How To Identify And Retain Fantastic Talent with Amber Bouchard Of Maven Wave

Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine
Published in
9 min readSep 5, 2019


Our approach is a positive candidate experience, where potential hires leave interviews wanting to work here, even if they ultimately don’t get an offer.

As a part of my HR Strategy Series, I’m talking to top experts in the field to teach prospects what hiring managers are actually looking for, while also supporting business leaders in their hiring and retention strategies. Today I had the pleasure of talking with Amber Bouchard.

Amber Bouchard leads Maven Wave’s North American Talent Acquisition. Preceding Maven Wave, Ms. Bouchard focused on hiring experienced professionals for the Information Technology department at Grosvenor Capital Management, and managed the campus recruitment program. Having begun her career at an executive search firm, she brings recruitment experience within Technology, Finance, Accounting, Sales, and Operations. Ms. Bouchard has a passion for creating and implementing strategic and innovative practices to ensure Maven Wave is recruiting and retaining the industry’s best talent.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?



Kage Spatz
Authority Magazine

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