Healing A Broken Mental Health System: Michael Castanon Of Alter Behavioral Health On 5 Things That Can Be Done To Fix Our Broken Mental Health System

An Interview With Stephanie Greer


Ensuring that the right individuals occupy the appropriate roles within the mental health workforce is crucial. While formal education provides necessary knowledge, the essence of effective care lies in authentic connections. The ability of care providers to establish genuine connections with patients can profoundly impact outcomes, increasing therapeutic alliance as well as rapport between clients and other clinicians, and support staff.

The current state of the mental health system is a conversation that echoes in the halls of policy-making, the corners of social advocacy, and within the private struggles of individuals and families. As we continue to witness an unprecedented need for robust mental health support, the shortcomings of the existing system become more glaring. It is within this backdrop that we seek the insight of those who are at the forefront of behavioral health. In this interview series, we are talking to behavioral health leaders, policymakers, mental health practitioners, advocates, and reformers to share their perspectives on healing our broken mental health system. As a part of this interview series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Michael Castanon.

Michael Castanon is a passionate advocate for accessible and effective mental health care. As the founder and CEO of Alter Behavioral Health, Mindfuli, and BeWellLine, he has dedicated his career to developing innovative treatment models that address the diverse needs of individuals struggling with addiction and mental health challenges. Driven by a deep empathy and a firm belief in the potential for recovery, Michael has spearheaded groundbreaking initiatives that bridge the gap between traditional therapy and cutting-edge digital health solutions. As host of the Alter’d Life Podcast, he is a vocal champion for improved access to mental healthcare, particularly for underserved communities. His efforts have been instrumental in raising awareness about the critical need for comprehensive addiction treatment programs and dismantling the stigma surrounding mental health issues.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we start, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your background and your childhood backstory?

As the CEO of Alter Behavioral Health and the founder of Mindfuli , and BeWellLine, my journey has been multifaceted. In what feels like a distant chapter of my life, I thrived as a high-performing banking executive. However, I eventually uncovered that my relentless pursuit of success was rooted in low self-esteem, a product of childhood trauma. During my formative years, I learned to rely on internal resilience rather than seeking external support, believing steadfastly in my ability to endure any challenge.

Reflecting on this transformative journey, I recognized the profound impact of therapy on my life. Not only did it improve my well-being and strengthen my relationships, but it also ignited a fervent commitment to revolutionizing the mental health landscape. Through my encounters with the mental health system, I identified critical gaps and shortcomings that I, drawing upon my Fortune 100 background, believed could be rectified effectively. These experiences as a mental health system client provided invaluable insights into the nuanced needs of individuals seeking support and how these needs could be better addressed.

Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. It is often said that “the mental health system in America is broken”. What does that statement mean to you? From your perspective what is “broken” today?

The statement “the mental health system in America is broken” encapsulates several critical issues that need urgent attention and reform. From my perspective, the term “broken” highlights the following key areas of concern:

Efficacy of Care: The effectiveness of mental health treatment remains inconsistent and often lacks standardized measures for assessing outcomes. There is a pressing need to establish clear benchmarks to quantify the efficacy of care across the industry. Standardized measures would enable us to evaluate the quality of care consistently and identify areas for improvement. Without such standards, it’s challenging to ensure that individuals receive the best possible treatment and support for their mental health needs.

Holistic Approach to Care: The current mental health system often fails to recognize the interconnectedness of mental and physical health. Many individuals with chronic conditions also experience mental health issues, yet the system frequently treats these aspects of health separately. Adopting an approach that treats the whole person by considering both mental and physical well-being as integral parts of a person’s health is crucial. For example, if someone were to undergo an emergency surgery, they should be receiving adequate mental health support to address the psychological impact of the procedure. By integrating mental and physical health care, we can provide more comprehensive and effective treatment for individuals’ overall well-being.

Access and Equity to Care: Disparities in access to mental health care persist, with many individuals facing barriers based on factors such as location, socioeconomic status, and cultural background. Achieving greater equity in access to high-quality care is essential to ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background, receives the support they need. Emphasizing a whole person approach to health care underscores the importance of addressing individuals’ diverse needs and circumstances, rather than fragmenting care based on specific conditions or demographics.

The term “broken” reflects the systemic challenges within the mental health system, including the need for standardized measures of efficacy, a “whole person” approach to care, and improved access and equity for all individuals seeking support. By addressing these issues and promoting a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to mental health care, we can work towards a system that better serves the diverse needs of individuals and communities across America.

At Alter Behavioral Health, we understand how crucial it is to address these systemic challenges. That’s why we developed Care Predictor, an assessment tool designed to scientifically predict a care provider’s ability to form a strong therapeutic alliance with clients. Hiring the right clinical talent enhances care efficacy, promotes a holistic approach, and aids in access and equity for all individuals seeking support. Through our commitment to comprehensive and inclusive mental health care, we aim to contribute to a system that better serves the diverse needs of individuals and communities across America.

What about any bright spots? Do you think there are any elements that we get right in today’s world that we wouldn’t want to reverse unintentionally?

In the landscape of mental healthcare, it’s vital to acknowledge and amplify the areas of progress. Among these, one standout advancement is the increasing recognition of the imperative for enhanced mental health services. This heightened awareness has sparked vital conversations and proactive measures aimed at tackling mental health issues with greater efficacy.

The infusion of technology into mental healthcare has ushered in a wave of transformative possibilities. Through telemedicine platforms and mobile applications such as Mindfuli, and BeWellLine, technology has democratized access to support and tailored interventions, enriching the mental health landscape. Mindfuli, for instance, offers an intuitive interface through which individuals can connect with mental health providers they’ll genuinely connect with, finding their ideal match in mere minutes. This ease of access represents a significant step forward in obtaining assistance for mental illnesses. Similarly, BeWellLine is dedicated to making mental health care, life guidance, and community-based counseling accessible to everyone across California, completely free of charge. Financial constraints are no longer a barrier to accessing help. This unique approach combines practical advice with peer companionship, rooted in the belief in the power of community and in the potential for success with our counselors. Furthermore, ongoing scientific and technological breakthroughs continually push the boundaries, offering evidence-based solutions and refining treatment protocols, thus promising improved outcomes for patients.

The emergence of a new cohort of mental health practitioners signals a promising shift in the field. Armed with innovative methodologies and a patient-centric ethos, these professionals are revitalizing care paradigms and advocating for elevated standards. Their dedication fuels a drive towards enhanced care quality and a reimagining of conventional treatment modalities, emphasizing optimizing patient experiences and outcomes.

Though challenges persist within the mental healthcare system, there are evident catalysts for progress and avenues for further enhancement. By leveraging heightened awareness, technological innovations, novel practitioner models, quality-focused initiatives, and ongoing scientific advancements, we can propel mental healthcare forward, ensuring robust support for those in need.”

In your opinion, what are the 5 most impactful things that could help heal the broken mental health system? These could be on any level including training, workforce, policy, culture, equity etc.

In addressing the broken mental health system, there are several key areas where impactful changes could lead to significant improvements. These changes span various levels, including training, workforce, policy, culture, and equity:

  1. Ensuring that the right individuals occupy the appropriate roles within the mental health workforce is crucial. While formal education provides necessary knowledge, the essence of effective care lies in authentic connections. The ability of care providers to establish genuine connections with patients can profoundly impact outcomes, increasing therapeutic alliance as well as rapport between clients and other clinicians, and support staff.

Alter Behavioral Health’s emphasis on the science behind Care Predictor underscores the importance of soft skills such as warmth, empathy, and compassion in achieving positive outcomes. Care Predictor offers assessments backed by years of behavioral science, providing a straightforward solution that helps behavioral healthcare organizations deliver better client outcomes.. By prioritizing candidates based on how their behavioral profile aligns with the requirements of the role, Care Predictor aids in predicting who is likely to be successful in the position and stay for the long term.

2. Implementing diagnostic-based care.”It’s imperative to transition from a subjective caregiving approach to an objective one. By measuring and analyzing data, care providers can validate perceptions, minimize personal biases, and tailor treatments to meet the specific needs of individuals seeking support. This approach mirrors the methodologies employed in physical healthcare and has the potential to yield more favorable results in behavioral healthcare settings.

3. Standardizing measures of care efficacy and ensuring accountability are essential steps in advancing the mental health system. By establishing agreed-upon metrics for evaluating treatment outcomes, healthcare systems can reduce waste, improve resource allocation, and enhance the overall quality of care. Increased accountability also benefits consumers by ensuring they receive the support they genuinely need.

4. Adopting a patient-centered approach to mental health care involves addressing the entirety of an individual’s needs and aspirations. Instead of focusing solely on pathology, care providers should strive to empower individuals to pursue their life’s purpose and optimize their well-being, integrating mental, physical, and spiritual dimensions. Transitioning from a clinical focus to a perspective centered on life flourishing enables long-term support and fosters resilience against relapse or recurrence of mental health challenges. Embracing the concept of ‘Pathology to Purpose,’ which entails examining every aspect of the client’s life alongside their immediate mental health issues, sets them up for success beyond treatment, promoting holistic wellness.

5. Inspiring and influencing clients during their journey. Care providers can empower patients to take an active role in their healing journey, thinking outside of the box to motivate and invigorate clients to make necessary changes in their lives. Effective mental health care requires providers to transcend clinical jargon and establish meaningful connections with patients. Recognizing the patient’s agency and fostering collaboration are essential elements in achieving positive outcomes and promoting patient-centered care. Additionally, empowering clients to see their potential and act on it despite their current and ongoing struggles is crucial for fostering resilience and progress.

While this list isn’t exhaustive, it’s a significant start. Through the implementation of these transformative changes, we can work towards a mental health system that genuinely addresses the diverse needs of individuals seeking support and cultivates positive outcomes for everyone involved

If all of the items on your list were magically implemented tomorrow what change might we see in the world? What are the signs (big and small) that would show us that the system is being healed?

I envision a landscape defined by clarity, empowerment, and proactive intervention, cultivating a healthier and more supportive society for all.

Clarity in Expectations: Individuals seeking mental health care would gain a clearer understanding of the outcomes to expect from their treatment. Defined targets and expectations would provide patients with a sense of purpose and direction throughout their healing journey, empowering them to actively participate in their recovery.

Enhanced Connection and Understanding: Implementing clear targets and consistent care would foster stronger connections and understanding within society regarding mental health issues. By reducing confusion and stigma, communities would become more supportive and empathetic. As awareness grows and individuals feel empowered, the fear and uncertainty surrounding mental health concerns will diminish.

Empowerment through Knowledge: Providing individuals with accurate information and resources about mental health would be instrumental in healing the system. Empowered with knowledge, individuals can make informed decisions about their mental health care, removing ambiguity and fostering confidence in seeking support and addressing challenges proactively.

Early Intervention: By prioritizing the dissemination of essential knowledge to both providers and individuals seeking help, we can facilitate early intervention efforts. Equipping providers with the necessary tools and empowering help-seekers with knowledge would enable the system to address mental health concerns at earlier stages. This proactive approach not only improves outcomes but also promotes overall mental well-being within communities.

Ultimately, signs of healing within the system would be evident through empowered individuals, increased awareness, and a collective commitment to prioritizing mental well-being at all levels of care and community engagement.

What is a project you or others are working on today that gives you hope? How can our readers learn more about this work?

One initiative that fills me with hope and exemplifies a dedication to enhancing access and equity in healthcare is the longitudinal health access project within the Medicaid system. This effort goes beyond merely providing standard care by emphasizing a more profound, more impactful approach backed by diagnostic methodologies. A pivotal component of this endeavor is the utilization of telebehavioral health services, leveraging technology to connect care providers with individuals in need of support.

The crux of this project’s success lies in the synergy between highly skilled care providers and technological advancements, enabling a more targeted and personalized approach to care delivery. By harnessing the capabilities of telehealth and incorporating diagnostic insights, this initiative aims to elevate outcomes and elevate the overall quality of care for individuals within the Medicaid system.

A standout feature of this project is the development of the Care Predictor platform, as previously mentioned, which offers invaluable insights into patient care. Central to this tool is the concept of empathy. Our system is intricately designed to recognize and respond to the unique needs of each individual with compassion and understanding. We firmly believe that empathy is fundamental in providing effective mental health support. By embedding empathy into the Care Predictor, our goal is to cultivate a nurturing and supportive environment where individuals feel valued and deeply understood. Leveraging advanced algorithms, the platform analyzes various factors to offer personalized recommendations that prioritize the well-being of each user. With empathy at its core, the Care Predictor endeavors to forge meaningful connections and empower individuals on their journey toward mental wellness.

How do you see technology shaping the future of mental health care and its accessibility?

Technology plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of mental health care, enhancing its accessibility and effectiveness. While technological advancements augment care, it’s crucial to underscore that they should complement rather than replace the essential human connection at the core of effective mental health treatment.

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense potential to revolutionize mental health care by offering valuable insights, streamlining administrative processes, and optimizing workflow efficiency. AI-driven analytics equip clinicians with deeper understanding and predictive capabilities, enabling more personalized treatment approaches. Furthermore, AI enhances the client experience by improving accessibility, convenience, and engagement through digital platforms.

Technology serves as a conduit for improving the overall experience for both providers and patients. It offers innovative solutions for delivering care remotely, expanding access to mental health services in underserved communities, and overcoming geographical barriers. Telehealth platforms, mobile applications, and online therapy sessions enable individuals to receive support conveniently and confidentially, thereby increasing accessibility to care. For instance, the platform I founded, Mindfuli, provides personalized virtual mental health treatment options that are comprehensive, convenient, and tailored to support patients’ mental health and well-being.

However, amidst these advancements, it’s imperative to recognize that technology should not overshadow the human connection inherent in mental health care. The therapeutic alliance between providers and patients is foundational to successful treatment outcomes. While technology optimizes efficiency and accessibility, it cannot replace the empathy, understanding, and support provided by human interaction.

I believe the future of mental health care lies in optimizing the human connection through technology. By integrating technological solutions with compassionate and empathetic care, we can ensure that individuals receive comprehensive support that addresses their unique needs. Technology should complement, not supplant, the therapeutic relationship between providers and patients, thereby enhancing accessibility while preserving the essence of compassionate care.

In your view, how do social factors like poverty, education, and culture affect mental health care and its effectiveness?

Social factors such as poverty, education, and culture significantly influence mental health care and its effectiveness.

Increased awareness and education about mental illness across various age groups, from children to adults and families, can reduce stigma and encourage early intervention. Having mental health clinicians present in schools from elementary level onwards can provide crucial support and intervention for students experiencing mental health challenges, addressing issues early before they escalate.

Implementing global screening for depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric illnesses, as well as substance use, during routine doctor or pediatrician visits, can ensure early detection and access to appropriate care. Ensuring better access to mental health treatment for everyone, regardless of financial status or insurance coverage, is essential for addressing disparities in care. Additionally, investing in more research into mental health treatments and increasing the availability of therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists can enhance the quality and accessibility of mental health services, ultimately improving outcomes for individuals in need.

Equity should be the focal point of mental health care initiatives. It entails ensuring that everyone, regardless of socioeconomic status, educational background, or cultural identity, has equal access to high-quality care. The presence of resources should not determine the level of care an individual receives. By prioritizing equity, we create an environment where everyone has the same opportunity to access and benefit from mental health services. Financial constraints may prevent individuals from seeking treatment or accessing necessary medications and therapies.

What’s more, cultural beliefs, values, and traditions can also significantly influence the understanding and treatment of mental health issues within communities. In certain cultural contexts, the stigma surrounding mental illness can be particularly pervasive, resulting in a reluctance to seek treatment or disclose symptoms. Prioritizing equity is crucial to ensuring that all individuals, irrespective of their social circumstances, have equitable access to care.

By addressing these factors and promoting inclusive and culturally sensitive approaches to mental health care, we can work towards improving outcomes and reducing disparities in access and treatment.

In light of the growing mental health crisis among young people, what innovative approaches or interventions have proven most successful for children and adolescents?

Effectively addressing the escalating mental health challenges among young people demands innovative strategies tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. Several strategies have emerged as particularly successful in supporting this demographic, including:

Virtual Support and Technology Integration: Recognizing the digital connectivity of today’s youth, virtual support platforms offer accessible and convenient mental health services. Leveraging technology ensures interventions resonate with the tech-savvy younger generation, optimizing communication and interaction styles. Platforms like Mindfuli exemplify this approach, providing personalized virtual mental health treatment with flexible plans, eliminating appointment delays, and enabling care from anywhere, thus promoting cost-effective, high-quality support. Similarly, BeWellLine in California operates with a similar ethos, dedicated to making mental health care, life guidance, and community-based counseling accessible to everyone, free of charge. Their unique approach combines practical advice with peer companionship, believing in the power of community and the potential for success with their counselors.

Interconnected Systems and Early Intervention: Establishing collaborative networks involving behavioral health providers, schools, and stakeholders facilitates early identification and intervention. By working across sectors, it becomes feasible to address mental health concerns promptly, preventing escalation and improving outcomes for young individuals.

Educational Platforms for Social Connection and Competency: Platforms such as Khan Academy provide spaces for social interaction and competency development, countering the isolating effects of technology. These educational resources offer opportunities for meaningful engagement, fostering positive peer relationships, and promoting social skills essential for mental well-being.

We are very blessed that some very prominent names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them. :-)

If I had the opportunity, I would love to share a meal with Brené Brown. She is an incredibly interesting and influential figure whose message has had a significant impact on the behavioral health and mental health industry.

Her emphasis on the importance of measuring aspects of mental health has been particularly transformative. She is known for stating, “If you can’t measure it, then it doesn’t exist,” which has prompted a shift in perspective within the mental health space. By highlighting the need for measurable outcomes, she has underscored the importance of data-driven approaches in understanding and addressing mental health challenges.

While her initial message may have focused on measurement, Brown’s work also emphasizes the essential role of heartfelt connections and vulnerability in mental health and well-being. Her insights into the human experience and the power of vulnerability have reshaped how we approach mental health care, emphasizing the importance of empathy, compassion, and authenticity in healing.

In sharing many of the same values around mental healthcare, I imagine sharing a meal would offer an opportunity for meaningful dialogue and perhaps even future collaborations. I have immense respect for those like Brown who are making a profound impact on the way we understand and support mental health.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can find me as the host of the Alter’d Life Podcast, which focuses on the power of human connection and relationships, as well as on find me on LinkedIn. For more information about Alter Behavioral Health, visit alterbehavioralhealth.com.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful answers. I know many people will gain so much from hearing this.

About The Interviewer: Stephanie Greer, PhD is the Co-founder and CEO of Akin Mental Health — a company dedicated to guiding families on their journey supporting a loved one with mental health challenges like bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and severe depression. Stephanie is passionate about this topic from her own personal experience growing up with a mother who struggled with bipolar 1 disorder and found a path forward to overcome the obstacles and live well. Stephanie’s professional experience includes a doctorate in neuroscience as well as design research roles at Hopelab and Apple. Stephanie brings this personal passion together with her world-class science and technology background to support families across the US in their personal journeys supporting loved ones with mental illness. To learn more about Akin Mental Health and join our community, visit us at akinmh.com.



Stephanie Greer, CEO of Akin Mental Health
Authority Magazine

Stephanie earned her PhD in neuroscience from UC Berkeley and uses her knowledge of the brain to translate insights from science into actionable tech products