I don’t want to get bogged down in things that aren’t going to move the needle because more time wasted is less time with my family” with Beatrice Purdy and Jessica Abo

Jessica Abo
Authority Magazine
Published in
7 min readAug 26, 2019

It’s made me more efficient for sure, I don’t want to get bogged down in things that aren’t going to move the needle because more time wasted is less time with my family. It’s also taught me to be more patient. Good things take time and everyone operates at a different pace.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Beatrice Purdy. Beatrice joined Park Avenue Apparel, Inc. as president in April 2018. As president, Beatrice is responsible for branding, merchandising, marketing, eCommerce sales, operations, and consumer insights for Measure & Made and the Little Black Pant. Beatrice is a results-oriented retail industry professional with 16 years of combined experience in eCommerce, department stores, off-price, and direct response. Prior to joining Park Avenue Apparel, she was the Digital Vice President for Juniors and Special Sizes at Macy’s responsible for improving the digital shopping experience and contributing to omnichannel growth. Beatrice has held various buying positions throughout her career that include cosmetics, women’s coats, contemporary clothing, denim, better bottoms, and career classification sportswear. She helped launch the Thalia Sodi private label line at Macy’s, the biggest female private label launch at that time, and the first clothing line at Macy’s to cater to the Latina demographic. Beatrice expanded her retail skill set further when crossing over to the off-price retail segment in as a Senior Buyer for Ross Stores, Inc. Throughout her career she has worked and negotiated with countless vendors, traveled overseas to achieve optimal costing on goods, and managed large teams. Beatrice has a Bachelor of Arts from Boston University.

Thank you so much for joining us! Can you tell us the “backstory” behind what brought you to this point in your career?

Thanks for having me! I’ve been in the retail world for 16 years and have department store, off-price, and e-commerce experience. Prior to becoming President at Measure & Made I was a Digital Vice President at Macy’s.

Where were you in your career when your child was born/became part of your family?

I was actually at Measure & Made. My baby girl just turned 5 months!

Did you always want to be a mother? Can you explain?

I always thought I would be a good mother but wasn’t sure when or if the timing would be right.

Did motherhood happen when you thought it would or did it take longer? If it took longer, what advice would you have for another woman in your shoes?

I never had a definitive timeline and when I got married a few years ago my husband I agreed that if it was meant to be it would be, I knew that any option other than natural wasn’t for me. I was actually at the hospital about to have back surgery in June’18 when the head nurse told me I was pregnant. It was a complete shock but a happy one and surgery was postponed indefinitely.

My advice to other women is to be good to yourself and your body…there is so much pressure in our normal day to day lives that adding to it will only make your feel worse. Be patient if you can and if you want to explore other alternatives that’s your prerogative.

Can you tell us a bit about what your day-to-day schedule looks like?

Wake up at 5:15am, check sales and customer social media comments, peek in on my sleeping baby, then commute to the gym for early morning workout, shower/dress and head to the office. Depending on the day of the week there are meetings scheduled with different teams: Customer Service, Production, PR, Marketing, etc. A good amount of the day is spent strategizing both short and long term strategies to propel our business and checking in on my team to make sure they are ok. I try to finish up by 6:30 and then head home to spend a few hours with the baby before putting her to sleep.

Has being a parent changed your career path? Can you explain?

No, it hasn’t. I’ve always been a strong, driven, and independent woman. I think that I can have a career and still be a great parent and teach my daughter that a strong work ethic is important to reach your goals.

Has being a mother made you better at your job? How so?

It’s made me more efficient for sure, I don’t want to get bogged down in things that aren’t going to move the needle because more time wasted is less time with my family. It’s also taught me to be more patient. Good things take time and everyone operates at a different pace.

What are the biggest challenges you face being a working mom?

It’s a struggle to keep some type of work life balance when running a company and being a mom. I think women put so much pressure on themselves to be the best mom or the best boss and ultimately wind up feeling that they aren’t pleasing anyone. You only need to please yourself! Today you may better at one thing and tomorrow another, as long you know you tried your hardest that’s what matters.

Are there any stories you remember from the early days of parenthood that you want to share?

I’m still a newbie when it comes to parenthood but I love watching my baby grow and develop every day. It grounds you and reminds you that there is nothing more important than her happiness.

Are there any meaningful activities or traditions you’ve made up or implemented that have enhanced your time with your family? Can you share a story or example?

We listen to music before the baby’s bedtime which she loves and read her a story every day. Even at this stage their brain is a sponge that soaks up everything. It gives us that special “family time” before bed.

We all live in a world with many deadlines and incessant demands for our time and attention. That inevitably makes us feel rushed and we may feel that we can’t spare the time to be “fully present” with our children. Can you share with our readers 3–5 strategies about how we can create more space in our lives in order to give our children more quality attention?

I think moderate scheduling is important…meaning that having a schedule is a great guide to how the day should go, but you can’t get caught up if things don’t happen exactly the way you plan. My musts for the week include date night Thursdays with my husband and putting my daughter to bed every night (except Thursday). I devote 90% of my weekends to family time and try to only check email 3x a day Sat-Sun.

1.) Create a weekly schedule guide

2.) Determine your “must” commitments and don’t break them

3.) If you can’t balance during the week try to shift priorities on the weekends

How do you inspire your child to “dream big”? Can you give an example or story?

The best thing I can do is help expose her to multiple experiences and cultures throughout her childhood so that she can see just how big the world is and what it has to offer.

What are your favorite books, podcasts, or resources that inspire you to be a better parent? Can you explain why you like them?

While I think books and podcasts are great learning and reflection tools, my best inspiration comes from real life. Family, friends, and even strangers inspire me to be a better parent…to do more…to try more. I admire my father for his work ethic, my mother for her battle with a terminal illness that ultimately took her life, my husband for his unconditional love, and my best friend for her unwavering positivity. They help ground me and act as a constant reminder that we should take nothing for granted and always live life to its fullest with those that mean the most to us.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote” that you share or plan to share with your kids?

This quote is something that I came across when I was younger that always inspired me and I hope it inspires her as well. “No one knows the mysteries of life or its ultimate meaning, but for those who are willing to believe in their dreams and in themselves, life is a precious gift in which anything is possible.” -Dena Di Iaconi

If you could sit down with every new parent and offer life hacks, must-have products or simple advice, what would be on your list? Two things:

The Baby Brezza (for those that can’t breastfeed or choose to stop after going back to work) is a lifesaver! It mixes formula and water with 3 different temperature options in an instant…perfect for middle of the night feedings.

The book 12 Hours of Sleep by 12 weeks by Suzy Giordano. A friend gave this to me and it’s been a huge help!

Thank you for all of these fantastic insights!



Jessica Abo
Authority Magazine

Award-winning TV journalist, social media navigator, author, and speaker. Author of Unfiltered: How To Be As Happy As You Look On Social Media