Heroes of the COVID Crisis: How Patrick Paul of the Anderson Center for Autism Stepped Up To Make A Difference During The Pandemic

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
16 min readDec 23, 2020


I strongly believe that we need to reinvest and spend time examining our response to pandemics — we need to be much better-prepared, not only for a crisis like this which could come again, but in general, across the board. It’ll be something different the next time something happens, so we need a generalized response to crisis situations, and a specific response to this pandemic — and any future pandemics. The probability is that it’ll happen again, maybe or maybe not in our lifetimes, but we need to learn from this. People get complacent — and that’s one thing that’s come out of this — you need to frequently revisit your priorities, plan for the unexpected, and in the meantime, enjoy time with those you love. We were all running around way too much before…

