“How to Improve the Performance of Your Podcast through Innovation” with Chad McAllister of The Everyday Innovator Podcast

How being in the innovation space makes you bingeable.

Tracy Hazzard
Authority Magazine


Chad McAllister, host of The Everyday Innovator Podcast.

Chad McAllister, Ph.D. and founder of Product Innovation Educators is the host of The Everyday Innovator, the longest-running weekly podcast equipping product managers and innovators for success. He is a recognized Top 40 Product Management Influencer and a Top 10 Innovation Blogger. In addition to helping organizations improve the performance of their product managers and teams, he teaches product management and innovation management for leading universities.

It All Started on the Road

After a stint in a motorhome with his wife and two kids — McAllister felt drawn to reconnect and pour into conversations he was missing during his time on the road. A podcast seemed like the right medium for McAllister to accomplish this, and a vision was born right in front of him. At that time, there really wasn’t great infrastructure to build or launch a podcast, something McAllister credits his success to. “I had no choice, I had to do my homework upfront. I had to take time to prepare and make sure this was something I was really going to love doing, and I had to figure out what experience I was…



Tracy Hazzard
Authority Magazine

Podcasting Expert Strategist; Host of 7 top podcasts: The Binge Factor; New Trust Economy; Feed Your Brand; Product Launch Hazzards; WTFFF?! Podetize Co-Founder