“How to Become the Center of Influence Through Perspective-Shifting Podcasting” with Erica Courdae of Pause on the Play Podcast

Tracy Hazzard
Authority Magazine
Published in
5 min readAug 29, 2019


Erica Courdae of Pause on the Play Podcast

A podcast wasn’t part of Erica Courdae’s plans, but a recording for a blog post opened her eyes to both the energy, and the possibility of this medium of communication. Courdae ended up falling in love with podcasting and it’s process, and here she is, several episodes later, thrilled about this unexpected opportunity and where it is leading her.

Courdae is an entrepreneur, coach, consultant, writer, and speaker who helps people connect through conversations that are challenging female business leaders to be the change they want to see. By voting with their dollars, supporting other female owned or oriented businesses, and hiring from a place of support across racial and cultural lines, change happens. When she’s not coaching and supporting her clients, you can find her writing poetry or cuddled up with her two little ones… oh, and hosting Pause on the Play podcast, her latest endeavor, aimed at bringing light to the truths we all desperately need to see.

Vulnerability As A Rule

On the topics she addresses, Courdae places herself in a place of high vulnerability, something she says is paramount in offering herself to the public and her listeners. Marginalization…



Tracy Hazzard
Authority Magazine

Podcasting Expert Strategist; Host of 7 top podcasts: The Binge Factor; New Trust Economy; Feed Your Brand; Product Launch Hazzards; WTFFF?! Podetize Co-Founder