Elina Fedotova of Elina Organics Skincare & Spas: Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry

An Interview With Jilea Hemmings

Jilea Hemmings
Authority Magazine
15 min readSep 8, 2022


You will succeed if your skin care practice is based on love, continuous research, and hard work. You must deeply love your clients and tirelessly work to find solutions for their skin and wellbeing. Make sure your client is enjoying their time with you. During your facial session, you are not only delivering a skincare treatment but also helping a person feel better as a whole by listening, reducing stress, balancing their energy, and making them feel better when they leave than before they arrived.

As a part of our series about “Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Elina Fedotova.

Elina Fedotova is the Founder and Chief Formulator for Elina Organics, which since 1998, has offered award-winning, sophisticated, organic formulations that naturally deliver clinical results. Elina is also an award-Winning Cosmetic Chemist, Master and Celebrity Licensed Esthetician, and the President of the Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners, which she founded in 2007. She hand makes her professional skin care line in her laboratory, based in Michigan, in small batch production using holistic principles and organic ingredients from around the world. The Elina Organics product line is available online at www.ElinaOrganics.com, in skin care salons and medical offices across the country. She continues to offer her unique, holistic skin care treatments to clients who come to her spas in Florida and West Michigan.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

Growing up in Russia, I struggled with an oily and acne-prone complexion. It was challenging to find solutions while avoiding topical or oral antibiotics or oral antibiotics. Probiotics and compresses from herbal extracts of calendula, burdock root, and chamomile helped me to achieve the level of skin balance that I was satisfied with. Improving my skin holistically was an incredible relief which inspired me to learn more about herbs and Phytotherapy. At 16, I received a few facials from one of the salons in Moscow. The facials only consisted of steaming, extractions, massage, and applications of masks and lotions. A few years later, I received a teaching degree and worked at a school and publishing house. At the same time, I was continuously studying chemistry, herbalism, and esthetics, learning how to make natural creams and homeopathic ointments. In 1991, I arrived in the United States with my husband Igor and our baby boy, Yuri. It took me several years to improve my English and receive my license in the United States. In 1998, I opened my first spa and finally launched my skincare line.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

I have many stories from my two decades of work, but I would like to share one today. I don’t know if it is exciting, but it deeply touched me. Twenty years ago, I gave a facial to a client on the second floor of my spa. It was in the evening, all employees had already left, and we were alone in the building. Suddenly, we heard a terrifying crashing glass noise. We both realized that someone had broken in. I wanted to go downstairs to see what happened, but my client grabbed my hand, jumped from her treatment table barefoot in only a robe, and said, “You can’t go alone. It is too dangerous, and I am going with you.”

She refused to stay in the room and followed me barefoot downstairs. When we came to the lobby, we noticed a large front window shattered. The criminals stole my purse and some money from the front desk. It was a cold Michigan day in January, and freezing wind and snowflakes were floating into the spa. I asked my client to go home, and she refused again.

She stayed with me until the police arrived. It was too late to catch the criminals when the two policemen came to the spa. After completing their investigative report, they did not want to leave me alone with my problems. Instead, they went to the police station, brought plywood, hammers, and nails, and covered my broken front window. All of this time, I was in shock. And at that late hour, getting a professional technician to repair the window was impossible. The police officers comforted me with their kind words and ensured my spa would be warm and protected overnight. They did this out of the kindness of their hearts. My client could have asked for her money back and just went home, but she didn’t. Because of people like this who are kind and loving, I think it is still good in this world. I am grateful that it was a deep and meaningful story for me. The most magical aspect of my work is connecting with people.

Are you able to identify a “tipping point” in your career when you started to see success? Did you start doing anything different? Are there takeaways or lessons that others can learn from that?

My business started to grow pretty quickly, thanks to my clients. I did not try to market my products to other salons, but skin care professionals were knocking on my door, asking to learn more about my holistic techniques because of the world of mouth. My clients shared their experiences because they were impressed with how many different methods and ingredients I used and their results after the first facial. Professionals wanted to start working with my formulations because they heard about my business from their clients and friends. I used to only sell my formulations directly to my customers and use my professional products for treatments. I then realized I needed to create wholesale pricing and policies for professionals working with my line and retail them. In 2007, I formulated the Ambra Lift Elixir and could finally afford to do independent genomic studies on it.

In 48 hours, Ambra Lift Elixir is scientifically proven to increase the expression of Sirtuin-1. This critical anti-aging gene promotes anti-wrinkle effects and activates the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory genes involved in protective cellular mechanisms in a statistically significant way. The results are incredibly impressive for people that a completely all-natural and organic product could produce clinical results.

In 2019, the same Ambra Lift Elixir won the Aestheticians’ Choice Awards through DERMASCOPE Magazine for the “Best Anti-Aging Moisturizer” — our most reputable trade show magazine for skincare professionals. When I started distributing my products to other salons, I realized the need for holistic skin care education. I wanted to draw the line between conventional beauty treatments and clean skincare, which benefit the skin and the entire body. In 2007, I organized the Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners, allowing me to share this approach with other estheticians. Not many professionals were seeking a clean and holistic approach at that time. This association was a true pioneer in today’s green skincare movement. It allowed us, holistic skincare practitioners, to connect and provide education for the young professionals who want to learn green and effective skincare.

We know that beauty is more than skin deep and that a person is more than a physical body. Our well-being requires mental clarity, positive emotions, whole food, and a clean environment. By taking a holistic approach to our health and personal care, we can continuously feel and look our best, care more about our resources, and help create a harmonious life for all. Practicing holistic skin care is a large part of making this happen. My tipping point happened when I started to share my knowledge with other professionals, and now my products are available in spas and medical offices all around the country.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person to whom you are grateful who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I do not have one particular person. It takes a village. I have had many teachers, scientists, and practitioners worldwide who have inspired me. It would be a very long list if I started naming them one by one. I followed my intuition and gut feelings which led me to certain ingredients to study further. I would brainstorm new ideas with my friends, who are chemists, microbiologists, physicists, and progressively minded doctors. I still perform facials several times a month because I get new ideas by working directly with people. I can’t imagine formulating skincare products without working directly with the skin and understanding a client’s needs.

To be able to be successful, you constantly must do research. That is not enough if you are only attending professional trade shows and conferences. You must research and learn on your own.

Ok super. Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. The global beauty industry today has grown to more than a half a trillion dollar business. Can you tell us about the innovations that you are bringing to the industry? How do you think that will help people?

I was fascinated with the research done by the scientist Dr. Khavinison from Saint Petersburg, Russia. I have been formulating liposome encapsulated skin care products since 1998 by scratch, using phospholipids from organic sunflowers. I introduced natural peptides in my products over 10 years ago as well.

In 2021, I formulated my Baikal Line, created with extracts and spicules from the lubermirska sponge from Lake Baikal. It is the coldest and deepest lake in the world, with water very rich in oxygen. Sponges from Lake Baikal have unique rejuvenating and healing properties and have been used for centuries by shamans and local healers. The micro crystals in my Face and Eye Baikal Crystal Infusion Serums are made with a high concentration of spicules which serve as an alternative to micro-needling. They penetrate deep into the skin and create differently shaped micro-channels that stimulate collagen regeneration and rapidly firm the skin.

As a spa owner, my goal was to create holistic and clinical spa services. A holistic spa vs. a med spa is sometimes associated with beauty treatments that are not necessarily natural and sometimes could have potential side effects. I wanted to deliver the med spa results using food-grade ingredients and holistic equipment. I believe in integration, and the medical director of my spa, Dr. Andrey Lutskovsky is an osteopathic doctor of functional and regenerative medicine. For those interested in fillers, we offer that with their plasma and fat. We also do PRP, which uses your blood to grow more collagen. The latest procedure we do is systemic ozone therapy. Ozone therapy can help oxygenate and rejuvenate the skin and reduce pathogens in the blood, making it helpful for the acne-prone complexion.

Can you share 3 things that most excite you about the modern beauty industry?

Being an organic spa owner and formulator, people often ask me about all the beauty equipment we use at the spa. Many are surprised by my many devices, especially for an organic spa. My answer to those people is that you cannot kill pathogens with your massage. We do not want to use toxic chemicals; instead, we use oxygen or ozone therapy using the D’arsonval High-Frequency Machine. We also use low-level therapy laser treatment to reduce acne. We speed up the skin’s healing process and stimulate muscles with bio-adaptive microcurrent. All of this I consider holistic skincare.

Twenty-five years ago, many professionals laughed at us when we were a pioneer in the green beauty movement. Today, consumers read the ingredient labels and are more conscious about what they put on their skin and consume. More and more clients seek clean and healthy beauty products and non-surgical procedures. Because of this growth, the industry is working hard to deliver more formulations and exciting equipment. Nowadays, more and more formulators are trying to include natural ingredients because of the demand. This really excites me! I do not look at it as competition because now I do not feel isolated, and we are improving the entire planet’s environment.

Healthy skin is in! People want to prevent wrinkles vs. waiting to fight and reverse them. Consumers also are seeking fresh, glowing skin instead of heavy makeup. More and more people are aging gracefully and feel much younger than previous generations. Now “the 70s are the new 50s, and the 50s are the new 30s”! Elina Organics works with makeup artists from large TV productions, which are much more focused on the skincare regimens of the actresses than ever before. This is happening because of the era of HD cameras, which makes it very difficult to cover up wrinkles and blemishes. So now, the real goal and the most significant trend is to have healthy and well-nourished skin.

Can you share 3 things that most concern you about the industry? If you had the ability to implement 3 ways to improve the industry, what would you suggest?

1. Level of education among skincare professionals — I wish licensed estheticians would have a more profound knowledge of the ingredients they use on their client’s skin and the products they sell. Very often, estheticians only learn the key ingredients but do not know what bases are dissolved in. Sometimes, I notice when I teach classes that certain out-of-school estheticians have less knowledge than many of our clients, which is very concerning.

2. Every year, cosmetic chemists have to introduce products with the latest fashionable ingredients. Because of that, some very beneficial and safe ingredients are sometimes forgotten about because everyone is racing for novelty. Sometimes, formulators do not have enough time to research and deeply understand what they are using. Instead of trying to amuse consumers with new trends, we must stay balanced and look for the most beneficial and clean formulas.

3. Quick fixes. Sometimes the industry can get excited about trendy treatments, which can be considered a panacea for every complexion and age. I want to ensure that clients have a certain level of skepticism of the latest trends because a panacea does not exist in this industry. I sincerely believe that healthy skin is a part of a healthy body, mind, and spirit. It is a lifestyle if people are interested in looking youthful and the best at their age. I do not think quick fixes necessarily bring health to the skin and a long-term effect. I think people should focus on skin wellness vs. quick fixes.

You are an expert about beauty. Can you share a few ideas that anyone can use “to feel beautiful”?

1. Beauty starts from within. The first step to feeling more beautiful about yourself is to try and eliminate negative emotions like anger, fear, envy, and self-doubt. You will immediately look more attractive if you focus on replacing those emotions with peace, love, and gratitude. It will move you into higher vibrations and frequencies, which naturally bring your life more beautiful.

2. Clean. No matter how many cosmetic products we use, if what we eat and apply to our face is toxic, then it will lead to the degradation of our look and entire health. I encourage people to only use products on their skin that they can eat.

3. Try to analyze the people you spend time with. Identify those who bring you positive energy vs. those who could be draining and damaging. If you have some people who never say anything kind and constantly criticize you and others, try and spend less time with them and surround yourself with more positive people. All of this can affect how you feel about yourself.

4. If you wake up in the morning and it is a rough morning, I suggest washing your hair. When you go in the shower, you must imagine all you do not like — maybe aches and pains, exhaustion or disappointments, self-doubts, insecurity, or excessive weight or pimples. Imagine all that going down the drain; energetically, it will help you feel much better. After you take that cleansing, purifying shower, you can dry your body with towels and imagine yourself in a universal light that gives you beauty, health, success, and love. Afterward, come to the mirror, smile, and tell yourself you are beautiful, happy, and talented. And then, proceed with your day.

5. I do not encourage people to go into severe denial about their appearance — but at the same time, beauty comes in all forms and shapes. Historically, in every century, beauty has been perceived differently. Understanding this perspective, you can maybe connect with a specific image where you can recognize yourself. Sometimes it is helpful to think of the positives in the body parts or areas you do not like. You may wish that your legs are longer, but these legs are the reason you can walk and run. Try to think of the people with disabilities who would do anything for your legs, which should make you feel grateful. As beauty professionals, we can ensure those legs look their best by offering you all kinds of body services that should make you feel completely confident!

6. Attraction & Vibes: I think we attract people with similar vibes as ourselves, and if we stay positive, the people who approach us will make us feel more beautiful. The most important point is to stay positive, grateful, and loving.

Here is the main question for our discussion. Based on your experience and success, Can you please share “Five Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Modern Beauty Industry”. Please share a story or an example, for each.

1. You will succeed if your skin care practice is based on love, continuous research, and hard work. You must deeply love your clients and tirelessly work to find solutions for their skin and wellbeing. Make sure your client is enjoying their time with you. During your facial session, you are not only delivering a skincare treatment but also helping a person feel better as a whole by listening, reducing stress, balancing their energy, and making them feel better when they leave than before they arrived.

2. People should not rely on a panacea in the form of a particular ingredient, tool, or equipment that came out as the latest trend. Very often, professionals get excited about the latest trend in the form of a new product, ingredient, technique, or equipment and try to use it for every complexion without a deep understanding of what it does for different skin types. You are supposed to continuously educate yourself to correctly analyze the skin and find a particular unique protocol for each client that will deliver the desired results. I believe in various other solutions and tools that allow us to create unique and personalized treatment protocols.

3. I think estheticians must work with a line that offers professional clinical skincare formulations and a variety of skincare products for home regimens. I am against mixing different products from different skincare lines because I am a formulator, and I know that every cosmetic chemist has their plan and idea behind their formulas for particular complexions. Mixing products from different lines can cancel each other or, in the worst-case scenario, can create irritations on the skin.

4. Find the clinical skincare line that allows you to treat every complexion. Create a personalized and customized solution that will enable you to adjust and create different concentrations of enzymes and acid peels, blend custom-made masks, etc. Share your skin care plan with your customers so you are on the same page in communicating and observing results. As an organic formulator, I believe in an entire list of ingredients derived from natural sources vs. artificially, including vitamins and acids.

5. Make sure your client uses a healthy skincare regimen at home that they do daily. Make sure to educate your clients on the best organic skincare products and regimen for their complexion. This way, you are on the same page in communicating and observing results. If you follow these steps, you will be successful.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I feel that other progressive practitioners help inspire the green movement. In 2007 I formed the Association of Holistic Skin Care Practitioners to draw the line between conventional beauty treatments and clean beauty. I started to formulate organic products a long time before they became trendy. Other cosmetic chemists did not take me seriously during the professional meetings because I talked about sourcing clean, natural ingredients. I am pleased that it is a significant movement and that I played a part in making it happen.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

Treat everyone in your life exactly how you would like to be treated.

How can our readers follow you online?


Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational.

About the Interviewer: Jilea Hemmings is a staunch believer in the power of entrepreneurship. A successful career revamping Fortune 500 companies was not enough for her entrepreneurial spirit, so Jilea began focusing her passion in startups. She has successfully built 6 startups to date. Her passion for entrepreneurship continues to flourish with the development of Stretchy Hair Care, focusing on relieving the pain associated with detangling and styling natural black hair. For far too long, people with tender heads have suffered in pain. Until now.



Jilea Hemmings
Authority Magazine

Founder Nourish + Bloom Market | Stretchy Hair Care I Author I Speaker I Eshe Consulting I Advocate For Diversity In Beauty