Fitness Champions: Why & How Kathy Glabicky Is Helping To Champion Fitness

An Interview With Wanda Malhotra

Wanda Malhotra
Authority Magazine
11 min readSep 15, 2024


Make a plan and start slowly! Start with small goals that gradually turn into bigger ones! Maybe start with 10 minutes and add on each week. Set goals that you know you will keep and feel successful with.

Physical fitness is not just about lifting weights or running marathons; it’s about discipline, resilience, and continuous self-improvement. Fitness champions help coach and inspire others to achieve their fitness goals. As a part of this series, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Kathy Glabicky.

With over 20 years in the fitness industry as a Certified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor, Kathy Glabicky is the Creator and Founder of Tread Tabata®, a nationally-accredited full body, high-intensity, interval training workout, where all levels experience a 45-minute small group workout that is taught on the treadmill and combined with full body strength intervals on the floor, all Tabata-based (20 secs on, 10 secs off). Their mantra: you can do ANYTHING for 20 seconds®.

Thank you so much for joining us! Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’?

Yes! I grew up in Lynnfield, Massachusetts — a small town north of Boston in a wonderful community that really instilled in me the importance of family and friends. All these years later, my closest friends are from my childhood, and I am incredibly grateful for them. After graduating from the University of Miami with a degree in Business, I taught group fitness and did personal training as my side gig. I worked for a nutrition company and then in corporate fitness, where my roles ranged from marketing to management. Here is where I learned that critical experience that I applied to opening my own fitness business — first, a training studio with both personal training and various small group classes; and next a studio solely dedicated to Tread Tabata®.

Can you share with us the most interesting story from your career? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘takeaways’ you learned from that?

The most compelling story is how my fitness program, Tread Tabata, came to be. My background in business combined with my passion for fitness proved to be a winning combination. I designed a method that combined running — a challenge and something most my clients disliked — with a short-interval format (20 seconds), that made it more accessible. Strength training, which I knew was equally important, was added and kept on the floor. This collaboration between the two provided the perfect balance for optimal results. I knew of the compelling science- backed evidence regarding Tabata training and HIIT’s benefits, and I wanted to really focus on it.

When my clients came into my studio for personal training sessions, they frequently requested the “Tread Tabata.” I had been playing around with the format for their sessions. They expressed that they loved how they got an efficient and effective workout of cardio and strength, a one-stop-shop, in a short period of time, along with a huge energy boost. The growing demand led me to add more treadmills as clients began bringing friends. By 2010, Tread Tabata had officially launched. I developed an app to split the class into two groups, that would allow me to accommodate more participants, while ensuring I could still offer that personal attention and check proper form. My app guided participants on the treadmills through time-voiced intervals, allowing me and my other instructors the ability to focus on the participants on the floor, rather than staring at a stopwatch or clock. Tread Tabata soon became accredited by ACE and NASM, two highly respected organizations in the fitness industry and I am immensely proud of this achievement.

My key takeaway? If you are passionate about something that can genuinely enhance people’s lives, stay committed. Research thoroughly, embrace trial and error, seek feedback, and be ready to tweak it a ton! Accept occasional failures with resilience. Work hard but pursue your vision with determination. Do not let others dim your light, stay true to you.

You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Authenticity — I think being genuine and true to who you are is fundamental. People need to trust your character and connect with you. Especially in a fitness environment. They need to feel safe, so they are willing to push themselves and get a little uncomfortable.

Determination — It is that relentless drive you feel deep down, pushing you to achieve your goals. For me, my drive is powered by a profound passion and commitment to really excel as a leader in my field. You need to approach challenges with flexibility, adapt and regroup when needed (Covid times is a true example), while staying true to what really matters to you. Always maintain your vision, despite facing obstacles. This is crucial. To be a successful leader, or successful at anything, you must have an unwavering belief in yourself and your abilities. As I tell my clients daily, we never quit on ourselves. We finish it.

Empathy — It is essential to understand and connect with people on an emotional level, recognizing that everyone faces unique challenges and personal journeys. I am deeply committed to helping others because I understand the critical importance of health. One of my top priorities is to ensure that clients feel comfortable and supported, free from judgment or fear. Creating an inclusive, welcoming environment where clients can confidently embrace their fitness journey is key to them having success. This is my number one priority. This is what makes them want to come back and stay with it!

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that might help people?

I am always working on something! As of late, I have been really interested in all the research with incline walking. There are so many amazing benefits you get from walking, but we take it up a notch and hit the hills for even bigger benefits! I created a class called CLIMB, a 30-minute, all incline-based walking workout. This is not just a typical walk on a treadmill. Epic music, varying inclines, speed intervals, lots of words of encouragement make this an incredible workout for all levels. It is the perfect pairing with my Tread Tabata classes. It is so fun to instruct. I really love it!

Ok, thank you for all that. Now let’s shift to the main focus of our interview. What inspired you to pursue a career in fitness?

Fitness has always been my passion, and my interest in the science behind it, led to the creation of Tread Tabata. I aimed to develop a program that emphasized working out smarter, not harder, by using research-backed methods to demonstrate tangible benefits. My goal was to create a program that people could take pride in, one that enables them to see real progress and achieve remarkable results, both mentally and physically.

Losing my father to a brief battle with cancer in my 20s profoundly impacted my life. It served as a stark reminder of how unpredictable the future can be. This experience has driven me to prioritize my health, knowing that staying strong might give me an advantage when faced with challenges. Though it may seem ambitious, my father’s early passing continues to be a powerful motivator for me. As a parent, I am committed to being there for my son for as long as possible and helping others do the same. I want to show people how good they can truly feel and help them stay strong so they can keep up with their kids as they age. I feel fortunate to have channeled my passion into creating a program that not only enhances well-being but also allows me to build a career in something I deeply love and believe in.

What unique strategies do you use to keep your clients motivated and engaged in their fitness journeys?

It is important to teach not just the “how” of different exercise modalities, but also the “why” — understanding the immediate and long-term benefits of what we are doing and why we are doing it! Community! We have such a supportive community that makes you want to come workout. We do monthly fitness challenges and have a Run Club, which is a great social activity, and a fantastic way to give back to our local community by running local races. From a business standpoint, I offer 30-day memberships where you “use or lose” your classes after 30 days. I do this because I want to establish consistency, a real routine so one can reap the benefits of working out! Consistency is key and so important. The hardest part is showing up, from there, it is a walk in the park!

Can you share a particularly memorable success story of a client transformation that you’ve helped achieve?

One of the most inspiring success stories I have witnessed is a client who lost over 100 pounds with my guidance. But her journey went beyond just weight loss and body transformation. What truly stood out was how she transformed her attitude toward exercise, finding joy in it and making it a priority in her life.

As a mother juggling a career and family, she faced the common challenge that most face, taking time for just her. Despite this, she decided to make a commitment to her health. We started slowly, gradually increasing the intensity, while incorporating scheduled training sessions and healthier food choices. Her initial fear of group classes, believing she could not keep up, was soon replaced by confidence. She became a dedicated participant, crushing multiple classes each week.

The joy and pride I felt in her transformation were not just about her physical achievements. but also, her mental resilience. She maintained consistency, waking up at 5 a.m. three times a week, and embraced a lifestyle change with unwavering dedication. Her story is proof that it’s okay to feel nervous about starting something new. Take the leap — you might surprise yourself. You have the strength to achieve whatever you set your mind to. Set this example for your children and show them what is possible. We’ve got this!

How do you stay updated with the latest fitness trends and incorporate them into your coaching?

I honestly believe in creating safe programing that is all about working out smarter, not harder, effectively and efficiently. I always stay updated with industry trends, take fitness courses, explore the latest scientific research in my industry, and listen to relevant podcasts. I do leverage social media to keep abreast of the latest “trends” in the fitness world and know what the latest buzz is. I want to always be on top of my game, my clients deserve that.

Based on your research or experience, can you please share your “5 Things Anyone Can Do To Improve Their Fitness Routine”?

1. Make a plan and start slowly! Start with small goals that gradually turn into bigger ones! Maybe start with 10 minutes and add on each week. Set goals that you know you will keep and feel successful with.

2. Schedule your workout like you would an appointment. Make it a priority that you are not going to cancel on. The number one barrier to working out is lack of time. Try an “exercise snack.” This term refers to a brief bout of exercise throughout the day. Studies show three 10-minute spurts of exercise are as good as one 30-minute session! An example would be to walk or run up and down your stairs! Or get up from your work desk every few hours and do some air squats!

3. Make it social! Grab your bestie and commit together. If you want to try a new class, but feel a little nervous, having someone to try it with makes it feel less intimidating. Carpool! I love it when I have clients come together — when you know someone is outside waiting for you at 5am in your driveway, you get up!

4. If you have a break in your new routine or something out of your control gets in the way, do not quit! There will always be something that occasionally will disrupt your routine, so you need to learn how to adjust and adapt. Just regroup, give yourself some grace and start again.

5. WALK! The benefits are huge! A daily brisk walk can help you live a healthier life. Getting fresh air improves brain function, like concentration. Plus, you get that Vitamin D we all need, and walking helps with stress and can boost your mood! Do not worry about your pace, just start to gradually increase your time!

What role do you believe mental health plays in physical fitness, and how do you address this with your clients? It has such a huge role.

Yes! As more fitness professionals are emphasizing the huge correlation between the two, people are more eager to start moving their bodies! We must continue to inform our community about all the holistic benefits exercising provides. I always listen to my clients with their verbal and non-verbal cues, really try show understanding and compassion when it is needed, always be non-judgmental because you never know what someone may be going through and encourage regular check-ins. Rest days and listening to your body are so important too. Self-care is a necessity!

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

Let”s burn all the “skinny” jeans! Let us push past the “skinny” mindset entirely and embrace terms like confident, strong, and happy! The benefits of exercise go far beyond the size of your jeans. Instead of focusing on how you look, prioritize how you FEEL. Exercise impacts your emotional well-being, mental clarity, stress levels (even life longevity), all of which directly contribute to happiness!

When you experience that exhilarating endorphin rush after a workout and feel a surge in energy, you are ready to tackle anything life throws your way. This transformative experience is what makes exercise truly addictive. As your focus shifts to how you feel verses how you look, workouts become something you start looking forward to, rather than dread. I want everyone to experience this powerful shift. That is where the real magic happens!

What is the best way for our readers to continue to follow your work online?

They can check out our website at: and follow us on Instagram @treadtabata.

This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for the time you spent on this. We wish you only continued success.

About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at .



Wanda Malhotra
Authority Magazine

Wellness Entrepreneur, Lifestyle Journalist, and CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living.