Happiness and Joy During Turbulent Times: Dr. Sam Goldstein On How To Live With Joie De Vivre, Even When It Feels Like The Whole World Is Pulling You Down

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
11 min readSep 13, 2021


Learn and practice ways to fortify your stress hardiness.

Develop effective communication and other important relationship skills.

Develop solid problem solving and decision-making skills.

Establish realistic goals and expectations for yourself.

Learn from both success and failure. Mistakes are a valuable source of knowledge.

It sometimes feels like it is so hard to avoid feeling down or depressed these days. Between the sad news coming from world headlines, the impact of the ongoing raging pandemic, and the constant negative messages popping up on social and traditional media, it sometimes feels like the entire world is pulling you down. What do you do to feel happiness and joy during these troubled and turbulent times? In this interview series called “Finding Happiness and Joy During Turbulent Times” we are talking to experts, authors, and mental health professionals who

