“How to Create a Bingeable Podcast by Stepping Into Your Power” with Megan Fenyoe of I Am Enough TV & The Blonde Bombshell Podcast

How being real to your listeners makes you even more bingeable.

Tracy Hazzard
Authority Magazine


Megan Fenyoe is an Air Force Veteran, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist (LCSW), Speaker and Trainer, and Host of The Blonde Bombshell Podcast and I Am Enough TV and Founder of the international I Am Enough Movement a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization. If you thought that was a lot, she’s also an Amazon Best Selling Author and recently published her book You Are Enough: 5 Steps To Move From Struggle To Strength, along with being featured on SiriusXM Radio including the Jenny McCarthy show and over 300 TV/Radio Shows and podcasts.

Becoming “Enough”

After struggling through a narcissistic and abusive marriage, surviving a drawn-out and painful divorce, and being forced to start over with nothing at all — Fenyoe questioned her worth in this world. At rock bottom, she continuously questioned whether or not she was enough. Her life felt meaningless, without purpose, and Fenyoe felt like she was dying inside.

“I knew I would have to do the internal hard work to get back to me, and so I decided



Tracy Hazzard
Authority Magazine

Podcasting Expert Strategist; Host of 7 top podcasts: The Binge Factor; New Trust Economy; Feed Your Brand; Product Launch Hazzards; WTFFF?! Podetize Co-Founder