworks; it became a movement, a testament to the human capacity for compassion and understanding.

Today, as an artist, I strive to embody this unwavering passion and purpose. My work resonates with a message of peace that emerges from the depths of darkness and turmoil. Through each brushstroke and composition, I aim to ignite a sense of unity and encourage dialogue that transcends cultural and societal boundaries.

As I continue to grow and evolve as an artist, I am humbled by the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the world. With every stroke of my brush, I hope to inspire others to embrace compassion, embrace unity, and join me in the pursuit of a more harmonious and peaceful existence for all.

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?

Throughout my art career, there have been four significant occasions that have shaped my journey and propelled me towards my artistic calling.

The first occasion occurred during my fifth grade in Iran. It was a challenging time for me as I had to catch up with five years of Iranian schooling, all in the Persian language. The conservative and disciplinary schooling system added to the pressure, and I was barely making it through. However, a bonus opportunity arose during our biology class. Our teacher offered extra points for creating great art drawings, and I desperately needed those points to pass the class. Despite having no prior experience or interest in drawing, I decided to give it a try. I traced the outlines of Bullyland Goofy from a Disney book, meticulously coloring it to match the picture. Though I felt guilty about cheating, I mustered the courage to show the drawing to my teacher. To my surprise, she was impressed, considering it an incredible work of talent. She shared it with the entire class, and even the principal praised my skills. This experience ignited my interest in art, as I associated it with reward and acknowledgment. From then on, I showed sincere dedication to art, achieving A+ grades throughout my 12th-grade schooling.

The second occasion unfolded when I was 14 and attending middle school in Sweden. Ralph, our art teacher, recognized my talent and became a mentor to me. I spent countless hours creating art after school, and I had a secret motive behind one particular artwork — to capture the attention of a girl I had a crush on. The painting turned out to be exceptional and was chosen as the best painting of the year. It was displayed in the food court for everyone to see. This recognition solidified my belief in pursuing art as a lifelong endeavor.

At the age of 15, during the Persian New Year, a significant event took place in the Persian community — an art competition. I submitted my artwork and was awarded third place by a renowned elder Persian master artist Hojat Kasrayan. Impressed by my skills in perspective drawing, he extended an invitation to join his private weekend classes, where I learned the fundamental principles of art. This period became my golden years, fueling my passion even more and driving my ambition to become a famous artist. There was one particular incident that left a lasting impression on me. I expressed a desire to learn Persian miniature, a beautiful and traditional art style. The master artist smiled and offered me valuable wisdom. He emphasized that while he could teach me that style, true artists should aim to create something unique and innovative, rather than dwell solely on the past.

The fourth occasion occurred during my high school years in the United States, at the age of 18. English schooling posed its challenges, but art became my solace. My art teacher Ernie Guerrero cherished my talent and affectionately called me his little star. It was through him that I discovered abstract art and cubism, expanding my artistic horizons. Our connection extended beyond high school, and he continued to support and inspire me during my college years. At the age of 22, I embarked on the Vision of Unity and Peace art project, creating 45 groundbreaking artworks in my own innovative style. Doubts plagued my mind, but it was my high school art teacher who provided unwavering encouragement and certainty, urging me to persist.

These four occasions, each marked by recognition, mentorship, and personal growth, have played an instrumental role in shaping my art career. They have fueled my passion, instilled confidence, and guided me toward embracing creativity and innovation in my artistic pursuits.

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?

At the age of 5, I experienced the horrors of war during a visit to Iran amidst the Iraq and Iran conflict. The indelible impact of that traumatic experience prompted me to question the prevalence of wars in our world. These reflections led me to ponder if there could be a way to achieve unprecedented global peace — a goal that has remained at the forefront of my aspirations ever since.

Growing up in Sweden, I encountered instances of racism and discrimination, which made me acutely aware of the divisions that exist among people. However, amidst these challenges, I also witnessed acts of kindness and encountered individuals who embraced unity beyond cultural and ethnic boundaries. These experiences reinforced my belief in the essential unity of humanity, even in the face of adversity.

During my teenage years, I delved into an exploration of religion and spirituality. Seeking solace and understanding, I immersed myself in various traditions, including visits to churches, mosques, and other places of worship. It was during this time that I discovered the path of Sufism and mysticism, which resonated deeply with me. The emphasis on personal experience and connection with the divine, rather than blindly adhering to dogmas, provided a profound shift in my perspective. I began to experience moments of pure, infinite love, transcending the boundaries of faith and encompassing all of existence.

Within the teachings of Sufism, I encountered a mentor, a Sufi master whose book aptly titled “Peace” became a guiding light for me. The wisdom contained within those pages solidified my determination to contribute to the realization of global peace. It was clear to me that the pursuit of peace must go beyond mere words or adherence to age-old practices; it required innovation and a vision for a future where harmony prevails.

By drawing from the depths of my experiences and the wisdom gained along my path, I aspire to inspire others and contribute meaningfully to the collective journey towards a more harmonious and peaceful world.

Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

From the early days, I harbored a deep desire for my artwork to be valued and appreciated by others. While in the process of creating a monumental piece, I found myself uncertain about how to make that dream a reality. Thankfully, my father became my benefactor and supplier, supporting my Vision of Unity and Peace collection.

When I was 23 years old, a remarkable incident occurred that left an indelible impression on me. I had an extraordinary painting that I had created during my time in high school, which held immense sentimental value. Night after night, for two months, I poured my heart and soul into that piece in the garage. One day, a friend of my parents visited and was captivated by the painting. He expressed his desire to purchase it, and I sold my very first artwork for $500. It was an exhilarating moment, marking the beginning of my journey as an artist.

As years passed, I continued to sell high-ticket items and make strides in my career. What made the story even more intriguing was when that same individual reached out to me last year. He visited my new gallery and witnessed the progress I had made. To my astonishment, he voluntarily returned the painting and insisted on giving it back to me as a gift. He expressed how he had cherished it for 18 years and understood its profound significance to me. I was deeply humbled by his gesture.

Reflecting on this experience today, considering the success I have achieved, I now regard that painting as priceless. If someone were to approach me with an offer, I wouldn’t consider parting with it for less than $5 million. This story serves as a reminder of the journey I have embarked upon, the value of my art, and the extraordinary connections that can unfold throughout a career dedicated to creativity and peace.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now?

Vision of Unity and Peace:

One of the most captivating and exciting projects I am currently working on is the Vision of Unity and Peace. This visionary endeavor involves the creation of the world’s largest peace painting — an installation featuring 2,000 double-sided paintings that collectively cover over half an acre. This monumental artwork symbolizes unity and peace and will be housed within the grand Vision of Unity and Peace Center, a 17-story structure envisioned to be a meeting place for individuals from all over the world to reflect, connect, and support one another.

The Vision of Unity and Peace project is an inspiring journey that transcends boundaries and seeks to ignite a sense of harmony among people. Through my daily artistic endeavors, I strive to promote this vision to everyone I encounter. I embrace various art forms, including physical paintings and digital NFT artworks, to ensure that individuals can experience and resonate with the message of unity and peace in their preferred form of artistic expression.

I am currently seeking locations and investors to complete the project and have several locations bidding to have it on their grounds.

Charity Outreach:

Another project that fills me with excitement and purpose is our charity outreach efforts. In addition to the Visions of Unity and Peace initiative, we engage in co-creating artwork with talented young artists, including children like Arsh. Collaborating with these budding artists allows us to infuse their unique perspectives and creativity into our shared vision. The artworks resulting from these collaborations hold profound meaning and serve as a source of inspiration for both the artists and those who appreciate their talent.

To further our commitment to making a positive impact, we organize auctions featuring these remarkable artworks. The proceeds from these auctions are then dedicated to supporting charitable causes. By leveraging the power of art and collaboration, we aim to create meaningful change and contribute to the betterment of society. Witnessing the transformation that occurs when art becomes a means of giving back is truly gratifying and fuels our dedication to these charitable co-collaborations.

Who are some of the most interesting people you have interacted with? What was that like? Do you have any stories?

Throughout my journey, I have had the privilege of interacting with a diverse array of fascinating individuals who have left a lasting impact on my life. Let me share some stories about a few of these remarkable people:

  1. Sufi Master Nader Angha: During my formative teenage years, I had the extraordinary opportunity to encounter a Sufi master named Professor Nader Angha. His profound teachings and wisdom played a pivotal role in shaping my spiritual path. His book, aptly titled “Peace,” became a guiding light for me, inspiring me to become an ambassador for peace. The transformative experience of studying under his guidance expanded my understanding and deepened my commitment to fostering unity and harmony in the world.
  2. My Art Teacher Hojat Kasrayan in Sweden: While living in Sweden, I crossed paths with an exceptional art teacher who nurtured my artistic talents and ignited my passion for creativity. This mentor planted a seed within me, encouraging me to explore innovative and original artistic expressions. Their guidance and mentorship provided a solid foundation for my artistic career and instilled in me the belief that art has the power to transcend boundaries and inspire positive change.
  3. Abraham Hicks: The teachings of Abraham Hicks, a renowned teacher of the Law of Attraction, have had a profound influence on my perspective. Their teachings have helped me recognize the importance of paying attention to my thoughts, feelings, and alignment. Through their guidance, I have learned to harness the power of intention and manifestation, understanding that my focus determines the energy that flows into my life.
  4. Tony Robbins: The indomitable spirit and unwavering determination of Tony Robbins have served as a tremendous source of inspiration for me. His teachings on personal growth, peak performance, and creating an extraordinary life have motivated me to strive for greatness. Tony Robbins has shown me the significance of directing my focus towards my goals and unleashing the boundless energy within me to achieve them.
  5. Wayne Dyer: Wayne Dyer, a spiritual teacher whose wisdom touched countless lives, has been a guiding light on my spiritual journey. His teachings emphasize the power of beliefs and highlight the profound truth that what we believe shapes our perception of reality. Wayne Dyer’s insights have encouraged me to cultivate empowering beliefs and align my thoughts with the reality I desire to create.
  6. Spiritual Life Coach Robin Duncan: My current spiritual life coach, Robin Duncan, has had a transformative impact on my perspective. Through her guidance, I have learned to recognize that fear is merely an illusion and that we, as holy children of God, possess inherent wholeness and abundance. Robin’s teachings have empowered me to let go of fear and embrace a life rooted in love, gratitude, and authenticity.

Interacting with these extraordinary individuals has enriched my life and expanded my understanding of the world. Their wisdom, guidance, and inspiration have played instrumental roles in shaping my spiritual and creative journey. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have crossed paths with them and continue to carry their teachings with me as I strive to make a positive difference in the world.

Where do you draw inspiration from? Can you share a story about that?

My inspiration stems from witnessing the turmoil, conflicts, and suffering that exist in the world. It fuels my desire to create a better future, where peace and harmony prevail. Allow me to share a story that deeply impacted me and continues to drive my commitment to helping others through acts of charity.

During our time living in Iran when I was just 10 years old, my father took me on a profound journey of compassion. We loaded his car with numerous packs of raw meat and headed towards a poverty-stricken neighborhood to distribute it as charity. As we arrived and opened the car window to offer the food, an incredible sight unfolded before my eyes.

Hundreds of people, struggling and in need, rushed towards our vehicle with gratitude and desperation. They reached out, eagerly grabbing the provisions we had brought, their faces reflecting a mix of hunger, gratitude, and resilience. Witnessing the immense impact our small act of kindness had on these individuals was a deeply emotional experience for me.

That day became a defining moment in my life, etching in my heart a profound commitment to extend help and support to those in need. It served as a foundational incident that shaped my dedication to making a difference through acts of charity. Seeing the struggles faced by so many awakened within me a burning desire to create a world where no one goes hungry or lacks the basic necessities of life.

From that moment forward, I draw inspiration from these encounters with human suffering and the transformative power of even the simplest acts of kindness. They fuel my determination to bring about positive change and provide assistance to those who are less fortunate. It is my belief that through compassion and charitable endeavors, we can uplift lives, foster unity, and create a brighter future for all.

This story serves as a constant reminder of the impact we can make when we extend a helping hand to those in need. It propels me forward in my mission to contribute to the betterment of humanity, drawing inspiration from the resilience and gratitude I witnessed firsthand that day in the impoverished neighborhood.

By sharing this story, I hope to inspire others to recognize the profound difference they can make through acts of kindness and charity. Together, we can bring hope, healing, and support to those who need it most, and work towards building a world where compassion and empathy reign supreme.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

I have used my success as a means to bring goodness to the world by creating something that is intended for the highest good of all. Through my artistic endeavors and philanthropic initiatives, I strive to make a positive impact and inspire positive change. From engaging in charitable outreach and collaborations with organizations to co-creating artwork with child artists and auctioning it for charitable causes, I aim to contribute to the well-being of others. Additionally, I seek inspiration from mentors and teachers who have influenced my personal and spiritual growth, guiding me in my mission to create a more harmonious and peaceful world.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why. Please share a story or example for each.

  1. You are the creator of your reality, and this is how you can manifest.
  2. Continuously imagine and visualize your greatest and happiest dreams.
  3. Feel the emotions of peace, appreciation, joy, abundance, and excitement as if you are already experiencing it consistently.
  4. Have faith, certainty, and enjoy your present moment.
  5. Stay in alignment with your truth and co-create it with God. Seek guidance from Him every step of the way, as He knows everything and can guide you.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Manifesting everlasting peace for all of humanity.

We have been blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she just might see this.

If given the opportunity, the person I would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with is Oprah. She has been an incredible source of inspiration for me since my teenage years in Sweden. I was captivated by her television programs, and I continued to watch them regularly throughout my adulthood. Oprah’s journey from overcoming adversity to becoming one of the most successful individuals in the US is truly remarkable. I believe she embodies the power of transformation and serves as a testament to what is possible when one follows their dreams and works toward positive change. Having a conversation with Oprah would be a tremendous honor, as I would love to gain insights from her experiences and learn from her wisdom.

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This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!



Yitzi Weiner
Authority Magazine

A “Positive” Influencer, Founder & Editor of Authority Magazine, CEO of Thought Leader Incubator