How Networking And Marketing Can Lead To A Successful Business
I had the pleasure of interviewing Matthew Gregg, Founder of 1Element Gardens. Raised as a farmer/cultivator in his early years, now a veteran, gave him a solid foundation from which he developed a comprehensive and dynamic understanding of the management procedures associated with the cannabis business. He has continued to gather an immeasurable amount of knowledge and experience in energy and environmentally-safe cultivation. This coupled with effective processing and distribution under state laws. His strong will and motivation to acquire more knowledge is proven by a continual pursuit of acquiring his master’s degree in business management as well as in agricultural categories. This drive, priceless, is something you can’t put any amount of dollars on.
Thank you so much for doing this with us! What is your “backstory”? How did you first get into this business or get interested in the business?
As a child, I grew up on a farm owned by my uncle in South Carolina. I remember him teaching me the basics of agriculture, but as a child, I was more interested in harvesting and selling the produce. After a hard day’s work, I would look at that $20 like it was the world.
At the age of 6, I got the introduction to what it meant being a man of color in America, and the scrutiny of the cannabis…