Incredible Wellness Destinations: Eric Goldreyer of Sage Hill Inn & Spa On The Secrets To Creating The Perfect Wellness Destination

An interview with Maria Angelova


I want people to come here and depart feeling recharged and revitalized, without that feeling of FOMO you sometimes get on vacation, where you worry about missing out on certain activities or classes.

Maria’s love for travel in search of beautiful experiences led her to Eviivo, a property management platform ‘for anyone with rooms to sell and a story to tell’. Intriguing.

Top independent properties in the world, from Fernwood in Ireland to MgGinnis Meadows in Montana to the famous Wolf House designed by famed architect Philip Johnson, former MoMA curator, in New York, use Eviivo as a property management system to successfully run and propel their business. What makes them stand out is Eviivo Collective — a collection of the world’s most unique, notable and luxury independent properties globally.

Maria had the opportunity to visit one of the unique and gorgeous Eviivo Collective properties — Sage Hill Inn & Spa in Kyle, Texas — which has successfully grown through Eviivo’s property management platform. An oasis on 88 acres of preserved and lush greenery. Tranquil and secluded from the hustle of close by Austin. Farm-to-table food. Caring staff. Outdoor lounge areas to simply be. Pristinely clean rooms drenched in natural light. A relaxing pool and hot tub with a million-dollar view. Hiking trails. A spa to restore. A blissful get-away so needed in today’s world of ‘busy’ and very much aligned with Maria’s search for escapes offering restoration for mind and body.

During her visit, Maria had the opportunity to sit down under the oak trees and by the pool for a delightful interview with co-owner Eric Goldreyer. This was part of the series “Travel — Incredible Wellness Destinations”.

Eric Goldreyer is a husband of 33 years and a father of 3. Eric founded, the world’s top site for finding and booking bed & breakfasts and inns.

After selling to HomeAway, he went on to co-found Turnkey, the second largest Property Management company in North America, which sold to Vacasa.

Eric is now bringing his energy and talent to building the leading book-direct marketplace for vacation rentals,, allowing to BnB without the fees.

Hello, dear Authority Magazine readers. I am sitting in a blissful place today — Sage Hill in the countryside of Kyle, Texas, along with my guest today, Eric. How are you, Eric?

I am doing well. Thanks for having me and for being here.

Thank you! How could I not be happy to be here? We are sitting outside under an oak tree and enjoying a delightful conversation. Lots of sunshine, lush greenery. Eric, please share with us your story and how you got to the point of being the owner of this amazing, beautiful, tranquil place in the midst of Texas Hill Country?

I guess you could say I got hooked on owning this place. In my previous life, I was involved in the bed and breakfast industry. My wife and I loved visiting bed and breakfasts, so when the internet started booming, I founded a company called We eventually ended up in Austin and became aware of this place.

Around the time I sold, this property was up for sale. We had the idea of creating a collection of independent, high-end, boutique bed and breakfast properties.

This one was our first property. It spans 88 acres and features 11, 12, or 13 different structures. We thought ‘ok, this is good, let’s just stick with this one’.

My business partner and I eventually pursued other ventures, but we still have this property, and it has been truly amazing. It is a fantastic spot that we often visit ourselves.

The only downside is that it is the only place my wife wants to go. So, I cannot explore cool new places in Austin or San Antonio because she always wants to come here. It is a wonderful destination to recharge.

Why does your wife always want to come here?

I think there are many reasons. Firstly, we are just outside of Austin, on the outskirts of the hill country, which you can see stretching for miles behind you. It is not overly crowded or busy here.

We want people to take leisurely strolls in the garden or explore the hiking trails throughout the property. While we occupy 88 acres, we are surrounded by 2,500 acres of open space. It’s like being on an island amidst all that openness. You genuinely feel like you are in the middle of nowhere. Despite that, we are just 25 to 30 minutes away from downtown Austin.

Here, you can enjoy a massage in the garden or indulge in our spa. The most active thing we have is our four pickleball courts. Other than that, you can simply relax in a rocking chair on the porch, swinging under the shade of trees, or take a leisurely stroll through the garden.

Speaking of the garden, it’s where we source all our flowers for the dining room and guest rooms. We grow a lot of things there. It is farm-to-table concept, with seasonal produce.

Ultimately, it’s a place to read a book, unwind, and rejuvenate.

Why do you think such an experience is important for people today?

This experience is more important than ever today because of the instant gratification and unlimited access to great content. It can be hard to disconnect and put down our phones, iPads, and laptops when things come at us faster than ever. We are constantly juggling tasks, and it feels like the world comes to a halt if we are not on top of everything.

This experience provides a place to slow down. Even the meals being included adds to the convenience. You do not have to drive somewhere, wait for a table, look at menus, or wait for the bill. We ring the bell at six o’clock, you sit down from 6 to 7, and enjoy a great dinner without any worries.

People love this aspect without realizing it.

Let me tell you what I did last night. I arrived, dropped off my luggage, quickly refreshed, and went to the dining area. There was a table with my name on it; it was easy. I had options to choose from and enjoyed a simple, delicious, stress-free meal. Afterward, I took a little walk, sat on the swing, and enjoyed the incredible view and stars.

If you stayed up late enough, you would have heard the coyotes going crazy since we are in the middle of nowhere. The stars at night are big and bright here, just like they say in that song. You can see a ton of stars when it is clear, and the full moon is not out. But yes, the stress-free and relaxing environment recharges people.

I often talk about disconnecting to interconnect, emphasizing the need to take a break. What do you think is the power of disconnecting? People are busy and often say they do not have time or finances for a break. They think they have to take care of everything first before they can go on that weekend trip they have always dreamed of. How does disconnecting actually flip things around and create more space, energy, and clarity in your life? How does it allow you to live life more fully?

Well, I think it’s like the saying, “Can’t see the forest for the trees.” When you are moving too fast, you are focused on everything coming at you, and you become reactive instead of proactive. Slowing down and stepping out of the minute-by-minute, task-focused lifestyle gives you the chance to reflect on your priorities.

Many people say that family or God is important, but they end up spending all their energy on work. Taking a break helps you assess what is truly important to you and where you want to go. If you don’t have a clear direction, life will take you wherever it pleases. Setting goal posts in life is crucial.

I am not talking about achievement-oriented goals like the size of your house or the title on your business card. It’s about the bigger picture. What is life about for you? Is it work or relationships? Is it getting that promotion or having more time with family?

Slowing down and reflecting, turning off your mind and diving into a book by the pool under the oak trees, helps people refresh. When they return to their day-to-day lives, they are not stressed about the little things because they have a broader perspective.

As someone who is very successful, having run multiple businesses, how much time do you prioritize for your well-being and self-care to disconnect?

That’s a great question. Honestly, not enough. I always feel there is room for more. I have been trying to get into meditation. I will start and do it for three weeks, and then I will get task focused and miss a week. Then that week turns into four.

I feel like I am much better about it than I used to be because I am fortunate to be in a position of life with family and relationships and work and businesses that I now have more time to prioritize my mental health or physical health, get a massage, do yoga. These keep me a little more sane and allow me to look at things with a different lens.

Sage Hill, located in Kyle, Texas, is just a 30-minute drive from Austin. When someone visits here, what do you aim to achieve? What kind of experience do you want your visitors to have?

My goal is for them to leave feeling completely refreshed and pampered, like we have anticipated their every need and desire.

Whether it is having booklets in the rooms showcasing the native birds and providing binoculars or offering sunscreen and lotions or having refreshing drinks like sparkling waters or Mexican Coke in their rooms. If someone is thirsty, they can simply grab one on ice. If someone is hungry between meals, we offer fruit, cookies, and power bars in the dining room.

I want people to come here and depart feeling recharged and revitalized, without that feeling of FOMO you sometimes get on vacation, where you worry about missing out on certain activities or classes.

We intentionally strive to be the opposite of that. We want our guests to relax and not feel like they have to constantly rush around. Even activities such as pickleball and walking trails, as well as the pool and hot tub, are not governed by strict schedules. Guests can enjoy them at their own pace.

What is a piece of advice or a favorite quote?

Favorite quote. This is a great question. Since I was a kid, I have always liked Desiderata. I can’t recite or recall it but I do remember the message. It basically talks about giving it your best because if you want to pursue something in life, you have to give it all you have. Do not fear not getting there because if you did not try, then you are definitely not going to get there. Be the person that gets in the ring and fights the fight. A lot of people want to stand on the sidelines and judge. Do not let other people’s judgment affect you.

I frequently tell people that their chance of making something happen is zero if they do not try. And if you decide to try, give it all you have got.

Yes. If I had to narrow it down to a specific quote, it would probably be a Bible verse. But I cannot think of one that is jumping out at me. I am a big advocate of not judging people. We are here to love people. If everybody would just do that, how awesome would it be? It is not a quote, I guess, it is more of a philosophy.

Eric, if people would like to come visit or check out Sage Hill, where can they find more information online?

The domain is We are a top-rated boutique just south of Austin, Texas.

What made you become part of the Eviivo Collective, which is the first global network of independently owned unique and boutique luxurious properties?

I just think it is a great product. It helps you differentiate yourself from the multitude of properties out there. It also helps you hold yourself to a higher standard of what you want to represent under that overall brand.

Beautiful properties. Sage Hill, I can attest, is absolutely one of them. This place is 100% disconnected. It is a great place to just be, to be present in the moment. Beautiful experience, Eric.

Thank you so much for being here with me today. I appreciate you and your hospitality.

About The Interviewer: Maria Angelova, MBA is a disruptor, author, motivational speaker, body-mind expert, Pilates teacher and founder and CEO of Rebellious Intl. As a disruptor, Maria is on a mission to change the face of the wellness industry by shifting the self-care mindset for consumers and providers alike. As a mind-body coach, Maria’s superpower is alignment which helps clients create a strong body and a calm mind so they can live a life of freedom, happiness and fulfillment. Prior to founding Rebellious Intl, Maria was a Finance Director and a professional with 17+ years of progressive corporate experience in the Telecommunications, Finance, and Insurance industries. Born in Bulgaria, Maria moved to the United States in 1992. She graduated summa cum laude from both Georgia State University (MBA, Finance) and the University of Georgia (BBA, Finance). Maria’s favorite job is being a mom. Maria enjoys learning, coaching, creating authentic connections, working out, Latin dancing, traveling, and spending time with her tribe. To contact Maria, email her at To schedule a free consultation, click here.



Maria Angelova, CEO of Rebellious Intl.
Authority Magazine

Maria Angelova, MBA is a disruptor, author, motivational speaker, body-mind expert, Pilates teacher and founder and CEO of Rebellious Intl.