“From Avocation To Vocation: How I Turned My Hobby Into A Career” With Angelica Ventrice of Fit for Life

An interview with Phil La Duke

Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine


Don’t work everyday. In the beginning of launching a new business this is okay. However, if you do not take time to turn inward, take a breather, and focus on some self care, you will burn out. This can lead to something you were once very passionate about to be something you despise.

As a part of our series about entrepreneurs who transformed something they did for fun into a full-time career, I had the pleasure of interviewing… Angelica Ventrice. Angelica is the CEO of Fit for Life, which is an online transformation program for females and couples, including tailored fitness, nutrition and mindset coaching. She has transformed herself over the years by losing 30 pounds of weight while battling Hypothyroid and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. She is passionate about helping others all over the world transform mentally and physically.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us a bit about your “childhood backstory”?



Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine

Author of “I Know My Shoes Are Untied. Mind Your Own Business”, “Lone Gunman. Rewriting the Handbook on Workplace Violence Prevention”, and “Blood on my hands