“If you don’t prejudge a situation, you’ll be good no matter what”, with Heathyr Frances

Drew Gurley
Authority Magazine
Published in
8 min readSep 12, 2018

I had the pleasure of interviewing Heathyr Frances.

Young Entrepreneur, Tv host, actress, motivational speaker, and CEO of her own women empowerment company called The Dazzling and Beautiful Sisterhood, LoveDAB.com.

Thank you so much for joining us! Let’s show everyone you’re a normal human being. What are your hobbies, favorite places to visit, pet peeves? Tell us about YOU when you’re not at the office.

“I am probably one of the most normal human beings. Sometimes I can be friendly to a fault! Haha. I get enjoyment out of a lot of different things but some of my hobbies include, swimming, tie dying, body scrub making, and dancing — mostly ballet.

“My favorite place to visit in California would have to be The Ritz Carlton in Dana Point at Laguna Beach. They have a gorgeous outdoor patio that overlooks the ocean and when the sun sets it’s gorgeous. It’s the place where my fiancé and I started dating.

*My biggest pet peeve is when the toilet roll paper isn’t put back on the roll. Another one of my pet peeves is when you say hi to someone and they are looking right at you and they don’t say anything. I say hi to anyone and anything, haha.”

Can you tell us something about you that few people know?

*I am pretty much an open book, but I was recently diagnosed with Endometriosis. I just spent about two years of my life going thru the worst pain ever. I am doing better now, but I am on mission to help other women learn about Endo; to help them feel better and help them manage the pain like I am doing now.”

Do you have any exciting projects going on right now?

*I was just published in PUMP fashion magazine as one of their summer beauties. That was an exciting project. We photographed four different styled looks and they chose all four to put into the magazine. Thanks to Barry Druxman for all of his help.”

Many people say success correlates with the people you meet in your life. Can you describe two that most impacted your success and why.

“The first person that comes to mind is my fiancé Kevin.

“He is the hardest working person I ever laid eyes on. And I am not just saying that because he is my guy. You can ask anyone that knows Kevin about his success and work ethic. It is his strong work ethic that he does every single day. Even if he is tired or sick, he still gets his work done. He provides well for his family. He has had an extremely successful construction company he built from nothing. Thru the years I have learned from him in many ways but mainly to always try, never give up, and to know your own self-worth.”

“The second person that has taught me success is my great aunt Mary Ann. She had her own limousine business in Boston. The reason why her success means a lot to me is because she taught me to ‘reach for the stars Heathyr; the sky is the limit.’ That stuck with me for the rest of my life and I believe that is one of the things that brought me to California and has made me so successful today.”

Leaders always seem to find ways to overcome their weaknesses. Can you share one or two examples of how you work outside of your comfort zone to achieve success?

“I always wanted to be in the entertainment industry, but I never thought I had the capability or was good enough. I never thought I even had a talent. After living in L.A. for a few years I started noticing all the other young actors pursuing their dreams. I finally said. ‘Heathyr, why not go for it?’

“So, when I first started in my hosting classes I had so many bad habits! My mouth used to get really dry and I couldn’t even speak!! LOL. Not good for a hosting class, BUT after many classes and persistence I finally broke my bad habits and I become one of the top students in my class.”

The concept of mind over matter has been around for years. A contemporary description of this is having mental toughness. Can you give us an example (or two) of obstacles you’ve overcome by getting your mind in the right place (some might call this reframing the situation)?

“Unfortunately, I have been involved with a few dog fights. One of my pups is a rescue, so in the beginning he went thru a phase to adjust to my other dog. They started fighting. I was somewhat alone because my best friend is petrified of dogs to begin with.

“So, I had to get my head in the right place. At first, I was super emotional but then I thought ‘pull it together Heathyr, you have to break this up’. I know you’re not supposed to get in the middle of a big dog fight, but I had no choice. These were my babies!

“All of a sudden it felt like I was super women and I tried everything to get them separated. Thankfully, I watched every move closely and found the perfect moment to get a leash on one of them and was able to get them apart.

“Go figure, 20 minutes later they both realized what happened and start kissing and making up.”

What are your “3 Lessons I Learned from My Most Memorable Failure”

“Honestly I don’t believe I have truly failed at anything in life. Anything bad that has happened to me in the past I believe that it happened for a reason to get me where I am today and to make me smarter.

“However, this is a great question because a lot of things can go wrong and ruin your day in an instant. I have been grateful to learn the rule of unfulfilled expectations, which are expectations such as a promise, ambition, or need; or what was promised, hoped for, or needed has not happened.

“I think that in life we desire to see a situation before it even happens. In that case we get our hopes up. If that situation doesn’t go the way that we imagined, then you’re let down. If you don’t prejudge the situation, you’ll be good no matter what.”

What unfiltered advice can you give aspiring stars regarding how to avoid common mis-fires in starting their career?

“Do your research! It is very important to get to know the people or the entertainment schools/agency’s you want to attend. Ask for reviews, find out the progress of other students or actors/ performers. Take constructive criticism; don’t let it get you down. Use it to build you up.”

What is the best lesson you learned from your worst boss?

“Follow your gut.”

“What is one “efficiency hack” you use consistently in your life to keep your time and mind free to focus on your strengths and passions?

*Set a schedule for your day the night before. Also, it is important to be extremely specific in your lists. Getting specific with goal setting is really important. It will hold you more accountable for accomplishing your goals.”

All actors or musicians have sleepless nights. We have a term we use with our clients called the “2 a.m. moment.” It’s when you’re wide awake and thinking not-so-positive thoughts about your business choices and future. Can you describe a 2 a.m. moment (or moments) you’ve had and how you overcame the challenges?

“The 2 a.m. moment is exactly me!!!

“I usually don’t make it to bed until 3, sometimes 4:30. There are a few tricks I have learned. The first one is to make a to do list for the next day as well as a done list. If you write it down on a piece of paper it allows your mind to forget about it.

“The second is if your lying awake in bed for an hour or longer and you’re still thinking about your project then you should get up and start working on it. I feel I am mostly creative late in the evenings and that is when my projects come to life. You can start working on it until you are actually tired and ready for bed.”

Nobody likes to fail, and we sure don’t like to admit we failed. Can you describe a moment when you confided your most closely-held business issues/problems to someone close to you, and how the conversation(s) helped you work through the issue?

“I think it is important to talk about your problems. I can’t relate this to business, but I can relate it to a relationship. Normally, I look to my mom for relationship advice! It helps me to talk out anything with her so that way I can see things from somebody else’s perspective.”

What’s on the drawing board for your next venture?

“This year I am really throwing myself into the acting realm; lots of auditions and hoping to find an agent. Also, I am pitching my brother Brian’s script to a few movie studios this summer and fall. So that is really exciting.

“Also, I just started putting together a small fashion line for The Dazzling and beautiful Sisterhood. Soon enough we will have some really cool swag!”

What did we miss? Feel free to share any other thoughts or advice on overcoming failure, initiatives you’re currently supporting, any other relevant information you would like to share with the readers.

“I am just a small-town girl from New Hampshire. I didn’t come from much, but I have always had big dreams. Whatever it is you want in life just go for it. Don’t look back, even if you have screwed up before.

“We are lucky to live in a world where second chances are given. When I first moved to L.A. at age 18, I went down a wrong path of drugs, sex, and alcohol, but I was lucky enough to pick myself up and change my life and today I am proud of that change. It helped me to create my women empowerment company.

“So, I believe the journey we are on always has a purpose, so, just keep moving!”


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This was awesome! Thank you so much for joining us!

Photo credit Barry Druxman

Photo credit lilly lawrence @ The Tap Project



Drew Gurley
Authority Magazine

Drew Gurley is an avid entrepreneur, member of the Forbes Finance Council, and epilepsy advocate.