High Impact Philanthropy: David Mark Quigley On How To Leave A Lasting Legacy With A Successful & Effective Nonprofit Organization

An Interview with Karen Mangia

Karen Mangia
Authority Magazine
7 min readMay 31, 2024


Ensure your actions consistently reflect your nonprofit’s values. This, I believe, speaks for itself.

For someone who wants to set aside money to establish a Philanthropic Foundation or Fund, what does it take to make sure your resources are being impactful and truly effective? In this interview series, called “How To Create Philanthropy That Leaves a Lasting Legacy” we are visiting with founders and leaders of Philanthropic Foundations, Charitable Organizations, and Non-Profit Organizations, to talk about the steps they took to create sustainable success.

As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing David Mark Quigley.

David Mark Quigley’s life reads like an adventure novel, rich with experiences that span continents and disciplines. Born in the rugged landscapes of New Zealand, his journey from farming and viticulture to becoming a renowned author and sculptor is a testament to his multifaceted talents and unwavering spirit of exploration. Quigley’s travels across Europe, Australia, and Africa have not only fueled his adventurous soul but also deeply connected him with the natural world, shaping his destiny as a guardian of wildlife.

Confronting and overcoming dyslexia, Quigley discovered a profound love for storytelling, penning gripping narratives that whisk readers away on exhilarating adventures. His literary works, including “Scars of the Leopard,” “The Last Rhino,” “White Gold,” “African Lion,” and “The Last Scales,” are infused with the adrenaline of his real-life escapades and a passionate plea for conservation.

Quigley’s artistic prowess extends to the realm of silver sculpture, where he captures the essence of the wild creatures he champions, translating the spirit of Africa into stunning visual pieces. Beyond his creative endeavors, he leads an international environmental consultancy, dedicating his expertise to the preservation of fragile ecosystems.

Now residing in Naples, Florida, in a home he crafted with his own hands, Quigley’s life is shared with his wife and a collection of “furry freeloaders,” each with their own intriguing tales. His commitment to conservation and storytelling continues to inspire, proving that the pursuit of passion and purpose can lead to extraordinary outcomes. David Mark Quigley is not just an author or an environmentalist; he is a modern-day Renaissance man whose life and work champion the wild and the power of the human spirit to enact change.

Thank you for making time to visit with us about a ‘top of mind’ topic. Our readers would like to get to know you a bit better. Can you please tell us about one or two life experiences that most shaped who you are today?

Thank you for having me; it’s great to be here discussing a topic close to my heart. If I were to point out experiences that shaped me, traveling through Africa would be at the top. Leaving New Zealand’s familiar landscapes to travel through Africa was life-changing. I was captivated by the animals and wilderness and they profoundly influenced my views on life, literally.

Another pivotal moment was writing my debut novel, Scars of the Leopard. This book was more than just a story to me. It was this book that allowed me to turn the dyslexia that I suffered from on its head and begin using it as a tool rather than be hampered by it.

You are a successful leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? We would love to hear a few stories or examples.

Leadership traits that have been instrumental to my success are my dedication to in-depth research, dedication to my craft, and following through no matter how arduous the task is. My struggle with dyslexia forces me to approach my writing with meticulous care, ensuring each word serves a purpose and helps tell the story I am trying to convey.

When I was writing White Gold, every Wednesday I would go to the public library to do research. Prior to these visits, I would always prime myself by writing down questions or describing what I wanted to achieve during these visits. Generally, there wasn’t a Wednesday that went by where I hadn’t achieved my research objectives.

What’s the most interesting discovery you’ve made since you started leading your organization?

What’s truly interesting since I began writing is realizing that my dyslexia isn’t a hindrance but an asset that gives me incredible problem-solving abilities. This “skill” has given me some incredibly complex plot developments that sometimes, from a conscious level, I never saw coming, adding a level of excitement and intrigue to see what turns up on the page.

Can you please tell our readers more about how you or your organization intends to make a significant social impact?

My passion for wildlife conservation was the driving force behind founding The Quigley Wildlife Foundation, a registered 501(C)3 organization. I donate a portion of my book sales to fund conservation efforts, combining my writing with advocacy to effect change.

What makes you feel passionate about this cause more than any other?

The connection I feel to the natural world gives me my passion for this cause. I aim to be the voice that the wildlife I write about don’t have, and by doing so I urge a call to action to preserve their existence, while giving my readers an avenue to support what I write about through The Quigley Wildlife Foundation.

Without naming names, could you share a story about an individual who benefitted from your initiatives?

One of the main individuals that benefited from my work I will name, because it is myself. Without writing my first novel, Scars of the Leopard, I doubt whether I will have ever overcome dyslexia. It was through the journey of writing this book that I credit the start of the amazing writing journey that I am on.

We all want to help and to live a life of purpose. What are three actions anyone could take to help address the root cause of the problem you’re trying to solve?

Anyone looking to help can start by simply purchasing one of my books, as a percentage of their purchase will go to The Quigley Wildlife Foundation, or contributing directly to my foundation or simply spreading the word about the importance of wildlife conservation. These actions support our efforts and help foster a wider appreciation for our natural world.

Based on your experience, what are the “5 Things You Need To Create A Successful & Effective Nonprofit That Leaves A Lasting Legacy?”

For those aspiring to create a meaningful nonprofit, please remember the following:

Impactful giving begins with thorough research. Is what your donors support meaningful to you and vice versa?

  1. Ensure your mission is focused and backed by clear, achievable goals.
  2. Who will support you?
  3. Do you have a ready source of donations and are these goals achievable?
  4. Engage supporters who share your vision — share what and who you support.
  5. Lead with integrity — do what you say and say what you do.
  6. Ensure your actions consistently reflect your nonprofit’s values. This, I believe, speaks for itself.

How has the pandemic changed your definition of success?

The pandemic hasn’t necessarily changed my definition of success but expanded my approach to achieving it, emphasizing flexibility and the importance of digital reach for my global audience.

How do you get inspired after an inevitable setback?

Setbacks are inevitable, and I try to change them, or at least the way I view them, into opportunities for growth. This mindset has been essential in moving beyond the obstacles I faced with dyslexia, and getting past or over the other hurdles I faced along the way.

We are very blessed that very prominent leaders read this column. Is there a person in the world who you would like to talk to, to share the idea behind your non-profit? He, she, or they might just see this, especially if we tag them. :-)

I would be honored to discuss The Quigley Wildlife Foundation with notable environmental advocates like Robert Kennedy Jr and Leonardo DiCaprio. Their passion for environmental issues aligns with my goals, and their support could further expand my reach and impact.

You’re doing important work. How can our readers follow your progress online?

Thank you for your kind words. Our readers can easily track our progress and stay updated on our initiatives by following us on various online platforms all found on our official website,https://davidmarkquigley.com/.

We regularly share updates, stories, and insights about our work in wildlife conservation, as well as opportunities for engagement and support. We invite you to join our community and be part of our journey towards creating a more sustainable and compassionate world for wildlife and humanity.

Thank you for a meaningful conversation. We wish you continued success with your mission.

About The Interviewer: Karen Mangia is one of the most sought-after keynote speakers in the world, sharing her thought leadership with over 10,000 organizations during the course of her career. As Vice President of Customer and Market Insights at Salesforce, she helps individuals and organizations define, design and deliver the future. Discover her proven strategies to access your own success in her fourth book Success from Anywhere and by connecting with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.

