Gunilla Larsson Of Gunilla Art On How Live Arts Helped Teach Courage, Authenticity, Vulnerability & Career Success

An Interview With Vanessa Ogle

Vanessa Ogle
Authority Magazine
6 min read20 hours ago


Live art can inspire CREATIVITY. I have had other artists coming to me after telling me they got inspired.

The stage is a powerful platform for personal and professional growth. Through live arts, individuals learn to embrace vulnerability, project authenticity, and muster unparalleled courage. These experiences not only shape artists but also prepare them for varied career paths with a distinctive edge. From actors and dancers to directors and behind-the-scenes creators, the lessons learned in the limelight often translate into profound career success beyond the footlights. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Gunilla Larsson.

Gunilla Larsson is a beacon of resilience and creativity, navigating through life as an artist, spiritual coach, and environmental advocate. Following significant life changes in 2017, she ventured into art and coaching, establishing herself as the CEO of Live Your Dream Guide and Gunilla ART. Her background spans ballet, meditation, yoga, Vedic art, and Law of Attraction coaching. Her art, known for its spiritual richness, has earned international accolades, including an award at GemlucArt Monaco.

Larsson’s coaching career is intertwined with her commitment to environmental activism, particularly through her ART FOR EARTH club, which aims to inspire and unite individuals with shared values. She also explores fashion, launching a clothing and shoe line adorned with her art, blending her creative and entrepreneurial endeavors.

Her life story, marked by overcoming adversity, raising six children, and a diverse career in real estate, coaching, and art across Sweden, France, and Monaco, showcases the transformative power of pursuing one’s passions. Larsson’s work, in both art and coaching, is dedicated to providing peace, hope, and a roadmap to personal success, inspiring those on a journey to realize their dreams.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive in, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career in live arts?

I always liked to paint. Before it was horses and houses etc. Physical objects. Then I did my training in Vedic art and I painted more freely from the inside. I have been dancing since I was a teenager. I lived around the perfume city — Grasse for some years. So I created perfumes. My art I like to create in nature. I get spiritual messages that I express in my art.

From Christ. And I am also inspired by the law of attraction.

It felt natural to combine my passions — films of my art in nature, (From the French nature where I lived the last 6 years), beside a big painting. Where a dancer and a musician express the message. Plus I let the audience scent a perfume to each painting.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

Since I started my career as an artist and coach I have met many interesting people.

I was invited to a Dalai Lama event in Monaco. Have a show at the Monaco Streaming film festival. Dancing at the airport in Nice. Show my art at the Cannes Film Festival. Got guidance from “Treasure King”. I had my show in Monza at Soriano Motori. I was invited to dance in North Korea and Mombasa, Africa. North Korea was a very special experience of course.

Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Creativity — I find it difficult to focus on only one talent. Like this I created a multidimensional art show. Where I use both films, paintings, clothes, music, dance, perfume.

Connection to my inner/higher self — which gives me the possibility to express a spiritual dimension, to uplift and open hearts.

Persistence — Use the passion to continue.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. How has a live performance experience directly influenced a critical decision or leadership style in your professional career?

In one way, my shows have made me have more self respect. Standing up for what I believe in. Also helping me understand how to create your goals and dreams.

Can you describe a moment on stage that taught you a profound lesson about vulnerability and how you’ve applied that lesson offstage?

One example is the feeling of “not good enough”. Which I use as an affirmation in my daily life as I AM GOOD ENOUGH, I AM SECURE, I AM LOVED

In what ways has the discipline and creativity demanded by live arts shaped your approach to career challenges and opportunities?

To persist. To test new ways of expressing. To feel certain that you have something important to share and express. I like to uplift and open the hearts of people with power.

How do you think the authenticity required in live performances has impacted your personal brand or leadership identity in your career?

I might have the feeling sometimes that I am not understood, or I am strange trying to have these performances. But I just continue and hope people will see me as I have courage. And that I might inspire you to follow your passion.

Based on your experience and research, can you please share “5 Ways That Live Arts Helped Teach Courage, Authenticity, Vulnerability and Career Success?”

1. Live art can inspire CREATIVITY. I have had other artists coming to me after telling me they got inspired.

2. The live art, I felt, did OPEN THE HEARTS of some strict business men in Italy. They came after the event expressing gratitude and had a more open heart than before the show.

3. At the live art event I have had guests coming after with tears in their eyes. Expressing GRATITUDE.

4. After one event I had a businessman working in perfumes wanting me to have the show in a big shopping mall.

5. I am also sure that the music, the dance and the art affect people, even if they are not aware. One musician is working at a mental hospital with music therapy. The dancer is affecting, with her dance. The painting and the colors are having an impact. For example the violet color has the highest frequency and gives healing.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I want to have an art show called ART FOR EARTH. Where I get more power/support regarding light, sound, stage and other famous artists participating!!

Where we have my films, paintings, dancers, musicians, etc to open the heart of people.

I would love to create like a gala where we in the end help animals in some way.

How can our readers further follow you online?

My youtube — @LiveyourdreamguideGunilla

Instagram — Gunilla_art

Site —

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

Yes, thank you.

About The Interviewer: Vanessa Ogle is a mom, entrepreneur, inventor, writer, and singer/songwriter. Vanessa’s talent in building world-class leadership teams focused on diversity, a culture of service, and innovation through inclusion allowed her to be one of the most acclaimed Latina CEO’s in the last 30 years. She collaborated with the world’s leading technology and content companies such as Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Broadcom to bring innovative solutions to travelers and hotels around the world. Vanessa is the lead inventor on 120+ U.S. Patents. Accolades include: FAST 100, Entrepreneur 360 Best Companies, Inc. 500 and then another six times on the Inc. 5000. Vanessa was personally honored with Inc. 100 Female Founder’s Award, Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and Enterprising Women of the Year among others. Vanessa now spends her time sharing stories to inspire and give hope through articles, speaking engagements and music. In her spare time she writes and plays music in the Amazon best selling new band HigherHill, teaches surfing clinics, trains dogs, and cheers on her children.

Please connect with Vanessa here on linkedin and subscribe to her newsletter Unplugged as well as follow her on Substack, Instagram, Facebook, and X and of course on her website VanessaOgle.



Vanessa Ogle
Authority Magazine

Vanessa Ogle is an entrepreneur, inventor, writer, and singer/songwriter. She is best known as the founder of Enseo