Highly Effective Networking: Sabrina Walker Hernandez Of Supporting World Hope On 5 Strategies for Successful Networking, Both Online and Offline

An Interview With Athalia Monae

Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine
8 min readAug 12, 2024


Be Authentic: People are drawn to genuine individuals. Share your true story and listen actively. For example, while working on a major capital campaign, I shared my journey and challenges openly with potential donors, which helped build trust and secure significant contributions.

The art of networking is pivotal in today’s interconnected world. Establishing meaningful connections can accelerate career growth, foster collaborations, and create opportunities that might otherwise remain hidden. Yet, the dynamics of networking are intricate, often requiring a nuanced blend of authenticity, strategy, and adaptability. And with the digital revolution, networking has transcended beyond face-to-face interactions to virtual platforms, expanding its scope and complexity. In this series, we would like to discuss the art and science behind effective networking. We are talking to seasoned professionals, career coaches, networking experts, and thought leaders who’ve mastered both traditional and online networking techniques. As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Sabrina Walker Hernandez.

Sabrina Walker Hernandez started her company, Supporting World Hope, from a hospital bed after being diagnosed with cancer. She is obsessed with building relationships, and helping mission-driven businesses and nonprofits increase their revenue. Having trained over 10,000 clients, Sabrina has a reputation for transformational leadership through staffing and mission alignment, funding systems, community partnership, and employee retention. From helping an organization go from $750K to $2.5M, completing a $12M comprehensive capital campaign, to establishing a $500K endowment in the 3rd poorest county in the United States. Sabrina is using her knowledge to help clients gain the success they deserve.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about networking, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

My journey to my current career path is deeply rooted in my lifelong dedication to service. Growing up, I was greatly influenced by my mother, who is a missionary in the church. Her unwavering commitment to helping others and spreading hope inspired me to pursue a path of service. Additionally, I come from a family with a strong military background, including my grandfather who served in the Korean War, and my own service as an Army Veteran. These experiences instilled in me the values of commitment and leadership early on. This foundation, combined with a passion for making a positive impact, led me to the nonprofit sector. My work in business and leadership coaching and consulting, particularly through Supporting World Hope LLC, allows me to share my knowledge and help organizations become powerful agents of change.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

One of the most remarkable experiences in my career was taking on the challenge of raising $12 million to construct a state-of-the-art Boys & Girls Club in the third poorest county in the United States during the 2008 recession. Many said it could not be done, especially given the economic climate. However, with a dedicated team of seven and through creative partnerships and collaborations, we successfully achieved our goal. This accomplishment demonstrated the incredible power of teamwork and innovation, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

  1. Resilience: My career has not been without its challenges, but resilience has allowed me to navigate setbacks and continue pushing forward. For example, when I first started my business, there were numerous hurdles, but my determination to succeed helped me overcome each obstacle and build a thriving consulting practice.
  2. Empathy: Understanding the needs and concerns of others has been crucial in my work. When working with business owners and nonprofit leaders, being able to empathize with their struggles allows me to provide more effective and compassionate guidance.
  3. Strategic Thinking: The ability to see the bigger picture and plan accordingly has been vital. In developing my B.U.I.L.D. framework, I was able to create a structured approach that helps CEOs strengthen their operations and achieve their goals.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Let’s begin with a basic definition so that we are all on the same page. How exactly do you define “Networking?” Is it just about meeting new people?

Networking is much more than just meeting new people; it’s about building meaningful and mutually beneficial relationships. It involves connecting with others on a deeper level, understanding their needs, and finding ways to support each other. Effective networking is based on genuine connections and the willingness to give as much as you receive.

In today’s digital age, how important is face-to-face networking, and how do you balance it with online networking?

Face-to-face networking remains incredibly important because it allows for more personal and authentic interactions. However, online networking is also crucial, especially in our increasingly digital world. Balancing the two involves using online platforms to maintain and nurture relationships while also taking the time to meet in person when possible. Each method complements the other and enhances the overall networking experience.

How do you maintain and nurture professional relationships over time, both in person and online, to ensure they remain fruitful and mutually beneficial?

Consistent and genuine communication is key to maintaining professional relationships. I make it a point to regularly check in with my contacts, offer support and share resources that might be valuable to them. In-person interactions, such as coffee meetings or attending events together, help strengthen these bonds, while online platforms like LinkedIn facilitate ongoing engagement and updates.

How important is personal branding when it comes to successful networking, and how can individuals develop and maintain a strong personal brand both online and in person?

Personal branding is essential for successful networking because it helps establish your identity and credibility. To develop a strong personal brand, be clear about your values, expertise and what you stand for. Consistently share your knowledge and experiences through speaking engagements, social media and written content. Authenticity is key — people are drawn to genuine and relatable individuals.

What is your advice for young professionals who are just starting to build their network? How can they effectively reach out to and connect with experienced leaders in their field?

My advice for young professionals is to be proactive and intentional about networking. Start by attending industry events and joining relevant online communities. When reaching out to experienced leaders, be respectful and clear about your intentions. Show genuine interest in their work and seek opportunities to provide value, such as offering your skills or insights.

Do you prioritize quality or quantity of connections? How do you determine when to invest more time in a particular relationship?

I prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to connections. A few strong, meaningful relationships are far more valuable than a large number of superficial ones. I invest more time in relationships where there is mutual respect, shared values and the potential for long-term collaboration. If a connection is genuinely beneficial and enriching for both parties, it is worth nurturing.

What are your “5 Strategies for Successful Networking, Both Online and Offline”?

  1. Be Authentic: People are drawn to genuine individuals. Share your true story and listen actively. For example, while working on a major capital campaign, I shared my journey and challenges openly with potential donors, which helped build trust and secure significant contributions.
  2. Add Value: Focus on how you can help others rather than what you can gain. Offering free advice or resources builds trust and respect. During my time raising funds for the Boys & Girls Club, I often provided insights and assistance to other community projects, which in turn garnered support for our cause.
  3. Follow Up: After meeting someone, send a follow-up message to express your appreciation for the conversation and suggest ways to stay in touch. After networking events, I make it a point to reach out to new contacts, which has helped foster long-lasting relationships.
  4. Leverage Social Media: Use platforms like LinkedIn to share valuable content and engage with your network. This keeps you visible and top-of-mind. By regularly posting about nonprofit and small business strategies and success stories, I have maintained a strong online presence and attracted new opportunities.
  5. Attend Events: Both online and offline events are crucial. Participating in webinars and conferences helps expand your network and stay updated on industry trends. I’ve found that attending mixers, chamber and civic organization events has led to valuable connections and collaborations.

What role does diversity and inclusion play in your networking approach? How do you ensure that your network is inclusive and represents a broad range of perspectives and backgrounds?

Diversity and inclusion are fundamental to my networking approach. I actively seek to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries. This enriches my network with a wide range of perspectives and experiences. I make it a point to attend events and join groups that prioritize inclusivity and to advocate for equitable practices in all my networking efforts.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I would start a movement called ‘Purpose-Driven Profit’ that aims to revolutionize how we approach business and social impact. This movement would focus on promoting and supporting social entrepreneurship — business models that seamlessly integrate profit and purpose.

The core idea is to challenge the traditional divide between for-profit businesses and nonprofits. Instead, we’d champion a new paradigm where creating positive social change is a fundamental part of business success, not an afterthought or separate charitable activity.

The goal is to create a world where businesses prioritize social and environmental impact alongside financial performance. By blending business efficiency with nonprofit mission-focus, we can tackle global challenges more effectively, potentially leading to breakthroughs in areas like renewable energy, healthcare and education. This approach could harness market forces for positive change at a scale beyond traditional philanthropy, fundamentally shifting how society creates and distributes value. It aligns with my experience in both nonprofit and business sectors, leveraging insights on creating sustainable, impactful organizations.

How can our readers further follow you online?

Readers can follow me on LinkedIn, where I regularly share insights and resources on leadership. They can also visit my website, www.supportingworldhope.com for more information on my services and upcoming events.

Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!

About the Interviewer: Athalia Monae is a product creator, published author, entrepreneur, advocate for Feed Our Starving Children, contributing writer for Entrepreneur Media, and founder of Pouches By Alahta.



Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine

Product creator, author, entrepreneur, Feed Our Starving Children advocate, Writer for Entrepreneur Media, & founder of Pouches By Alahta.