Female Disruptors: Cherie Tan is helping people find their pathway to success

Ashley Couto
Authority Magazine
Published in
8 min readOct 19, 2018


I had the pleasure of interviewing Cherie Tan, Founder and CEO of Mogul Tech International (www.mogultechinternational.com). She has built and launched projects for some of the largest companies in Singapore and worldwide. Prior to Mogul Tech International, Cherie helped entrepreneurs craft beautiful products as a frontend developer and designer, leveraging on a set of design skills she has built since the age of 14.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! What is your “backstory”?

I started freelancing very early on as a web designer, specifically in frontend development and graphic design. As a young, precocious Asian girl at the age of 14, I chose to dedicate my time and energy to doing what I enjoyed most: building beautiful virtual things that I and my virtual network of friends could appreciate.

Needless to say, I went against every possible stereotype that Asian students were subjected to. I learned Photoshop, CSS and Javascript through my own experimentation and desire to build beautiful websites online, and this eventually led me to my first paying client.

Though I wasn’t a college drop-out and successfully earned a second-upper honors degree in chemical engineering at Newcastle University, UK, the early freelance career had…



Ashley Couto
Authority Magazine

Writing about the effects of art & advertising on the human psyche & soul. Writer & marketer. PhD student in Medieval Studies at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.