Impactful Communication: Jose Ucar On 5 Essential Techniques for Becoming an Effective Communicator

An Interview With Athalia Monae

Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine


Deep Dive Detective Work — Know Your Audience: Before you start communicating, put on your detective hat. Investigate your audience — their backgrounds, interests, and preferred communication styles. The more you understand them, the better you can tailor your message for maximum impact.

In an age dominated by digital communication, the power of articulate and effective verbal communication cannot be understated. Whether it’s delivering a keynote address, leading a team meeting, or engaging in a one-on-one conversation, impactful speaking can open doors, inspire change, and create lasting impressions. But what truly sets apart an effective communicator? What techniques and nuances elevate a speech from mundane to memorable? As part of this series, we had the pleasure of interviewing Jose Ucar.

Jose Ucar is an international influence and communication expert, with over a decade of experience working with businesses such as Procter & Gamble, SEAT-CUPRA, and Amazon. He is a Tedx Speaker, trainer and coach, who helps business leaders to build strong and successful international relationships with customers and colleagues alike. Jose’s mission is to enable organizations to communicate effectively internationally in a way that gives them a competitive edge.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series. Before we dive into our discussion about communication, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you share with us the backstory about what brought you to your specific career path?

My journey into the realm of communication and positive influence has been shaped by a network of remarkable individuals, among whom Alan Pearce stands out as a significant figure. While there have been others who’ve played pivotal roles in steering me towards my current career path Alan’s impact on my life has been profund.

Picture this: It’s 2007 in Spain, and whilst on a bus ride from San Sebastian to Bilbao, I meetAlan on his way to a conference. In a remarkably short time, Alan managed to understand my aspirations and motivations. His ability to connect deeply with me, despite our differences in background and accents, was astonishing.

In just an hour, Alan outlined a plan that resonated with my goals, leading me to a job in the UK within three months. His Cockney English accent and my Venezuelan-American inflections didn’t hinder our bond; instead, it strengthened our connection.

What this story highlights is the incredible power of swift, genuine human connections. Alan’s influence showed me how a moment of understanding and support can alter the course of someone’s life. He exemplified effective communication transcending cultural boundaries.

Alan’s leadership isn’t just about him — it’s about the ripple effect of positive influence. His guidance propelled me forward, inspiring me to pay it forward. My career is a reflection of this; I aim to use communication as a tool for empowerment, lifting others as Alan did for me.

This story underscores the importance of connections and communication in creating positive change. It’s not just about one person; it’s about the chain reaction of encouragement and support we can spark through our interactions. That’s the essence of my career — using communication to foster connections that uplift and empower others, just as Alan did for me.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career?

One of the most intriguing stories that stands out amidst numerous experiences is an illustration of the potent impact of effective virtual communication and the unexpected connections it can foster. This narrative highlights the importance of authentic openness in forging meaningful relationships.

During a virtual keynote session focused on self-awareness and resilience, I had the privilege of addressing a diverse audience comprising over a hundred individuals hailing from various countries. The session was conducted via Zoom in a webinar style, with cameras off, limiting visual interaction and relying solely on chat engagement.

Amidst this virtual forum, I expressed my genuine willingness to connect offline, fostering authentic relationships beyond the digital space. Little did I know that this simple gesture would lead to a profound offline encounter. Among the attendees, unbeknownst to me at the time, there was someone who would become a very close friend of mine, someone whose family I would even come to spend two Christmases with.

Despite the virtual setting and the inability to visually identify anyone, the power of connection prevailed. Weeks later, while at my local gym, fate intervened. Someone called out my name, and to my surprise, it was Oscar — someone I’d virtually connected with during the keynote. That chance encounter led to a coffee invitation, which organically evolved into a delightful dinner gathering involving my wife, his partner, and their two children.

This anecdote vividly demonstrates the remarkable potential of forging genuine connections, even within what many might consider a challenging communication channel. The absence of visual cues did not deter the authenticity of the connection that was established virtually. By embracing openness and authenticity, the magic of genuine human connection transcended the digital realm.

Oscar and his family have since become an integral part of my life, and our bond has evolved into a heartwarming friendship. Their positive impact on my life resonates deeply, underscoring the significance of authentic communication in nurturing meaningful relationships.

This story underscores a crucial aspect of impactful communication: the willingness to be open, genuine, and authentic, regardless of the communication channel. It emphasizes the power of connection that transcends barriers, highlighting the transformative potential of fostering relationships through sincere and open communication.

You are a successful business leader. Which three character traits do you think were most instrumental to your success? Can you please share a story or example for each?

As a successful business leader, I attribute a significant portion of my success to three key character traits which I have named The Human Explorer, The Learner, and The Stretcher. Each of these traits has played a pivotal role in shaping my approach to leadership and fostering positive growth, especially within my team dynamic.

The Human Explorer trait has been instrumental in my leadership journey. Take, for instance, an experience I had with one of my team members based in India. She was grappling with a lack of confidence and tended to overthink, impacting her performance. Embracing the explorer aspect allowed me to approach her situation with curiosity and support. I delved into understanding her perspective, learning about her challenges, and comprehending the root causes of her apprehension. By exploring her mindset and operational framework, I could better grasp her needs and tailor my support accordingly.

The Learner aspect further enhanced my effectiveness as a leader. Instead of assuming I had all the answers, I approached the situation with an open mind, acknowledging that there was room for improvement in my approach. This mindset shift allowed me to view each interaction as a learning opportunity. Recognizing that every individual is unique, I committed myself to continuous learning, seeking insights into how I could adjust my leadership style to better guide and support others. I realized that my role was not just about teaching but also about being receptive to learning and adapting.

Moreover, the Stretcher trait was crucial in catalyzing growth and positive change within the team. Taking that same team member as an example I asked myself, “What can I change about myself to support her better?” Simultaneously, I pondered on ways to stretch her potential, encouraging her to step beyond her comfort zone. I sought strategies to influence a behavioral shift, fostering confidence, self-awareness, and proactive thinking within her. This aspect of stretching talent encompasses not only challenging oneself but also motivating and inspiring others to surpass their limitations, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within the team.

In summary, these three traits — The Human Explorer, The Learner, and The Stretcher — have been instrumental in my success as a business leader. They have allowed me to navigate diverse situations with empathy, openness to learning, and the ability to inspire growth in both myself and my team members, facilitating positive behavioral shifts and fostering a culture of continuous improvement and empowerment.

Ok, thank you for that. Let’s now jump to the primary focus of our interview. Let’s begin with a basic definition so that we are all on the same page. How would you define an “Effective Communicator?” What are the characteristics of an effective communicator?

An effective communicator is someone who possesses a set of distinct characteristics and skills that enable them to convey messages clearly, authentically, and persuasively across various mediums and audiences. Drawing from my previous answers, here are some of the defining traits of an effective communicator:

Authenticity: An effective communicator remains true to themselves, expressing genuineness and sincerity in their communication. They are comfortable in their own skin, conveying messages with honesty and transparency, which helps in building trust and credibility with their audience.

Adaptability: They possess the ability to adapt their communication style to suit diverse audiences and situations. Understanding that every interaction is unique, they tailor their approach, language, and delivery to resonate with different individuals and cultural backgrounds.

Active Listening: Effective communicators are attentive and engaged listeners. They not only convey their messages clearly but also take the time to understand others’ perspectives, fostering two-way communication and demonstrating respect for others’ viewpoints.

Clarity and Conciseness: They communicate with clarity, avoiding jargon or ambiguity that might lead to confusion. They convey their message in a concise and easily understandable manner, ensuring the audience grasps the key points effectively.

Empathy: A crucial trait is the ability to empathize with the audience. Effective communicators understand the emotions, concerns, and needs of their listeners, allowing them to tailor their message in a way that resonates and connects emotionally.

Non-verbal Communication: They recognize the importance of non-verbal cues, including body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Their non-verbal communication aligns with their spoken words, enhancing the clarity and impact of their message.

Continual Learning: Effective communicators are lifelong learners. They actively seek feedback, refine their communication skills, and adapt to new communication trends or tools to stay relevant and impactful in their interactions.

Influence and Persuasion: They possess the ability to influence and persuade others through their communication. They use storytelling, logic, and emotional appeal to inspire action or bring about positive change.

An effective communicator embodies these characteristics, demonstrating a combination of interpersonal skills, adaptability, empathy, and a commitment to continual improvement in their communication practices. These traits collectively contribute to their ability to convey messages successfully, connect with their audience, and achieve the intended impact in various personal and professional settings.

How can one tailor their communication style to different audiences or situations?

Tailoring communication style to different audiences or situations involves a blend of understanding, adaptability, and strategic adjustments based on prior knowledge and ongoing observations. Building upon the concepts we’ve discussed, here are additional methods to refine communication for various contexts:

Research and Understanding: Just as we’ve emphasized the importance of being a Human Explorer, gathering information about your audience or the situation beforehand is crucial. Learn about their background, preferences, cultural nuances, and communication norms. This knowledge will help you craft messages that resonate and avoid potential misunderstandings.

Adapt Language and Tone: A Leader with Global Influence needs to acknowledge the diversity in language proficiency and cultural nuances. Adjust the language complexity, terminology, and tone to suit the audience’s level of understanding. Use plain language when necessary and avoid idioms or slang that might be unfamiliar or misinterpreted.

Customize Content and Examples: Similar to being a Stretcher, challenge yourself to adapt content and examples to align with the audience’s interests, experiences, and cultural context. Relating to their experiences or using analogies familiar to them can significantly enhance engagement and comprehension.

Tailor Mediums of Communication: Not all situations or audiences prefer the same communication medium. Some might respond better to face-to-face interaction, while others may prefer written communication or visual aids. Assess what mediums are most effective for specific audiences and adapt accordingly.

Flexibility in Approach: Being open to adjusting your communication approach on the fly is vital. Observe the audience’s response and adapt your style if needed. Whether it’s being more assertive or adopting a more empathetic tone, flexibility ensures effective communication across different situations.

Seek and Use Feedback: Continual learning, as we’ve discussed, involves actively seeking feedback. After communication interactions, seek feedback from trusted sources. Understand what worked well and what adjustments might be needed for future interactions.

Empathy and Connection: Cultivating empathy, a key characteristic of an effective communicator, allows you to connect emotionally with your audience. This connection helps in understanding their perspective, allowing for more effective tailoring of your communication.

By leveraging these techniques alongside the foundational principles of effective communication discussed earlier, individuals can enhance their ability to adjust their communication styles adeptly. This approach fosters better engagement, understanding, and meaningful connections with diverse audiences in various situations.

Can you provide an example of a time when you had to adapt your communication style to reach a particular audience successfully?

Adapting my communication style to cater to diverse audiences is a regular occurrence, especially during my comprehensive training sessions aimed at fostering influential leadership and effective communication skills. This adaptability is crucial as these sessions encompass participants of varying ages, backgrounds, businesses, cultures, and positions within their respective companies.

In such scenarios, I strive to strike a balance between addressing the needs and desires of each participant. For instance, some may seek specific insights or strategies they want to take away, while others might require guidance and information they need for personal or professional growth.

Every time I step into such sessions, my goal is to ensure that both new and experienced leaders can benefit from the content. I adjust my communication approach, employing a mix of techniques — from using relatable examples to catering to different learning preferences (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). It’s not just about delivering information; it’s about engaging them on various levels to ensure comprehension and application.

Furthermore, acknowledging the diverse cultural and business backgrounds present in the room is pivotal. My communication strategy involves being mindful of cultural sensitivities, using inclusive language, and employing a wide range of examples to resonate with the diverse audience, ensuring everyone feels represented and included.

By adapting my communication style to this broad spectrum of participants, I aim to ensure that each individual, irrespective of their background or level of experience, can grasp the core concepts and take away actionable insights tailored to their needs. This adaptive approach not only fosters engagement but also enhances the likelihood of participants implementing the learning effectively in their respective roles.

How do you handle difficult or sensitive conversations while maintaining open and effective communication?

Handling difficult or sensitive conversations while maintaining open and effective communication requires a blend of empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution techniques, as we’ve discussed earlier. Leveraging the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument’s five conflict resolution styles — competing, accommodating, compromising, collaborating, and avoiding — can be beneficial in such situations.

Competing: In situations where a decision must be made swiftly or in scenarios demanding strong leadership, the competing style might be employed. However, it’s essential to use this approach sparingly, as it can strain relationships. This style prioritizes assertiveness over collaboration, and it’s effective when quick action is needed.

Accommodating: When preserving relationships or maintaining harmony is paramount, the accommodating style can be applied. This involves being cooperative and accommodating the other party’s concerns, often at the expense of your own. It’s useful in scenarios where maintaining goodwill is crucial.

Compromising: Employing the compromising style involves seeking a middle ground or a fair solution where both parties make concessions. It’s beneficial when time is limited or when a temporary solution is necessary. This style involves a balance between assertiveness and cooperation.

Collaborating: The collaborating style focuses on finding win-win solutions through open communication, active listening, and a joint problem-solving approach. It emphasizes both assertiveness and cooperation and is suitable for complex issues or situations where long-term relationships are essential.

Avoiding: While avoiding conflicts might seem counterproductive, it can be a strategic choice in situations where the issue is not critical or when emotions are high, requiring time for emotions to settle. However, frequent use of this style can lead to unresolved issues.

In handling difficult or sensitive conversations, I approach them with empathy and active listening, understanding the concerns and emotions involved. Depending on the context, I adapt my conflict resolution style accordingly:

For instance, if the conversation requires a swift decision, I might temporarily employ a competing style. However, to ensure balance I consider collaborative or compromising approaches afterwards to ensure inclusivity and cooperation.

In scenarios where preserving relationships is crucial, I might lean towards accommodating or compromising, valuing the harmony and goodwill among individuals involved.

However, for complex issues demanding mutually beneficial solutions and the fostering of strong relationships, I prioritize the collaborating style, aiming for win-win outcomes through open dialogue and joint problem-solving.

Ultimately, the choice of conflict resolution style is contextual, and I strive to maintain open and effective communication by adapting these styles based on the situation, fostering understanding, and seeking mutually beneficial resolutions while respecting all parties involved.

In your experience, how does storytelling play a role in impactful speaking? Why do you think stories are effective in communication?

Storytelling is an integral component of impactful speaking, resonating deeply with our brains and emotions, facilitating powerful connections between the speaker and the audience. Drawing upon the insights shared, here’s how storytelling plays a key role in effective communication:

Neural Coupling and Synchronization: Stories synchronize the speaker’s and listener’s brains through neural coupling. This synchronization fosters coherence and connectedness, ensuring both speaker and audience share a common mental landscape. When a speaker tells a story, similar brain areas light up in both the speaker and the listener, fostering a shared understanding.

Emotional Connection and Cooperative Behavior: Effective storytelling triggers the release of oxytocin, promoting feelings of trust and connectedness in the audience. This emotional connection motivates cooperative behavior and increases engagement.

Capturing Attention and Reducing Mental Drift: Storytelling captivates attention by engaging multiple areas of the brain. Amidst the brain’s tendency to wander or daydream, a compelling story captivates the audience’s focus, reducing mental meandering to zero.

Comprehensive Brain Activation: Stories activate a multitude of brain areas related to sensory experiences, emotions, and memory. Unlike plain facts or statistics, storytelling lights up various brain regions dealing with touch, movement, emotions, and memories, creating a more profound impact. This comprehensive brain activation causes the brain to respond to story events as if they were real experiences.

Enhanced Retention and Memorability: Information conveyed through stories is more memorable than mere facts or statistics. Stories engage brain regions associated with emotional processing and memory, making them more memorable. Brain areas involved in decision-making, emotional association, and memory processing are highly active during storytelling, resulting in improved recall and retention of information.

In essence, storytelling is a potent tool that amplifies the impact of communication by synchronizing brains, evoking emotions, capturing attention, engaging multiple brain regions, and enhancing information retention. Leveraging the power of storytelling is key to not only conveying messages effectively but also fostering lasting connections and influencing behavior in a profound and memorable manner.

What are your “5 Essential Techniques for Becoming an Effective Communicator”? If you can, please share a story or an example for each.

  1. Deep Dive Detective Work — Know Your Audience: Before you start communicating, put on your detective hat. Investigate your audience — their backgrounds, interests, and preferred communication styles. The more you understand them, the better you can tailor your message for maximum impact.

Action: Before your next interaction or presentation, conduct research on your audience. Use available resources like social media profiles, company websites, or prior interactions to gather insights. Create a brief profile noting their backgrounds, interests, and communication preferences. This knowledge will guide how you tailor your message to resonate better with them.

2. Harness the Power of Storytelling: Craft compelling narratives that resonate emotionally. Stories aren’t just words; they’re tools that captivate hearts, activate multiple brain regions, and make your message unforgettable.

Action: Start compiling stories or anecdotes from your experiences that could be relevant to your communication goals. Practice crafting these stories, focusing on emotional resonance and relatability. Incorporate them strategically into your conversations or presentations to enhance engagement and create a lasting impact.

3. Adaptability — Your Secret Weapon: Be flexible in your approach. Adapt your communication style to suit different audiences and situations. It’s like having a toolkit of communication strategies — use the right one for each occasion and engage your audience effectively.

Action: Experiment with adapting your communication style in different scenarios. Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues from your audience. Try adjusting your tone, language, or pace to suit the situation. Reflect on what worked best and continue refining your adaptive approach based on feedback.

4. Listen and Learn: Effective communication isn’t just about speaking; it’s about active listening. Take the time to truly understand others’ perspectives. Listening attentively helps in building connections and becoming a more adept communicator.

Action: Commit to active listening in your interactions. Practice focused listening without interrupting or formulating your response prematurely. Engage in empathetic listening, aiming to understand the emotions and perspectives behind what’s being conveyed. Take notes if necessary to capture key points accurately.

5. Practice Makes Great: Like any skill, practice is key. Hone your communication skills by practicing speeches, presentations, or conversations. The more you practice, the more confident and effective you’ll become in conveying your message.

Action: Dedicate time regularly to practice your communication skills. Set aside moments for mock presentations, role-playing conversations, or rehearsing important discussions. Record yourself to analyze areas for improvement. Consistent practice will enhance your confidence and proficiency in delivering impactful messages.

Effective communication isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it’s a blend of strategies tailored to engage, connect, and resonate with your audience. By doing the detective work to understand your audience, employing the power of storytelling, adapting your style to suit different situations, actively listening to others, and practicing consistently, you build a robust toolkit for impactful communication. These techniques merge into a holistic approach that captivates attention, fosters understanding, and leaves a lasting impression, allowing you to convey your message with authenticity, connection, and influence.

How do you integrate non-verbal cues into your communication? Can you provide an example of its importance?

Integrating non-verbal cues into communication is pivotal for conveying messages effectively. Beyond words, non-verbal cues encompass body language, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, and eye contact. These cues significantly impact how messages are perceived and understood.

For instance, during a presentation, maintaining eye contact with the audience establishes a connection, indicating confidence and sincerity. Gestures and body movements can emphasize key points, adding emphasis and clarity to the spoken words. The tone of voice, its modulation, and pacing can convey emotions, enthusiasm, or seriousness, enhancing the message’s impact.

Consider a scenario where a team leader addresses their group about an upcoming project. While discussing the project’s importance, the leader maintains steady eye contact, uses open and inviting body language, and modulates their tone to express enthusiasm and confidence. These non-verbal cues not only reinforce the verbal message but also instill trust, engagement, and motivation within the team.

Moreover, non-verbal cues play a crucial role in cross-cultural communication. Different cultures may interpret body language or gestures differently, making it essential to be mindful of these nuances to avoid misinterpretation or offense.

Incorporating non-verbal cues aligns with the idea that communication isn’t just about what is said but also how it is conveyed. These cues complement verbal messages, enriching communication by adding layers of meaning, emotions, and authenticity. The integration of non-verbal cues enhances rapport, understanding, and the overall effectiveness of communication interactions.

How has digital communication changed the way you convey your messages? Are there any specific challenges or advantages you’ve encountered?

Digital communication has significantly altered how messages are conveyed, presenting both challenges and advantages in the communication landscape. Leveraging digital platforms has expanded the reach of my messages, allowing connection with individuals worldwide in ways that were previously unimaginable.

One notable change is the shift towards more engaging communication styles in the digital realm. With online interactions, driving engagement can be more energy-consuming due to the absence of immediate physical cues. Crafting messages that resonate and evoke responses demands more effort. However, it’s entirely possible to foster engagement by being interactive, responsive, and creating content that prompts discussions or reactions.

Moreover, setting clear rules of engagement in digital communication is essential. Establishing guidelines for interaction helps maintain focus, relevance, and a respectful atmosphere, mirroring the need for structured communication, similar to face-to-face interactions.

Additionally, digital communication has enabled connections with individuals from diverse backgrounds, just as in the story with my team member from India. Coaching someone across continents was a testament to the reach and potential of digital platforms. It allows for valuable mentorship and support across borders, fostering a global community.

However, while digital communication offers vast reach and convenience, it shouldn’t wholly replace face-to-face interaction. As seen in the story about Oscar, human connection thrives in personal interactions. Although digital platforms enable connections with more people, they might lack the depth and nuances of in-person communication.

Thus, the key is to strike a balance between leveraging the advantages of digital communication for wider reach and maintaining the value of face-to-face interactions. Utilizing digital platforms effectively while acknowledging their limitations ensures that messages are conveyed meaningfully, fostering connections and understanding in a diverse and interconnected world.

Public speaking is a common fear. What techniques or strategies do you recommend to manage and overcome stage fright?

Fear can be our greatest ally or our worst enemy, depending on how we deal with it, process it, and understand it. For me, fear is an integral part of personal and professional growth. Something I explore in my Fear Embracing Mindset Framework (FEAR).


Firstly, proactively acknowledge your fear. When stepping onto the stage, acknowledge the nervousness. Embrace the uncertainty about how the audience might perceive your speech. By recognizing these fears, you are taking the first step towards managing them.


Accept that your fear is valid and normal. Understand that experiencing stage fright is natural, especially when it involves public speaking. Embrace this fear as a chance to grow and learn. Accept that the fear might stem from unfamiliar territory or a new experience. Embracing it allows you to harness its energy to fuel your performance.


After acknowledging and accepting your fears, it’s time to take action. Don’t let fear paralyze you. Start with small steps to address stage fright. Practice relaxation techniques, visualize success, or rehearse your speech multiple times. These actions, even in small increments, help you gradually overcome the fear of public speaking.


Following your stage appearance, reflect on your performance. Analyze what went well and areas for improvement. Use this reflection to refine your future strategies. Embrace this process as part of your continuous improvement journey. This critical evaluation will help you grow and evolve as a speaker.

This Fear Embracing Mindset Framework (FEAR) provides a systematic approach to handle stage fright. By acknowledging, embracing, acting, and reflecting on fears related to public speaking, you can gradually manage and overcome stage fright, paving your way for improved confidence and performance on stage.

What additional resources do you recommend for individuals looking to improve communication skills?

In addition to my book “Global Influence”, my blog, and the World-Class Communicator Online Course, I highly recommend exploring various reputable resources available to enhance communication skills. Some valuable resources to consider are:

  1. Podcasts: Listen to podcasts focused on communication skills, leadership, public speaking, or interpersonal relationships. They offer diverse perspectives and practical insights.
  2. Online Platforms: Utilize online platforms offering courses, webinars, and workshops dedicated to communication improvement. Websites like Coursera, LinkedIn Learning, or Udemy have a wide array of communication-related courses.
  3. Books: Expand your knowledge by delving into renowned books on communication, persuasion, storytelling, and leadership. Some notable titles include “Talk Like TED” by Carmine Gallo, “Crucial Conversations” by Kerry Patterson, and “The Charisma Myth” by Olivia Fox Cabane.
  4. Professional Networking: Engage in professional networking events, workshops, or seminars. Networking opportunities not only improve communication skills but also provide a platform for real-time practice and learning.

Exploring these additional resources will offer a well-rounded approach to honing communication skills, empowering individuals to become more impactful communicators in various settings.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger.

I’m already working on my influence without borders movement. “Influence Without Borders” stands as an initiative focused on cultivating global influence, effective communication, and leadership excellence. With it I aim to empower individuals to harness the power of communication, overcoming barriers and making a lasting impact across borders and cultures.

How can our readers further follow you online?

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Thank you for the time you spent sharing these fantastic insights. We wish you only continued success in your great work!



Athalia Monae
Authority Magazine

Product creator, author, entrepreneur, Feed Our Starving Children advocate, Writer for Entrepreneur Media, & founder of Pouches By Alahta.