Female Disrupters: How Daniella Bloom Is Shaking Up How We Look At Dating & Relationship Success

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
8 min readAug 5, 2020

How you do anything is how you do everything. Any person, place, or experience is attainable once the target is clearly set. The problem is, much of the time the filter we have within us is what is not clear. So, if you are not finding success in one area — love, health, etc. — how are you doing in other areas? How balanced are you, how clear are you in your own life’s direction, how great is your relationship with yourself?

As a part of our series about women who are shaking things up in their industry, I had the pleasure of interviewing Daniella Bloom, LMFT. She is all about authentic honest human connection and finding the FUN in Dysfunction! She understands first-hand, that wherever you find yourself, it’s never too late to BLOOM where you are planted in Love and Life!

Recognized as “LA’s premiere Divorcée success coach and dating expert” by Southern California Magazine, licensed psychotherapist and celebrity transformational relationship success coach, Daniella Bloom, has seen it all and been through it herself!

After ending her own 16-year marriage, a whole new purpose and career has exploded! This Good Wife Gone WILD has her pulse on what makes and breaks a relationship today. From Daniella’s decades of professional experience and personal wisdom, she is a frequently invited guest on television, and radio shows as well as a keynote speaker, for her no-nonsense modern-day take on dating and relationship success. With her Profile Perfected Protocol, Daniella has a niche for helping her clients go from On-line to Off-Line dating success in record time!

Thank you so much for doing this with us Daniella! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

Yes. Thank you for having me! So, let’s be honest, it wasn’t exactly the path I dreamt about! I mean, it’s not like when I was little, I longed for the day that I would be married young to a handsome doctor, become a successful psychotherapist, live in a gorgeous home in the suburbs, have three beautiful kids, send them to a great private school, and then, go through a very difficult divorce and lose most of that perfect facade. Then, finally, I would make that mess my message and meet my destiny of becoming LA’s premiere divorcee Success Coach and Dating expert! So, yeah, not exactly what I dreamt about as a kid, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

The truth is, ever since I was a little girl, I was always fascinated by our human longing for connection and love. In my early twenties, I remember exactly what it was like “to be waiting for my life to begin” once I met “my soulmate.”

By learning to let go of the pressure to find “The One,” I learned the art of the laws of attraction and, within 30 days, manifested the meeting of the man who would later become my husband of 16 years. I then went on to get my degree and license as a psychotherapist a few years later, all the while, helping my clients and friends find their own matches with what would later become my signature dating and relationship success programs.

Now I’m back on the dating scene and at a new beginning myself. I have had to learn first-hand that it’s never too late to get back to full potential in love and life, and it truly starts from within.

Ever since I stepped off the marriage platform a whole new exciting and relevant career has exploded. I have unapologetically taken the stage literally and figuratively, not just talking the talk, but walking the walk in getting back to my own full potential again in Love and life, and am very passionately helping my clients to do the same.

Can you tell our readers what it is about the work you’re doing that’s disruptive?

Absolutely! Today, 70% of divorces are filed by mostly college-educated WOMEN, and the numbers are only GOING UP since the pandemic. Research also shows that these women are expressing a growing intolerable dissatisfaction within their marriages, while their male partners, for the most part, think things are pretty much “OK.” With decades of professional experience and personal wisdom, I really have seen it all and been through it myself! I have my pulse on what makes and breaks a relationship today. So it really is time to have an honest conversation about what is really going on.

Also, it’s really not about marriage anymore it’s about what counts for long term partnership success. So, for my single and dating clients, helping them out of their own way and to get back on track to their full potential in Love and Life is the most sure-fire short cut to attracting a high-quality partner.

It is thrilling to be a frequently invited guest on television and radio shows, as well as a keynote speaker — to share candidly and openly about modern-day dating and relationship success, with an authentic and unapologetic voice!

We all need a little help along the journey — who have been some of your mentors? Can you share a story about how they made an impact?

Oprah Winfrey has, for decades, been my mentor from afar. Her incredible ability to connect with her guests, her honesty, her curiosity, and her ever-present desire to find humor in a multitude of universal human experiences, has been highly inspirational in the work I do. Other important influences have been Brene Brown, on the power of vulnerability, and Gina Devee, on bringing the power of feminine energy into life and business.

Can you share 3 of the best words of advice you’ve gotten along your journey? Please give a story or example for each.

My needs are just as valid as your needs.

As a recovering codependent and people-pleaser, learning to identify my own needs again, was a big deal. I was so used to feeling the needs of others and how to meet them that when I started to become attuned to my own true needs, giving life and action to them felt pretty incredible.

Don’t dim your light for other’s comfort levels.

Being able to unapologetically stand strong as a Forgotten Woman Renewed and recreate my story, and purpose, in a way that is exciting and satisfying on my terms was a lesson in letting go of what others think, and a real right of passage. It’s a choice I have to continue to make regularly — not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it!

How you do anything is how you do everything

Any person, place, or experience is attainable once the target is clearly set. The problem is, much of the time the filter we have within us is what is not clear. So, if you are not finding success in one area — love, health, etc. — how are you doing in other areas?

How balanced are you, how clear are you in your own life’s direction, how great is your relationship with yourself?

How are you going to shake things up next?

I consider myself a master manifestor and teach these very manifesting miracle action steps to my clients. So, in addition to presently enjoying my very exciting next chapter, the plan next is to secure my TED TALK entitled “Good Wife Gone Wild” virtually this fall, where I go into exactly what the three most common archetypes divorcing wives are embodying today in their marriages, and what to do about it. I am also presently writing a delicious self-help book of the same title. My true north star is in developing and seeing to fruition a high-quality unscripted docu-series show. The topics will cover so much relevant content from all things dating, divorce, and the next chapter, for a large audience of all backgrounds, starving for it!

Do you have a book/podcast/talk that’s had a deep impact on your thinking? Can you share a story with us?

A Woman’s Worth by Marianne Williamson. I learned how essential it is to utilize the power of feminine energy and bring back balance into my life. Feminine Energy is the energy of receiving and aliveness. So many of us women and men are depleted of this energy and are living far too much in the Energy of the Masculine — the energy of giving and producing. Having both energies balanced again is what leads to an optimal healthy happy life. Magic started happening in my own life almost immediately when I started implementing these shifts. It inspired my free video found on my website, The Manifestation Foundation: Changing the Trajectory of Your Life and Love Starting This Week. I incorporate this fundamental knowledge with all my clients, whether single, married, or divorced, and it’s amazing how quickly things get back into alignment and my clients begin to magnetize exactly what they are desiring in Life and Love.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Yes, great question. What I would like to inspire a movement on is that the focus should not be on marriage anymore, but instead on what it truly takes for a successful long term partnership to last. With divorce as an epidemic affecting every single person in this country and with millennials not getting married at near the rates of generations before them, let’s be honest about it and put our best foot forward right from the start. I want people to understand that whatever your background and whatever your relationship status right now, like attracts “like.” So, the better, the healthier, the more balanced, the happier, and the more open and honest your relationship is with yourself, the more you will be clear on the relationship you desire to show up. Get back to your full potential in love and life first and watch how the universe and people in it rise up to meet you. This is how we shape a better relational future for ourselves and for the generations who follow.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

Yes, this is my own mantra I live by:

Once you get clear on what you truly desire in life and love, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

It’s the getting clear part, that often has people stuck. Without knowing it, we often send mixed messages out to the universe, and receive mixed messages as a result What I do in my own life and with my clients is get out of your own way so that you are really attracting what you truly want and are ready to call it in.

The second part of that mantra of course is that it’s never too late to BLOOM where you are planted in love and life. I mean for obvious reasons wink!

How can our readers follow you online?

Find me at webpage, DaniellaBloom.com and book a Love and Life discovery chat

Join our closed private facebook group Divorce Diaries: MAGNETIZE Men, MANIFEST Hidden Dreams,MAKE your own $$$ Facebook group

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This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!

