Ideas in the Wild: Bob Goulet Is Sharing His Insight on Filling the Self-Manifested Void in Our Lives

Zach Obront
Authority Magazine
Published in
4 min readApr 25, 2022

The ability to treat the next moment as if it were the last can lead to a profound transformation of peace and harmony.

In Chasm, Bob Goulet shares his improbable life journey from tormented child, tragedy, and inmate in one of the world’s toughest prisons to his transcendence into wholeness. He shares his deepest struggles, dead ends, achievements, and messy transformation into a being more peaceful and aligned than he ever imagined.

I recently caught up with Bob Goulet to learn more about why he wrote the book and the ideas he shares with readers.

Why did you write this book?

Something deep inside me was always missing. I felt a constant void and yet could never really figure out what it was.

Was I just plain broken? Was it that I wasn’t good enough? That I hadn’t accomplished enough? That I wasn’t loved enough? Maybe the next “thing” was going to make me feel complete. But the next thing didn’t complete me. Nor did the next or anything after that.

My journey took some wildly unexpected twists and turns. I’m glad to say that with a lot of curiosity, brutal honesty, and relentless work, I finally found what I was looking for. Ironically, it’s way better than I ever imagined, yet not at all what I expected.

When I felt the calling to write this book, my sole purpose was to tell my story and possibly help or even inspire others. Maybe save some suffering. To give something back for all that I stole. Ultimately I want others to see that it is possible to resolve that subtle but constant ache that tells us something is missing.

What’s is the most impactful revelation you share in the book?

Breakthroughs often begin with breakdowns. To transform ourselves out of the darkness, we must be willing to dive even deeper into the chasm of life.

When we’re ready to listen, learn, cleanse, change, rebuild, and connect with our soul, the flimsy, egocentric idea of our identity collapses. To realize the amazing potential that opens, we must passionately seize the opportunity. The risk of ignoring the opportunity is too great, as it assures a future shackled to the darkness that delivered us to the depths of despair in the first place.

When I surrendered my egoic identity, my existence completely changed. I don’t say this in some trivial way, like the many times before that I had resolved to lose weight, to be more attentive, to find my purpose, or “turn over a new leaf.” It wasn’t some “ah-ha” moment. Rather, the curtain that protected me from my self-identity was ripped open.

I accepted that nothing within me or out of me was off-limits. It was like buying an old house in disrepair. I had no idea what lay ahead but fully embraced that I would do whatever it took to get the structure and workings of it all operating well and create the home I knew was possible, even if that meant burning it all down and building a new framework piece by piece.

Nothing was off-limits. If something presented itself, I’d do it. If something called me, I’d go. If I needed to let go of something, then I’d cut it loose. I told myself, if I needed to burn the house to the ground, dig out the foundation, and start all over, then that’s what I would do.

How will following your advice improve your readers’ lives?

My chasm no longer represents a void but a beautiful opportunity to continue to embrace, experience, and evolve. A journey in consistently being even more authentically me.

You’ve traveled your own journey, but when reading Chasm, I’m certain you will see yourself at some points along mine. By sharing my deepest moments of uncertainty in life itself: the fear, tragedy, shame, success, and transformation, to name a few, you’ll see that life doesn’t have to feel empty, no matter what situation you find yourself in.

My transformation was that of a body and mind in chaos to a fully connected soul, filled with peace and serenity. If you find yourself always searching for what’s next, something better, or more of everything, you will learn the tools of mind, body, and spirit needed to transform those unending quests. You will learn how to live more awakened and peacefully with your own chasm.

