Highly Effective Networking: Martin Purmensky Of TheVideoCards On 5 Strategies for Successful Networking, Both Online and Offline

An Interview With Athalia Monae

Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine
12 min readAug 12, 2024


Joining professional associations is a powerful strategy for expanding your network and can lead to significant career opportunities. For example, years ago, I became a member of the Hospitality Sales and Marketing International Association. My active participation not only deepened my knowledge and expertise in the field but also provided me with a platform to engage directly with industry leaders and peers.

The art of networking is pivotal in today’s interconnected world. Establishing meaningful connections can accelerate career growth, foster collaborations, and create opportunities that might otherwise remain hidden. Yet, the dynamics of networking are intricate, often requiring a nuanced blend of authenticity, strategy, and adaptability. And with the digital revolution, networking has transcended beyond face-to-face interactions to virtual platforms, expanding its scope and complexity. In this series, we would like to discuss the art and science behind effective networking. We are talking to seasoned professionals, career coaches, networking experts, and thought leaders who’ve mastered both traditional and online networking techniques. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Martin Purmensky.

Martin Purmensky was born and raised in former Czechoslovakia, where he initially pursued a career in the print industry. Upon relocating to the U.S. in the late 1990s, Martin took on the role of head of the creative department at a resort timeshare company. In 2017, Martin founded theVideoCards, a company that swiftly gained a stellar reputation for its exceptional product line and customer service.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about networking, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

I grew up in communist Czechoslovakia, where I witnessed the fall of communism in the late 1980s. Initially, I pursued a degree to work in the printing industry. After the Czech/Slovak split, I continued my studies in the Czech Republic, focusing on Information Systems. During this time, I met an English teacher who invited me to join her in the U.S. while she was working on her PhD. We got married shortly after that. We moved to Illinois, where I received my degree in Information Systems from Southern Illinois University.

In 2003, after my daughter was born, we relocated to Orlando, Florida, where I spent five years employed as a creative manager in a timeshare company. This role provided me with valuable experience across various aspects of the creative field, including branding, photography, video production, design, project management, and more. After leaving the company in 2009, I started a video and photography business, creating visuals for hotels and resorts such as Marriott, Hilton, Four Seasons, and many others. This job also allowed me to travel extensively across the U.S. for assignments in Nevada, the Carolinas, Alabama, Colorado, and other locations.

In 2014, I encountered my first video brochure and immediately recognized its potential. It perfectly combined my previous experiences in print, design, photography, and video. I started a business that slowly began building its customer base and saw significant growth during the pandemic years. Over the last eight years, we have consistently increased sales year after year, establishing ourselves as the leader in display-based devices

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

One of the most intriguing cultural adjustments I encountered upon moving to the U.S. in the late ’90s involved the dynamics of the workplace. Coming from a European background, I was accustomed to a work environment where job changes were infrequent and significant reasons were typically needed for someone to leave or be dismissed from a position. During my 20s, while working in Europe, I collaborated with many of the same colleagues for years, which fostered a stable and predictable professional life.

However, upon arriving in the U.S., I was initially quite shocked to witness the rapid turnover in companies, where individuals would join and then depart or be let go within mere weeks or months. This was a stark new reality I had to adapt to. Reflecting on this now, especially in the context of networking, this high turnover rate inadvertently became highly beneficial. It provided me with a vast network of business contacts — former colleagues who moved on to various roles in different companies. This network became invaluable as I established my own business. Essentially, if not for the high turnover at the companies I initially worked with in the U.S., my journey as a business owner would have likely been much more challenging.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

Looking back I think I have to highlight traits that I may not have initially, but over the course of the time I had to acquire to survive in the business world and thrive.

Flexibility has been crucial in adapting to changing circumstances and unexpected challenges. Whether it was moving to a new country, adjusting to a different culture, or navigating the evolving business landscape, being flexible allowed me to remain open to new ideas and opportunities. Some of my former bosses may roll their eyes at me embracing change, but much has changed, and I had to work really hard to adapt. While it does not come naturally to me, it is something that, I hope, evolved during my journey.

That goes hand in hand with stepping out of my comfort zone and trying something new or out of character. Moving to the U.S., starting a business from scratch, and reaching out to potential clients were all steps that pushed me beyond my comfort zone, and I must admit, sometimes it was overwhelming, frustrating, and, in a few instances, extremely challenging.

Finally, being able to pivot and react to new situations has been vital in maintaining momentum and seizing new opportunities. When I saw the potential in video brochures, I didn’t hesitate to shift my focus and adapt my business strategy. This agility allowed me to stay ahead of market trends and grow theVideoCards successfully.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Let’s begin with a basic definition so that we are all on the same page. How exactly do you define “Networking?” Is it just about meeting new people?

Networking, in my view, goes beyond merely meeting new people. It’s about strategically building a web of relationships where each connection has the potential to introduce you to others, creating a dynamic, expanding network. This approach not only increases visibility but also positions you as a valuable resource within a vast, interconnected community. Effective networking means cultivating these relationships so that they are mutually beneficial, allowing for the flow of information, resources, and support in ways that fuel both personal and professional growth. It’s about creating a supportive ecosystem where opportunities and value circulate continuously among all members.

In today’s digital age, how important is face-to-face networking, and how do you balance it with online networking?

In today’s digital age, while online networking is incredibly efficient and far-reaching, the importance of face-to-face networking cannot be underestimated. Meeting someone in person allows for a deeper level of communication, often leading to stronger bonds that can evolve into lifelong relationships. There is a unique value in the personal touch, the handshake, and the direct eye contact that comes with in-person interactions, which can significantly enhance trust and rapport.

However, balancing face-to-face networking with online interactions is key. Leveraging digital tools enables us to maintain and nurture these relationships efficiently and stay connected across distances. For example, initial connections might be made online through platforms like LinkedIn or at virtual conferences, but fostering these relationships through in-person meetings when possible can solidify and deepen them. It’s about integrating the convenience and reach of digital networking with the personal depth of face-to-face interactions to build a well-rounded, robust network.

How do you maintain and nurture professional relationships over time, both in person and online, to ensure they remain fruitful and mutually beneficial?

Maintaining and nurturing professional relationships over time requires a consistent and thoughtful approach, whether the interactions are in person or online. The adage “Out of sight, out of mind” holds particularly true in the business world. It’s crucial to stay visible and available to your network. This involves regularly reaching out through emails, social media engagements, and phone calls to keep the lines of communication open.

In person, attending business gatherings, industry conferences, and networking events is essential. These venues offer opportunities to reconnect with contacts and meet new ones, helping to strengthen existing relationships and forge new ties. Online, you can maintain visibility by sharing updates about your business, contributing to discussions, and offering valuable insights and resources that benefit your network.

The goal is to provide continuous value to your connections, ensuring that the relationship remains mutually beneficial. This could mean sharing leads, providing referrals, or simply offering expert advice. By investing time and effort into these relationships, you make them more likely to yield positive outcomes for all involved.

How important is personal branding when it comes to successful networking, and how can individuals develop and maintain a strong personal brand both online and in person?

Personal branding has become increasingly crucial in the realm of successful networking, especially in an era dominated by social media. We’ve transitioned from a focus on personal profiles to business profiles, and more recently, there’s been a shift towards emphasizing personal brands over corporate pages. This shift reflects the reality that people tend to engage more with individual updates and achievements than with the generalized content of faceless brand accounts.

Developing and maintaining a strong personal brand both online and in person involves a consistent and strategic approach. Online, it’s important to actively manage your social media profiles by sharing relevant content, achievements, and insights that reflect your professional expertise and values. This not only increases your visibility but also helps to establish your reputation as a thought leader in your field.

In person, your personal brand is conveyed through your demeanor, how you communicate, and how you engage with others. Ensuring that your in-person interactions mirror the persona you’ve built online is key to maintaining consistency in your brand. This congruence between online and offline personas reinforces trust and reliability, making your personal brand more impactful.

What is your advice for young professionals who are just starting to build their network? How can they effectively reach out to and connect with experienced leaders in their field?

For young professionals just beginning to build their network, my advice is to balance the benefits of remote work with the invaluable opportunities that in-person interactions offer. While remote work provides flexibility and has become a preferred mode for many, those at the start of their careers should seek opportunities to physically go to work where possible. This environment fosters the development of a network of friends and business associates that can form the foundational base for future networking.

In addition to leveraging in-person opportunities, young professionals should also make effective use of LinkedIn. This platform is often undervalued but is crucial for reaching out to and connecting with experienced leaders in their field.

Do you prioritize quality or quantity of connections? How do you determine when to invest more time in a particular relationship?

When it comes to networking, I prioritize the quality of connections over quantity. It’s more beneficial to have a smaller circle of meaningful and supportive relationships than a larger network of superficial contacts. Often, the decision to invest more time in a particular relationship can come down to individual chemistry. I’ve found that some business contacts naturally evolve into friendships, which enhances the depth and value of those connections.

However, it’s crucial to approach every interaction with equal respect and consideration. In my experience, I’ve noticed how some individuals treated me differently at the beginning of my career compared to later on when I was in a decision-making position. Those initial interactions, where I felt undervalued, led to those individuals losing potential business opportunities down the road.

This highlights the importance of treating every connection with significance, regardless of their current status or role. You never know how roles might evolve over time, and a person who may seem less relevant to your career now could become a key contact in the future.

What are your “5 Strategies for Successful Networking, Both Online and Offline”?

1 . Joining professional associations is a powerful strategy for expanding your network and can lead to significant career opportunities. For example, years ago, I became a member of the Hospitality Sales and Marketing International Association. My active participation not only deepened my knowledge and expertise in the field but also provided me with a platform to engage directly with industry leaders and peers.

Over time, my involvement grew, and I became a member of the leadership team. This role significantly enhanced my visibility and credibility within the community. Being on the leadership team allowed me to stay intimately connected with industry professionals in Orlando, where my business is based. This proximity to other professionals facilitated numerous meaningful connections that proved invaluable.

2 . Leveraging social media platforms is an essential strategy for effective networking, particularly for maintaining visibility and relevance within your industry. Platforms like LinkedIn provide a direct line to industry leaders, enabling you to connect, share content, and engage in meaningful discussions. These activities not only increase your professional visibility but also establish you as an engaged and knowledgeable member of your industry.

A personal example of how powerful these connections can be dates back to my time working at a timeshare company. During this period, I made it a point to connect with colleagues and industry contacts on social media, building a network that extended beyond the immediate confines of my then-current position.

Over time, as some of these contacts moved on from their positions, the professional bonds we had formed proved to be incredibly beneficial. Many of these individuals, remembering our interactions and my expertise, reached out with opportunities as they arose. This network became instrumental when I founded my own business. The initial act of hitting the “friend” or “connect” button on social media, which at the time seemed like a simple gesture, evolved into a robust network that generated a significant amount of business for my company in the local market.

3 . Offering value first is a fundamental principle in building strong and lasting professional relationships. By prioritizing the provision of value to others — whether through sharing your expertise, resources, or helpful insights — you establish a foundation of trust and goodwill. This approach not only positions you as a generous and reliable contact but also sets the stage for a reciprocal relationship.

Moreover, consistently providing value helps you to stand out in a crowded professional landscape. In an era where everyone is vying for attention and connections, being someone known for offering genuine help without immediate expectations of return can make you memorable.

4 . Actively seek connections outside your immediate professional sphere to gain diverse insights and opportunities. You could tell a story about how a connection from a different industry brought a fresh perspective or opportunity to your work.

5 . Maintaining an active and professional online presence is a crucial element of effective networking, particularly in today’s digital-centric business environment. This strategy involves more than just having social media accounts; it’s about actively engaging on these platforms in ways that highlight your expertise and commitment to your industry. This proactive approach to your online presence can attract connections naturally. By consistently sharing your expertise and engaging with your industry online, you make it more likely that others will reach out to connect with you, see you as a resource, and consider you for opportunities that arise.

What role does diversity and inclusion play in your networking approach? How do you ensure that your network is inclusive and represents a broad range of perspectives and backgrounds?

As an immigrant, I regard diversity and inclusion not merely as professional imperatives but as deeply personal commitments. In cultivating my network, I consciously strive to forge connections with individuals whose backgrounds, expertise, and perspectives diverge from my own. The rich tapestry of diverse experiences — ranging from varied upbringings and locations to distinct cultural heritages — offers invaluable lessons and broadens my understanding of the world.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

We meet many people throughout our lives, but often, our paths eventually diverge. I would inspire a movement centered on reconnecting with old connections, even if it’s just to say happy birthday or simply to say, “Hi, I thought of you.” From my experiences, I’ve learned that such small gestures can make a significant impact on someone’s day. If a brief message can brighten someone’s day, that is a fantastic accomplishment.

How can our readers further follow you online?

Readers can follow my personal LinkedIn account, as well as our company LinkedIn account to keep up with the latest updates.

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About the Interviewer: Athalia Monae is a product creator, published author, entrepreneur, advocate for Feed Our Starving Children, contributing writer for Entrepreneur Media, and founder of Pouches By Alahta.



Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine

Product creator, author, entrepreneur, Feed Our Starving Children advocate, Writer for Entrepreneur Media, & founder of Pouches By Alahta.