Incredible Wellness Destinations: Brad Wells Of Reunion Experience Costa Rica On Why & How Traveling Can Help Us Heal

An Interview With Wanda Malhotra

Wanda Malhotra
Authority Magazine
12 min readAug 15, 2024


Seize the Moment: Don’t wait for the “perfect” time to travel. Whether you’re younger or older, try to seek the opportunity to explore new destinations and retreat from day-to-day life. It is true that the most profound growth comes when we step out of our routines and open up the opportunity for self-discovery. Now is the time to answer the call.

The pandemic has shaped the way we travel and live, with a growing trend leaning towards health, wellness, and a holistic lifestyle. More than ever, individuals are seeking not just getaways, but immersive wellness retreats that help rejuvenate the body, mind, and soul. Destinations that provide a serene environment, unique wellness offerings, and an unparalleled experience are in great demand. In this interview series, we are talking to property owners and hospitality companies who are at the helm of these wellness havens. As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Brad Wells.

Spanning a career of over 30 years, Brad Wells is a serial entrepreneur with business experience in Canada, the United States, and Central America. Brad has started or invested in numerous successful high-performing companies that disrupted their markets, creating highly effective results. With a natural ability to innovate and improvise when solving problems, Brad can see what is possible for the organizations he becomes involved with.

His approach to business is one of concrete actions with vision and focus. With a strong emphasis on culture and creating, he has a long-term perspective on investments and building companies and organizations that have an impact. Finding tremendous purpose and meaning in what has been called “servant leadership,” Brad approaches life with a dedication to continuous personal growth. His intention is to empower others to build and create while leading with integrity and serving with authenticity and heart.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into the main focus of our interview, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

Absolutely! I’m Canadian; the oldest of five kids. I’m the only boy in the family, so I’m the oldest son, and I have four younger sisters. We had a very Catholic upbringing, which played a tremendous part in shaping my beliefs and values. I attended a Catholic school all the way through to ninth grade. My parents were together, and they stayed together their entire life. My dad just passed away two years ago. So, a fairly traditional upbringing in what would be considered a fairly standard Catholic home.

What or who inspired you to pursue your career? We’d love to hear the story.

My father was the central figure who inspired me on my career path. He worked initially in sales and later as a business owner, acting as a role model for my journey into entrepreneurship. From an early age, I enjoyed starting and growing businesses. Despite the importance of financial success, what truly drove me was the sense of purpose and fulfilment that came from building something meaningful. It wasn’t just about making money; it was about creating value and growth.

None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Was there a particular person who you feel gave you the most help or encouragement to be who you are today? Can you share a story about that?

I’d say there were certainly many people who played a significant role in shaping who I am today. However, if I were to pinpoint the most profound source of guidance and insight, it would have to be Ayahuasca, a plant medicine used in indigenous cultures. They often refer to Ayahuasca as a teacher, and I can certainly attest to that. Through my experiences with Ayahuasca ceremonies, I have gained invaluable insights into myself, my behaviors, and how I was showing up in the world. These were things I couldn’t see on my own. While I learned a great deal from my father and father-in-law, it was through Ayahuasca that I truly delved into the depths of self-discovery.

For example, through Ayahuasca, I discovered that my worthiness wasn’t tied to my financial achievements and my identity extended beyond my career. This shift in perspective led me to a pivotal decision: to sell my main company and step away from the corporate world. Drawing from my own transformative experiences, I founded Reunion, a non-for-profit plant medicine retreat in Costa Rica, where I now contribute as a full-time volunteer.

It has been said that sometimes our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share the funniest or most interesting mistake that occurred to you in the course of your career? What lesson or takeaway did you learn from that?

I’ve always had a tough time with the concept of “mistakes” because I believe all of life’s experiences contribute to our learning and growth in some way. Each choice leads to another, offering valuable learning opportunities along the way. However, if I were to reflect on a specific instance, one that stands out is how I handled letting my father-in-law go from my last company. It was a difficult decision, and unfortunately, I didn’t handle it in the most considerate manner. While things eventually worked out, and I had to step up as the President of the company, I realize now that I could have approached the situation with more respect and awareness of how my actions impacted others.

Can you share your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Why does that resonate with you so much?

I actually have two favorite quotes. One is a business quote from Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s. It goes, ‘None of us is as good as all of us.’ We used to have it displayed on the walls of our offices in my old company because it highlights the power of teamwork and collective effort. I truly believe that together, we can achieve more than any one individual could alone.

The other quote that resonates deeply with me is by Ram Dass: ‘We’re all just walking each other home.’ This quote is the ethos of Reunion. It emphasizes the idea that we’re all on this journey together, regardless of our roles or positions. We don’t see ourselves as teachers or gurus; rather, we’re all equals. I particularly love the word ‘just’ in this quote — it reminds us that we’re all just doing this together to help people collectively live a better life.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

We’re currently engaged in some exciting projects at Reunion. One of them is our ‘Cultivating Pride in Authenticity’ program, tailored specifically for the LGBTQ community. As a gay man myself, I’m particularly invested in this initiative. We offer Ayahuasca or psilocybin ceremonies designed for gay men or lesbian women, creating a safe space for them to explore their authentic selves. Drawing from indigenous teachings, these retreat weeks focus on healing in community and addressing specific issues faced by LGBTQ individuals, such as shame.

We’re also focused on an exciting project in Peru. We’ve acquired 400 acres with the intention of regrowing and replenishing Ayahuasca. Originally, this land was slated for palm oil production, but we intervened to preserve its natural habitat. Instead of clearing the forest for palm trees, we’ve maintained its integrity and planted close to 1000 new Ayahuasca vines across the properties. This initiative is aimed at ensuring the sustainability of Ayahuasca for future generations.

OK, thank you for all of that. Let’s now shift to the core focus of our interview about wellness destinations. Let’s dive deeper into these together. Based on your research or personal experience, why do you think travel can lead to better wellness? Can you share a story?

I believe travel can greatly contribute to wellness because it allows us to step out of our daily routines and immerse ourselves in new environments. Reunion, for instance, is based in the beautiful landscape of Costa Rica. Being in a different setting, especially during a retreat like ours, provides an opportunity to focus on your personal growth and your own transformation.

It’s harder to step into this level of deep introspection when we’re stuck in our day-to-day routines. A change of scenery can be incredibly rejuvenating. We often encourage guests to disconnect from technology during their stay, even if just for a few days, to fully embrace the experience and give themselves a break from the distractions of the outside world.

What are a few things which distinguish your property from thousands of wellness properties around the world?

One of the main differences is that we’re a nonprofit plant medicine centre. People come to Reunion specifically for ayahuasca or psilocybin retreats. We’re not a typical wellness resort; our focus is providing a transformative experience centred around these plant medicines. Reunion is located in Costa Rica, widely recognized as one of the safest countries in Central America. Our property spans close to 40 acres along the Pacific Ocean in Guanacaste. It’s a stunning location, offering breathtaking views of the ocean, tropical wildlife, and the peak of a crater, which was once an old volcano. Guests report feeling very in tune with nature here, which we believe enhances the connection to the medicines and their origins.

What type of experience do you want your visitors to have when they visit?

That’s an interesting question because we don’t prescribe a specific experience for our guests or set expectations of what they should or shouldn’t feel. Instead, we create a safe and welcoming environment where guests can have their own unique experiences.

Research indicates that safety is a primary concern for individuals considering an Ayahuasca or psilocybin retreat. We have a 24/7 security team on the property, along with a licensed medical clinic that conducts thorough checks before the medicine experience begins. Beyond this, our nonprofit status creates a psychological sense of safety, as there are no upsells or additions.

In addition to safety measures, we prioritize hosting smaller, intimate groups. This allows for a more personalized and supportive experience, with an optimal guest-to-facilitator ratio. Our goal is to provide a space where guests can feel entirely supported to explore whatever arises during their time with us.

What makes your property a beautiful escape for a body and mind recharge?

Many people seek a body and mind recharge, but I suggest we offer something deeper at Reunion — a recharge for the body, mind, and spirit. Sitting with ayahuasca or psilocybin is a profoundly transformative experience that goes beyond the physical and mental realms. People often describe their time at Reunion as one of the most profound experiences of their lives.

‘Transformative’ is a word I hear a lot. Guests report that they have gained clarity, purpose, healing and become a better version of themselves. We prioritize creating a safe and comfortable environment because research shows that ‘set and setting’ are crucial for an Ayahuasca or psilocybin experience. Our aim is to provide the ideal set and setting for this transformative work.

Can you share any transformative stories or testimonials from guests that have visited your property?

At a conference in Denver, a guest approached me, recalling her visit to Reunion a year prior. Tearfully, she credited her experience at Reunion with saving her life, expressing profound gratitude. Another guest shared that after 55 years of searching, he finally found what he was looking for.

These conversations reaffirm Reunion’s purpose: helping guests to come home to their true essence. Whether they express feeling like ‘themselves again’ or experience a connection to their true selves for the first time, each story reflects a profound transformation. Guests often convey a sense of having found what they were seeking, and for me, that’s incredibly fulfilling.

Why do you think the experience you offer is so needed nowadays?

The power of these medicine experiences is that they offer people exactly what they need. For some, it’s about healing — whether from trauma or deep wounds. Others seek to break through barriers that have held them back. Some are searching for a sense of purpose, while others crave transformation and strive to become the best version of themselves.

I truly believe that people are called to experience these medicines. It’s not just a matter of wanting to try it out; it’s common to feel like a deep inner calling, often as a result of trying other modalities that haven’t brought about the healing they desired. For those who feel the calling, I highly recommend they listen to themselves and honor that inner guidance. Despite having diverse motivations, the underlying desire remains the same: people are seeking fulfilment and meaning.

Do you think travel enhances our mindfulness, optimism, or sense of gratitude? How? Can you please explain with an example or story?

Travelling to retreat centres like Reunion can profoundly impact our mindfulness, optimism, and gratitude. At Reunion, people from diverse backgrounds unite with a shared aspiration for wellness, spiritual growth, and personal transformation. This shared purpose fosters a tight-knit community, offering a rare chance for deep connection, which is often lacking in our daily lives. Guests come away feeling optimistic about their journey and grateful for the connection not only to themselves, but to the people they have gone through the healing process with.

What are your “5 Habits You Should Develop In Order Make Travel Into An Opportunity For Wellness & Personal Growth?”

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Just as in plant medicine ceremonies, clarifying your intentions can be really powerful. Before embarking on your travels, take the time to set your intentions so you are clear on what you’re seeking from the experience. Whether it’s relaxation, adventure, self-discovery, or spiritual growth, having a clear purpose will guide your experience and enhance its potential for wellness and personal development.
  2. Choose Your Travel Companions Thoughtfully: Consider who you want to share your journey with and how their presence may influence your experience. Whether you prefer solo exploration, travelling with friends, or deepening connections with a partner, your companions can significantly impact the depth and richness of your experience.
  3. Select Your Destination Deliberately: Every destination around the world offers its own unique opportunities for growth and exploration. In the context of plant medicine, those who choose to experience the medicine in the jungle of Peru will have a different experience from those attending a wellness centre in Costa Rica. Each is an equally powerful and transformative experience, but doing your research and listening to your inner guidance can help you choose a destination that resonates with your vision for personal transformation.
  4. Seize the Moment: Don’t wait for the “perfect” time to travel. Whether you’re younger or older, try to seek the opportunity to explore new destinations and retreat from day-to-day life. It is true that the most profound growth comes when we step out of our routines and open up the opportunity for self-discovery. Now is the time to answer the call.
  5. Customize Your Experience: Tailor your experience to suit your individual expression of what wellness travel means to you. Whether you’re seeking physical activity, mindfulness, or to experiment with a new modality, find a destination that aligns with your desired outcomes. Embrace each moment of the experience and trust that travelling can often guide you to new perspectives, leading to personal enrichment.

We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US, whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this, especially if we both tag them :-)

If I were to choose someone for a private meal, it would undoubtedly be Ram Dass. As a university professor and a gay man, his journey from academia to profound spiritual awakening through psilocybin has always deeply resonated with me. His teachings and insights have had a significant impact on my own life. Given the opportunity, I would love to engage in deep conversation and learn from his wisdom firsthand.

Based on your experience, where do you see the future of wellness retreats heading in the next 5–10 years?

I anticipate a significant shift in wellness retreats towards a focus on profound transformation. People are increasingly seeking experiences that facilitate deep self-work. I would summarise this as soul-level healing.

While traditional wellness retreats centred on physical activities and mindfulness have their benefits, there’s a growing demand for experiences that go beyond this. I suspect many wellness retreats will consider plant medicine offerings as a way to evolve to meet these needs.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can find out more about us by visiting our website, and make sure to follow us on Instagram for the latest updates on retreat offerings.

Thank you for these really excellent insights, and we greatly appreciate the time you spent on this. We wish you continued success.

About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at



Wanda Malhotra
Authority Magazine

Wellness Entrepreneur, Lifestyle Journalist, and CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living.