Female Disruptors: Congressional Candidate for District 4 Ohio Tamie Wilson On The Three Things You Need To Shake Up Your Industry

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
14 min readNov 22, 2023

I am steadfast in my commitment to guiding people on their journey to become the finest versions of themselves. Life is fleeting, and my earnest aspiration is for every individual to seize the opportunity to relish life to its fullest and pursue their unique vision of the American dream. Through my campaign, I have dedicated myself to harnessing the full spectrum of my life experiences, skills, and abilities to contribute to the enhancement of the lives of all the people in my district, Ohio, and across America.

As a part of our series about women who are shaking things up in their industry, we had the pleasure of interviewing Tamie Wilson.

Tamie Wilson, an entrepreneur, single mom and an advocate for all Ohio families, who has made it her life’s work to help people live happier healthier lives.

She has a strong sales background, having running several large corporations. Her small business and corporate background has prepared her with knowledge and skills to represent Ohio — something she is seeking during her run for Ohio’s 4th Congressional District. As a member of Congress, Tamie pledges to restore the focus of representation in the 4th Ohio Congressional District to the everyday needs of what it takes to live, prosper, and raise a family; and less on divisiveness and culture wars that ignore the everyday needs and impact of Ohio families.

For Tamie, Congress is an extension of her lifelong commitment to community service. By the 4th grade, she was working closely with special needs children with Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, and more. A survivor of domestic violence, she is committed to prevention, detection, and reduction of domestic violence statewide.

In addition, she is deeply involved in work with veterans. Her grandfather was a WWII U.S. Veteran. As a community volunteer, Tamie has been active with the DCPAAA (Delaware Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association), Eagles, UCC (Unity Community Center), LWV (League of Women Voters), the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, End CAN, Kiwanis, and other efforts to prevent child abuse and programs to create healthy living.

Tamie’s “Get Things Done” and her no-nonsense approach to community service led Tamie into politics, especially after she had to shut down her business due to COVID-19. For Tamie, representing the people of Ohio’s 4th Congressional district is about addressing the challenges facing Ohioans, most of which she has experienced personally.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?

Entering the realm of politics was not a path I envisioned until just a few years ago. As a small business owner, the COVID-19 pandemic initially had a devastating impact on my life, ultimately becoming a catalyst for a profound realization. During the pandemic, I had to shutdown my business, incurring significant financial losses. Unfortunately, I found myself ineligible for any COVID relief funding due to the labyrinthine regulations and restrictions in place.

It was during this period that I became acutely aware of how far removed the government is from the everyday lives and concerns of ordinary Americans, particularly small business owners. As I struggled to make ends meet, I witnessed large corporations thriving, expanding their businesses, and making investments in their establishments. This stark contrast left me disheartened and left with a sense of invisibility, as it appeared that my government couldn’t relate to my experiences and identity.

As a small business owner, it felt as though no one was truly looking out for my interests, particularly my Congressman. Whenever I encounter a problem, my instinct is to gather information and craft a solution — precisely what I did. My career trajectory as a Life Coach, Advisor, and Business Strategist emerged from a profound desire to enhance people’s lives. To me, a foray into politics seemed like a natural progression. The constituents in my district are in dire need of a representative who will truly listen, advocate on their behalf, and effect meaningful change.

Additionally, as I surveyed my state, I noticed numerous influential, intelligent, and charismatic women restraining their voices, both literally and metaphorically. Thus, I made the conscious decision to speak up. They say that women often need to be asked seven times before considering a run for office. Nobody needed to ask me; I took the initiative and decided to run for Congress. I engage with people every day and have witnessed numerous inequities and systemic issues within our current government. In response, I’m authoring nine bills to address these pressing needs, whereas Jim Jordan has not written a single one in 16 years.

My inherent compassion and dedication to improving the lives of those around me, regardless of their background, have propelled me into my political career and my candidacy against Jim Jordan to represent Ohio’s 4th Congressional District.

Can you tell our readers what it is about the work you’re doing that’s disruptive?

I’m on a mission to unseat one of the most divisive figures in Congress, Jim Jordan. My unwavering commitment is to put an end to his self-serving and dishonorable political career, allowing me to drive real change for the people. My primary objective is to bring a positive impact to the laws and policies that affect the lives of those who have felt marginalized, overlooked, and forgotten by our government, especially women. Despite comprising over 50% of the population, women make up only 24% in the Senate, 26% in the House, and 30% in state and local government. Women’s issues, including healthcare, pay inequity, stalking, domestic abuse, violence, harassment, workplace discrimination, poverty, and much more, have historically been underrepresented and neglected.

Let’s be honest; not every man wakes up each morning and asks, “What can I do to support and serve women today?” But women do, and I do. That’s precisely why I’m running for office. Women are naturally inclined to improve the lives of those around them. As matriarchs, we often prioritize the needs of others, whether it’s a wife prioritizing her husband, a mother caring for her children, or a neighbor looking out for older adults or those in need in the community. It’s our innate instinct to serve, help, and solve problems. I aim to encourage women to broaden their horizons from local to global levels. My goal is to inspire more women to become involved in politics, enabling them to make a more substantial, positive impact on the world through the political arena. We need more women to champion and drive meaningful, influential, and potent global change.

A fundamental aspect of my disruptive nature is to empower women’s participation in politics. I want to see women leverage their influence and problem-solving abilities to play an active role in government and policy. They can become more engaged by forming their own opinions, staying informed about key issues, researching the candidates they support, fundraising for causes and candidates, volunteering on campaigns, and even running for office themselves.

Irrespective of your political affiliation, Jim Jordan is a widely recognized and polarizing figure. However, if you objectively assess his record, you’ll find that he holds a failing grade and is notorious for being one of the least effective Representatives. Jim consistently votes against the interests of the people, with a staggering 97% of his votes going against our interests. He opposed crucial legislation like the Violence Against Women’s Act, the PACT Act (the Veteran Burn Pit Bill), and the CHIPS ACT, which would have brought over 10,000 jobs to our home state of Ohio, with salaries exceeding $100,000. I would have championed building that plant and bringing those jobs to our district, rather than voting it down. In itself, challenging Jim Jordan in an election is a profoundly disruptive endeavor.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

I was taken aback to discover that many women lacked interest in or involvement in politics. They hesitated to engage due to the divisive and contentious nature of today’s political climate. A significant number of them were unaware of important issues, the identity of their representatives, and their stances on these matters. I observed many women in their thirties seeking guidance from sources like their spouses, churches, or family members.

While women make up 50% of the population, it seems that the toxicity in Washington has deterred many from active participation in government, resulting in a less prominent presence. We have unintentionally diminished our collective influence and voice due to our aversion to political figures like Jim Jordan.

Through my book and podcast focused on leadership, I aspire to empower people, particularly women, to discover their voices and inspire them to become actively engaged. I facilitate open conversations on critical subjects, such as sociopolitical issues and women in leadership, with the intention of motivating women to participate in areas that are often neglected or overlooked.

I’ve been fortunate to have the guidance and support of some remarkable individuals, with Senator Sherrod Brown being one of the most influential figures in my journey. He emphasizes the importance of active listening, connecting with people on their terms, and understanding their genuine needs. Senator Brown’s lessons served as a vital reminder of the basics, highlighting the value and significance of what we often refer to as “kitchen table issues.” Regardless of their political leanings, people are primarily concerned with ensuring they have the means to cover their bills, put food on the table, and provide clean air and water for their children to play by the creek in their backyard. These “kitchen table issues” revolve around fundamental necessities, free from political jargon that can create unnecessary divisions and disconnection. In essence, it’s all about how these issues will directly impact people’s lives.

Additionally, two extraordinary women, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Hillary Clinton, have been trailblazers in countless ways. They shattered glass ceilings and, most importantly, exemplified the essence of leadership through action. Both of these formidable figures never hesitated to take the lead, and I follow in their footsteps. Their unwavering determination has been a profound source of inspiration for me to step forward and do everything within my power to enact the change I wish to see in the world.


Being a woman in politics to create positive change is how I plan to be disruptive. Disrupting an industry is positive when it is rooted in service and aimed at the greater good. This form of disruption typically seeks to improve efficiency, accessibility, or quality while addressing unmet needs. An excellent example of positive disruption is the emergence of ride-sharing platforms like Uber and Lyft, which transformed transportation by making it more convenient and accessible for people worldwide.

On the other hand, disruption can be viewed as less positive when it is rooted in corruption, unethical practices, or a disregard for the well-being of others. For instance, the subprime mortgage crisis that led to the global financial crisis in 2008 was a disruptive event, but it had catastrophic consequences due to fraudulent lending practices and risky financial products.

In the context of Jim Jordan’s political career, he has consistently failed to represent and support the interests of the people in our district, the state of Ohio, and the nation. During his 16 years in office, he has not authored any bills. In contrast, I am currently working on nine bills addressing various critical issues, such as veterans’ concerns, immigration, senior citizens, domestic violence, social engineering cyber security, domestic terrorism, and more. My objective is to disrupt the existing “status quo” and provide the people of Ohio with the representation they rightfully deserve while actively working to bring about meaningful change. My disruptive approach is driven by the desire to challenge the existing norms and work tirelessly for the well-being of the people, particularly focusing on addressing the needs of women in politics and beyond.

Can you share 3 of the best words of advice you’ve gotten along your journey? Please give a story or example for each.

1 . Live To Lead

I’ve always had a strong sense that my life was meant for a greater purpose. This conviction was profoundly reinforced during a recent visit to New York. While attending a roundtable discussion that included Homeland Security, the FBI, and the NYPD, we delved into crucial matters surrounding domestic terrorism and cybersecurity.

In the course of our discussion, I had the opportunity to converse with members of the Jewish and Asian communities, who candidly shared their experiences of being traumatized by the alarming surge in racism. They expressed their genuine fear when walking down their own streets, which is an unimaginably distressing reality. Many of them are battling post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of the hate crimes and violence they have had to witness. While I, too, have encountered racism, I have been fortunate enough to avoid racial violence personally.

The tragic murder of George Floyd had a profound impact on me, shaking me to my core. I am deeply troubled by the escalating levels of hate speech, division, and racism in our nation. I have a vision for uniting our country and a range of ideas to achieve this goal. It is precisely why I have chosen to run for office, with the intention of securing a place at the decision-making table. My genuine desire is to see everyone lead happier, healthier lives.


2 . Inclusivity

Recognizing the Worth of All Every individual holds inherent value and deserves acknowledgment, a voice, and a sense of belonging. I’ve known what it’s like not to feel that sense of belonging in my early years. While I may not always agree with every lifestyle or belief, I firmly believe in providing a space where everyone can be recognized, represented, and respected. As I mentioned earlier, my commitment is to work toward the betterment of all, and that journey starts with deliberately ensuring that no one is left behind at the table.

3 . Power of Positivity

If I were to possess a superpower, it would be the ability to inspire individuals to transcend their self-imposed limitations and recognize the boundless potential within themselves. This innate quality has always stood as one of my most formidable assets. Regrettably, too many people find themselves ensnared in a perpetual cycle of self-defeating thoughts and beliefs that lead them to underestimate their true capabilities and the impact they can make.

I am steadfast in my commitment to guiding people on their journey to become the finest versions of themselves. Life is fleeting, and my earnest aspiration is for every individual to seize the opportunity to relish life to its fullest and pursue their unique vision of the American dream. Through my campaign, I have dedicated myself to harnessing the full spectrum of my life experiences, skills, and abilities to contribute to the enhancement of the lives of all the people in my district, Ohio, and across America.

How are you going to shake things up next?

This coming Autumn, I am excited to announce the launch of my leadership-themed Podcast and radio show, ‘Lead-HER-Ship.’ On this platform, I will engage in candid conversations with everyday individuals who share their stories, shedding light on instances where our institutions and government have fallen short. My primary objective for this show is to uncover uncomfortable truths, ignite a spark for action, and formulate a strategic blueprint for change. I aim to instill inspiration in others to ‘Live to Lead.’ Together, we have the potential to shape leadership that fosters a more equitable world.

Moreover, the Podcast will include a ‘Hometown Heroes’ segment, dedicated to celebrating the extraordinary contributions of everyday Ohioans who go above and beyond the call of duty.

In essence, my overarching aspiration for this Podcast is to serve as a catalyst for national discussions on the critical changes we need to make and the attributes that define influential leaders in both the realm of politics and beyond.

In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges faced by ‘women disruptors’ that aren’t typically faced by their male counterparts?

In my view, one of the most prominent challenges faced by women disruptors, which typically isn’t as prevalent for their male counterparts, is the pervasive issue of sexism and intense scrutiny. Throughout my campaign, I’ve encountered an array of unwarranted criticisms, ranging from comments about my choice of attire, appearance, and even my disposition. I’ve heard statements like, “Your heels are too high,” “Your nails are too long,” “Your eyebrows are too dark,” “Your lips are too bright,” and more.

As someone who naturally exudes enthusiasm and joy, I’ve been advised to tone down my cheerfulness, to smile and laugh less, and to curb my enthusiasm. These remarks are specifically directed at me because of my gender. While I’m wholeheartedly committed to my work and genuinely passionate about serving the people in my district, I’m also keenly aware of the necessity to put in extra effort. This is not just by choice but by obligation because women, especially women of color, often face harsher judgments for doing the same things as men. It’s a stark reality, one that I wholeheartedly embrace.

Moreover, I’ve experienced harassment on numerous occasions from my male opponents, their campaign managers, and others. The belittling and intimidation tactics are prime examples of why some women hesitate to get involved in politics, and exactly why more women need to get involved. What those who employ such tactics fail to realize is that, as women, we are well-acquainted with facing challenges from men. In fact, it only fuels our determination, and we’re ready to confront and overcome whatever obstacles are thrown our way. We are here to rise to the occasion and meet the challenge head-on.

Do you have a book/podcast/talk that’s had a deep impact on your thinking? Can you share a story with us?

I’m thrilled to announce my forthcoming book, “Leadership — Why Women Should Run for Office and How to Win Elections,” slated for release in December 2023. My experiences in running for office have provided me with invaluable insights and wisdom that I’m eager to share. The core mission of my book is to ignite inspiration and empowerment among women, encouraging them to consider and pursue public office as a means to effect positive change.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I’m committed to fostering a greater presence of women in political leadership, whether at the local or national level. Women bring a unique blend of compassion and effective problem-solving to the table, and it’s high time we challenge the male-dominated landscape of politics, even in 2023. Through my book, Podcast, and Congressional campaign, my objective is to ignite a nationwide movement, motivating women to take their inaugural steps into the realm of politics and advance their political careers.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

It’s challenging to choose a favorite quote because I love so many! I’ll give you a few of my favorites below.

“As you think, so shall you be.” My brain operates this way, and it’s made a tremendous impact on my life!

“Failure is not trying.”

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take!”

I’ve always been a “GO FOR IT” kind of gal. It’s been my approach to life and now my campaign. This quote encompasses the essence of my being.

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!

