Happiness and Joy During Turbulent Times: Author Kristina Rienzi On How To Live With Joie De Vivre, Even When It Feels Like The Whole World Is Pulling You Down
Authenticity: Choosing authenticity increases happiness! Showing up as your authentic self in life brings about happiness because it is cathartic and transparent and our truth. It’s easy to hide under the mountain of expectations others have of you and your life, silencing yourself because it may cause conflict. We think we need to be who everyone else wants us to be in order to be happy. That’s a lie we tell ourselves to avoid rejection and disappointment. The truth is when you show up as your authentic self–through your words and actions–you are free from the expectations of others. You’re living your life on your terms, and those who genuinely love you will accept that person with open arms. Choosing to be your authentic self is…