“From Avocation To Vocation: How I Turned My Hobby Into A Career” With Bri Seeley

An interview with Phil La Duke

Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine


Work on your money mindset and your familial wealth trauma before launching your business full-time. I didn’t even know what a money mindset was when I began my business in 2007. Once I started working on it for myself in 2015 I was able to see very quickly why I hadn’t made enough money in my fashion brand to support myself. I realized how many beliefs I had about my inability to make money, where the money had to come from (an employer), and how my skills and expertise weren’t worth paying for. The second I started changing my beliefs, I started making money in my business. I do wish I’d done that work while I still had money coming in from my job because it wouldn’t have placed so much pressure on me to be figuring out how to make money while I was doing the…



Phil La Duke
Authority Magazine

Author of “I Know My Shoes Are Untied. Mind Your Own Business”, “Lone Gunman. Rewriting the Handbook on Workplace Violence Prevention”, and “Blood on my hands