Felix Palafox of Adonis Arcana: How To Successfully Ride The Emotional Highs & Lows Of Being An Entrepreneur
A backup plan: No one wants to think of a business failing, much less one that you have dedicated all your time and energy to. This piece can be difficult but plan what to do if the business fails. It does not have to be a detailed plan, it just has to be a solid idea of what life would be like in the worst-case scenario. It is a rough mental exercise but having this plan can take a lot of pressure off the extreme lows. Knowing that no matter what happens you will power through because you know what to do is a powerful thing. This plan helps keep the high emotions in check while keeping your head clear and making the best decisions when the lows come.
Being a founder, entrepreneur, or business owner can have many exciting and thrilling moments. But it is also punctuated with periods of doubt, slump, and anxiety. So how does one…