Happiness and Joy During Turbulent Times: Christina Hathaway Of Ignite Ambition On How To Live With Joie De Vivre, Even When It Feels Like The Whole World Is Pulling You Down

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
15 min readSep 23, 2021


Feel. I like to tell people who are grieving that it’s important to feel your feelings as they come. To “ride the wave” of the emotion. Do not hold onto the emotion and do not do something to stunt it or push it away. Just feel. Oftentimes people try to push away tough emotions through emotionally eating, drinking alcohol, and so on. This stunts their growth and emotional healing. By feeling the emotions as they come, riding the emotion, and then self-caring, once the emotions pass, will bring you closer to joy.

It sometimes feels like it is so hard to avoid feeling down or depressed these days. Between the sad news coming from world headlines, the impact of the ongoing raging pandemic, and the constant negative messages popping up on social and traditional media, it sometimes feels like the entire world is pulling

