Ibrahima Souare Of NYPACE On The Importance Of Professional Business Networks

An Interview with Vanessa Ogle

Vanessa Ogle
Authority Magazine
8 min read1 day ago


Be Authentic: Build genuine relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Authenticity has helped me form strong, lasting connections beyond transactional interactions.

In today’s fast-paced business world, professional networks are more than just a pathway to opportunities; they are crucial for growth, learning, and innovation. Whether it’s finding mentors, navigating career changes, or driving business success, the right network can be a game changer. How significant are these networks, and how can professionals best leverage them? I had the pleasure of interviewing Ibrahima Souare.

Ibrahima Souare is the Executive Director of NYPACE. Before this role, he served as the Senior Community Development Officer at LISC NY, spearheading initiatives in economic development, affordable housing, health equity, and financial opportunities. Notably, Ibrahima successfully launched a COVID-19 relief fund, allocating nearly $4 million to support over 300 BIPOC and women-owned businesses. As a passionate advocate for small businesses, he secured funding and managed a network of community-based organizations across the NYC metro area, championing the growth of small and women- and BIPOC-owned businesses. Recognized as a rising star in City & State’s New York City 40 Under 40 in 2021, Ibrahima holds a Bachelor’s in Political Science from CUNY Lehman College and a Master’s in Public Administration from CUNY Baruch College’s Marxe School as a National Urban Fellow. Currently, he strategically leads and implements growth strategies for NYPACE.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we dig in, our readers would like to get to know you a bit more. Can you tell us a bit about your “backstory”? What led you to this particular career path?

From a young age, I was deeply aware of the disparities in economic opportunities within my community. Growing up in the South Bronx, I saw firsthand how government policies and economic inequities impacted underserved communities. This fueled my passion for economic development and social justice. My journey began with the South Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation, where I provided technical assistance to local businesses. This experience solidified my commitment to driving equitable economic development and led me to various roles that combined my interests in public policy, community support, and business development.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

One of the most interesting experiences was during my time at LISC NYC, where I managed the Small Business Relief & Recovery Fund during the COVID-19 pandemic. We awarded nearly $4M in grants to over 400 small businesses. Witnessing the resilience and creativity of these entrepreneurs, who adapted their business models to survive and even thrive during such a challenging time, was incredibly inspiring. Their stories of innovation and perseverance reinforced the importance of the work we do in supporting small businesses.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Early in my career, while organizing a small business workshop, I mistakenly booked the venue for the wrong date. This resulted in a last-minute scramble to find a new location and inform all the attendees. It was a stressful experience, but it taught me the importance of double-checking all details and having contingency plans in place. From then on, I made it a habit to verify all logistics well in advance to avoid similar mishaps.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I have been blessed to have managers and supervisors who have become mentors and friends at nearly all of my previous employers. One particular community partner tapped me to join his team as his #2. He transitioned from a community partner to a supervisor, mentor, and friend. His intention to offer leadership, management, and professional development opportunities contributed significantly to my ascent into this major leadership role. One notable instance was when he recommended me for a leadership role in a significant project, which significantly boosted my confidence and career trajectory.

Is there a particular book that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

“The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho had a profound impact on me. The book’s message about following one’s dreams and the journey being just as important as the destination resonated deeply. It reminded me that pursuing my goals in economic development and social justice is a continuous journey filled with learning and growth. This perspective has kept me motivated and open to new opportunities and challenges.

How have you used your success to make the world a better place?

Through my roles, particularly as Executive Director at NYPACE, I have focused on creating opportunities for underserved communities. By developing programs that support minority and women-owned businesses, and fostering partnerships that provide resources and mentorship, I aim to drive sustainable economic growth and equity. The impact of these efforts is evident in the success stories of the entrepreneurs we support, many of whom have gone on to create jobs and contribute positively to their communities.

What strategies do you recommend for building and maintaining strong professional business networks?

I have been an avid learner and always seek to sharpen my skills, expand my network, and develop my knowledge. Throughout my professional career, I have been selected for leadership and professional development programs and networks like National Urban Fellows, CORO Leadership NY, Leadership Alliance NY, Council of Urban Professionals, and others. These programs have helped me build and maintain relationships with other professionals and practitioners across the nonprofit, corporate, and government sectors.

Can you share a personal story about how a professional business network has significantly impacted your career or business?

One significant moment was participating in the National Urban Fellows program, which accelerated my professional career while allowing me to meet other leaders in the business and nonprofit world. This experience provided invaluable networking opportunities and opened doors to partnerships and collaborations that have been instrumental in my career development.

Your experience, what are the common misconceptions about networking, and how can professionals overcome them?

A common misconception is that networking is only about gaining personal advantage. However, effective networking is about building mutually beneficial relationships. Professionals can overcome this by approaching networking with a mindset of giving rather than taking and looking for ways to support and add value to their connections.

Can you please share your “5 Ways to Make the Most of a Professional Business Network”?

Be Proactive: Reach out to new contacts and follow up regularly. For example, after attending a conference, I make it a point to connect with at least three new people on LinkedIn and schedule follow-up meetings.

Add Value: Share resources, insights, or opportunities with your network. I often forward relevant articles or introduce contacts who could benefit from knowing each other.

Stay Consistent: Regularly update your network on your activities and achievements. I send a quarterly newsletter informing my network about NYPACE’s progress and upcoming events.

Be Authentic: Build genuine relationships based on trust and mutual respect. Authenticity has helped me form strong, lasting connections beyond transactional interactions.

Be a Giver: Offer support to others. Providing help and resources to others in your network strengthens the bond and fosters a collaborative environment.

What role does digital networking play in today’s business environment, and how can individuals maximize its potential while maintaining meaningful connections?

Digital networking is crucial in today’s interconnected world. It allows for broader reach and more frequent interactions. Individuals can maximize their potential by being active on platforms like LinkedIn, participating in online discussions, and using virtual events to connect with others. Maintaining meaningful connections requires regular, genuine engagement and finding ways to add value to your network.

You are a person of great influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good for the greatest number of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

I would inspire a movement focused on economic empowerment through education and entrepreneurship. Providing access to quality education and resources for starting and growing businesses can create a ripple effect that lifts entire communities out of poverty and fosters sustainable economic growth.

We are very blessed that some very prominent names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them.

I would love to have a private breakfast with Robert F. Smith. His work in economic empowerment and philanthropy, particularly his initiatives to support African American communities and education, aligns closely with my passions and goals. His insights and experiences would be incredibly valuable as I continue to work towards creating equitable economic opportunities.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

Readers can follow us on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, and they can visit our new website at www.nypace.org for updates on my latest projects, insights on economic development, and information about NYPACE’s initiatives. New York entrepreneurs who want to learn more about participating in the NYPACE program can apply here. Readers can donate to our work here.

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.

About The Interviewer: Vanessa Ogle is a mom, entrepreneur, inventor, writer, and singer/songwriter. Vanessa’s talent in building world-class leadership teams focused on diversity, a culture of service, and innovation through inclusion allowed her to be one of the most acclaimed Latina CEO’s in the last 30 years. She collaborated with the world’s leading technology and content companies such as Netflix, Amazon, HBO, and Broadcom to bring innovative solutions to travelers and hotels around the world. Vanessa is the lead inventor on 120+ U.S. Patents. Accolades include: FAST 100, Entrepreneur 360 Best Companies, Inc. 500 and then another six times on the Inc. 5000. Vanessa was personally honored with Inc. 100 Female Founder’s Award, Ernst and Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and Enterprising Women of the Year among others. Vanessa now spends her time sharing stories to inspire and give hope through articles, speaking engagements and music. In her spare time she writes and plays music in the Amazon best selling new band HigherHill, teaches surfing clinics, trains dogs, and cheers on her children.

Please connect with Vanessa here on linkedin and subscribe to her newsletter Unplugged as well as follow her on Substack, Instagram, Facebook, and X and of course on her website VanessaOgle.



Vanessa Ogle
Authority Magazine

Vanessa Ogle is an entrepreneur, inventor, writer, and singer/songwriter. She is best known as the founder of Enseo