Incredible Wellness Destinations: Dr Shylesh Subramanya Of Velaa Private Island Maldives On Why & How Traveling Can Help Us Heal

An Interview With Wanda Malhotra

Wanda Malhotra
Authority Magazine
21 min readJul 9, 2024


Understanding the reasons behind local customs and practices can offer profound insights. For example, in high-altitude regions like the Andes, coffee is often consumed as a medicinal beverage due to its stimulating effects on the cardiovascular system, which can help counteract altitude sickness. Conversely, in lower altitudes, coffee is primarily a stimulant. This understanding helps in appreciating why certain practices are prevalent in specific areas and how they contribute to local wellness.

The pandemic has shaped the way we travel and live, with a growing trend leaning towards health, wellness, and a holistic lifestyle. More than ever, individuals are seeking not just getaways, but immersive wellness retreats that help rejuvenate the body, mind, and soul. Destinations that provide a serene environment, unique wellness offerings, and an unparalleled experience are in great demand. In this interview series, we are talking to property owners and hospitality companies who are at the helm of these wellness havens. As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Shylesh Subramanya.

Dr. Shylesh Subramanya is the Director of Spa and Wellness at Velaa Private Island, Maldives. A seasoned professional with over eighteen years of experience in the spa and wellness industry, Dr. Shylesh is driven by his passion for creating unique treatments and experiences. With a background in setting up and operating health and wellness retreats, from small setups to destination spas, Dr. Shylesh thrives on challenges and continuous learning, always looking to share his deep knowledge of spiritual, traditional healing concepts when creating holistic health and wellness experiences for guests.

As a qualified Ayurvedic doctor with Sports Therapy experience, Dr. Shylesh is currently pursuing an MSc in Yoga Therapy from SVYASA Bangalore. He is also certified in WATSU, yoga, anti-gravity yoga, and hands-on physiotherapies. In his previous roles, Dr. Shylesh has won awards for his innovative treatments. Outside of work, his passions include natural farming where he is currently developing agricultural land.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Before we dive into the main focus of our interview, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

I grew up in a picturesque, remote agricultural village in the southern part of Karnataka, nestled in the foothills of the Western Ghats. My parents were dedicated agriculturists, however, it was my paternal grandparents who had the most profound influence on my career path.

My grandfather was the local healer, well-respected for his knowledge of traditional medicines, while my grandmother was an accomplished osteopath. I spent my childhood observing them as they treated numerous patients in our home, witnessing firsthand the transformative power of their healing practices. The steady stream of people seeking their expertise left an indelible mark on me.

What or who inspired you to pursue your career? We’d love to hear the story.

From an early age, my father envisioned that I would continue our family’s healing legacy. He suggested that I pursue a career in Ayurveda, and so, even in primary school, I chose Sanskrit as my language option. Understanding Sanskrit is crucial for mastering Ayurveda, as the classical texts and ancient wisdom of this holistic science are all written in this language.

This early exposure to both the practice of traditional healing and the foundational language of Ayurveda set the stage for my future. It was a natural progression for me to step into the world of wellness and Ayurveda, driven by a deep-seated passion and a family tradition of healing.

None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Was there a particular person who you feel gave you the most help or encouragement to be who you are today? Can you share a story about that?

I owe a great deal of my success to several remarkable individuals, but two people, in particular, stand out: Dr. Venkataramana Sharma and Dr. Arshad.

Upon graduating from Ayurvedic University, my hands-on experience leaned more towards modern medicine due to the region where my university was located. Eager to delve deeper into traditional Ayurveda as practiced by ancestral Ayurvedic families, I traveled 500 kilometers to Kerala. There, I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Venkataramana Sharma, a Visha Vaidya (Toxicology Specialist). Dr. Sharma’s mentorship was transformative. He not only taught me the regional language, Malayalam, but also imparted the profound depths of Ayurveda beyond its textual practices. His support extended beyond education — he helped me with food, accommodation, and even pocket money, ensuring I could focus entirely on my studies and practice. Thanks to his guidance, I gained a deep, experiential understanding of Ayurveda, which has been invaluable to my confidence and competence as a practitioner.

Another pivotal figure in my journey is Dr. Arshad, an Ayurveda Sports Doctor. When I sought training in physiotherapy to better assist my patients with skeletomuscular issues, I had the fortune of working with Dr. Arshad for nearly two years. He was an exceptional mentor and trainer, guiding me through the integration of Ayurveda, Marma therapy, and modern physiotherapy techniques. We collaborated on several events with the Sports Authority of India in Bangalore, and he trusted me to work independently with his sports patients. Dr. Arshad’s willingness to share his knowledge and experience was instrumental in shaping my approach to manual therapy and holistic treatment.

These two mentors not only enhanced my skills but also reinforced the importance of combining traditional and modern practices to provide comprehensive care. Their contributions have been integral to my development and success as an Ayurvedic doctor.

Can you share your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Why does that resonate with you so much?

“Wellness is not a destination, but a journey. Embrace each step with mindfulness, nourish your body and soul, and find joy in the present moment. The true essence of wellness lies in balancing all aspects of your life, staying connected to your inner self, and radiating positivity to others.”

My favorite life lesson quote is: “Wellness is not a destination, but a journey. Embrace each step with mindfulness, nourish your body and soul, and find joy in the present moment. The true essence of wellness lies in balancing all aspects of your life, staying connected to your inner self, and radiating positivity to others.”

This quote resonates with me deeply because it encapsulates the holistic approach to health and well-being that I advocate in my practice. Wellness is not something that can be achieved and then forgotten; it requires continuous effort and mindfulness. Each step of the journey, whether big or small, contributes to our overall health and happiness.

The idea of nourishing both body and soul is central to my philosophy. It’s not just about physical health but also about mental and emotional well-being. Finding joy in the present moment reminds us to appreciate what we have now, rather than constantly striving for something in the future. This mindfulness helps us stay grounded and balanced.

Balancing all aspects of life is crucial. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to focus too much on work or other responsibilities and neglect our health, relationships, or personal growth. Staying connected to our inner self allows us to understand our true needs and desires, fostering a deeper sense of fulfillment.

Finally, radiating positivity to others is a key aspect of wellness. Our well-being is interconnected with the well-being of those around us. By maintaining a positive attitude and helping others, we create a supportive and nurturing environment for everyone.

This quote embodies the principles of Ayurveda and holistic health, emphasizing balance, mindfulness, and interconnectedness. It’s a constant reminder that wellness is an ongoing journey, and by embracing each step with intention and positivity, we can lead healthier, happier lives.

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

Currently, I am working on an innovative project that integrates Manual Therapy — a combination of Osteopathy, Chiropractic, and Physiotherapy — with breathing and emotional therapy. This approach aims to offer a holistic and comprehensive healing experience.

We already offer traditional spa services with luxurious treatments and beauty therapies, as well as Ayurvedic treatments that focus on understanding the body and detoxifying it. My goal is to complete the holistic wellness experience by integrating body alignment and healing through manual therapy provided by specialists in Osteopathy, Chiropractic, and Physiotherapy.

The vision behind this project is to create a destination where people from around the world can combine their holiday with a personalized wellness journey. This integration ensures that visitors can achieve their health and relaxation goals, all in one place. Whether it’s relieving chronic pain, improving posture, or addressing emotional stress, our manual therapy program aims to provide tailored solutions that cater to the unique needs of each individual.

By offering this comprehensive approach, we hope to enhance the overall well-being of our clients, allowing them to return home not only refreshed from their holiday but also rejuvenated and balanced in body and mind. This project represents a fusion of traditional wisdom and modern therapeutic practices, creating a unique and transformative wellness experience.

OK, thank you for all of that. Let’s now shift to the core focus of our interview about wellness destinations. Let’s dive deeper into these together. Based on your research or personal experience, why do you think travel can lead to better wellness? Can you share a story?

Travel can significantly enhance wellness primarily because it breaks the monotony of daily routines. Healing isn’t solely about physical interventions; it also involves the interplay of our thoughts, emotions, and social connections. Travel offers a fresh perspective, new experiences, and a chance to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life, all of which contribute to overall well-being.

One story that stands out is about a couple from London. They initially traveled together for a holiday to the wellness center where I worked. While they were there, the gentleman decided to enroll in our 14-day detox program. After he returned home, I received an unexpected call from his wife. She was curious about what we had done because her husband had undergone a remarkable transformation. She described how he had become like “Buddha.” Before the trip, he would frequently swear and shout about the traffic while driving in London. However, since returning from the treatment, not only had he lost weight and improved his health parameters, but he had also become calm and relaxed, even in the typically stressful London traffic.

This transformation highlights how a change of environment, combined with a focused wellness program, can lead to profound changes in an individual’s physical and mental state. The break from routine, exposure to new surroundings, and the holistic treatments he received all contributed to a significant improvement in his overall wellness. This story underscores the power of travel as a catalyst for positive change, offering individuals the opportunity to rejuvenate and reset their minds and bodies.

What are a few things which distinguish your property from thousands of wellness properties around the world?

Velaa Private Island is truly unique, being the passion project of our owners from Czech Republic. I addition to our holistic Velaa Wellbeing Village, our guests will get the chance to indulge in the most exclusive resort in the Maldives, with endless activities, culinary offerings and not to miss the incredible design villas on the island.

What type of experience do you want your visitors to have when they visit?

At Velaa, we want to meet the guests exactly where they are and assist them reaching where they want to be on their wellbeing journey, meaning it can be purely emotional wellbeing, a full holistic and physical experience or somewhere in between. Every guest is different and all our treatments and experiences are tailored to the individual’s needs and objectives.

What makes your property a beautiful escape for a body and mind recharge?

Our property in the Maldives offers a truly unique environment for rejuvenation and holistic wellness. Rooted in the principles of Ayurveda, which teaches that the universe and our bodies are composed of five essential elements — Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth — we provide an environment where guests can reconnect with these

Can you share any transformative stories or testimonials from guests that visited your property?

I would love to share two transformative stories from guests who have become dear friends since their treatment at our center.

First Story: The Swiss Couple

A couple from Switzerland, both high-performing professionals, came to us struggling with high stress and blood pressure. Both were on medication and believed these conditions were hereditary, common in their families. Despite having a relatively healthy lifestyle with a consistent routine and early dinners, their health issues persisted.

In just one week at our center, their blood pressure normalized without the need for medication, which amazed them. I designed a personalized program based on their unique body types. I adjusted their diet and completely overhauled their fitness regimen. For Mr., I switched from full-on weight training to body weight exercises, while for Mrs., I replaced gym machines with dance classes, yoga, and Pilates.

The results were remarkable. Mr. experienced a complete cessation of migraines, which used to occur three times a week, for the next eight months post-treatment. Both of them were able to stop their blood pressure medications under their doctor’s supervision and felt rejuvenated with fresh energy each morning. Their positive experience was so profound that they have since referred many of their business partners from around the globe to our center.

Second Story: The 75-Year-Old Stroke Survivor

An elderly man, 75 years old, who had a history of stroke and had been wheelchair-bound for years, came to our center for a 21-day program with his wife. Despite receiving the best medical and paramedical assistance for nearly ten years, his health had only deteriorated. His wife left him at our center, hoping for some improvement, and returned after the first two weeks.

By the end of the 21-day program, the transformation was astounding. He went from being dependent on a wheelchair to walking with the support of a cane. They were amazed at his progress in such a short time, especially after years of declining health despite constant medical care.

My approach was simple yet effective: I tailored a body type-based diet, provided Ayurvedic treatments and supplements, and introduced specific exercises like back walking, side walking, and dance steps from Rumba and Zumba. I also designed a personalized Sun Salutation routine using chairs and canes for support, ensuring slow and steady progress. Additionally, he exercised in the pool, which provided gentle resistance and support.

These stories illustrate the profound impact of a holistic, personalized approach to wellness. By understanding and addressing individual needs, we can facilitate remarkable transformations and significantly enhance quality of life

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Why do you think the experience you offer is so needed nowadays?

The experience I offer is increasingly essential in today’s fast-paced, high-stress world. Many people, regardless of their background or profession, are experiencing burnout, chronic stress, and various health issues that conventional medicine alone cannot fully address. My unique approach combines a deep understanding of modern lifestyles, basic knowledge of allopathic medicine and diagnosis, and a professional education in Ayurveda, natural therapies, yoga, meditation, and physiotherapy.

In my practice, I emphasize the mind-body-spirit connection, helping people understand how their mental and emotional states impact their physical health. This holistic approach is vital because true healing goes beyond mere symptom relief; it involves addressing the root causes of health problems. My expertise in Ayurveda allows me to look deeper into health issues, aiming for long-term wellness rather than temporary fixes.

For instance, even a successful multimillionaire entrepreneur, often caught up in the demands of their career, needs to be reminded of the basics of maintaining their body and mind. High achievers are not immune to stress and health issues. By offering a comprehensive wellness experience that includes Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, and natural therapies, I provide them with the tools to reset and rejuvenate.

My passion for helping people heal naturally, without chemical medications and external interventions, resonates strongly today. Many individuals are seeking alternatives to the conventional healthcare system, desiring more natural and sustainable ways to manage their health. The combination of ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with modern therapeutic practices makes my approach unique and effective.

One example is a high-powered executive who came to me suffering from chronic stress and digestive issues. Through a personalized program that included Ayurvedic treatments, dietary changes, yoga, and meditation, we were able to address not just the symptoms but the underlying imbalances. The result was a profound transformation in their health and well-being, illustrating the power of a holistic, integrative approach.

In summary, the experience I offer is needed now more than ever because it addresses the comprehensive health needs of individuals in a holistic and natural way. By focusing on root causes and integrating various healing modalities, I help people achieve true, lasting wellness.

Do you think travel enhances our mindfulness, optimism, or sense of gratitude? How? Can you please explain with an example or story?

Sure, travel can significantly enhance our mindfulness, optimism, and sense of gratitude. One of the most profound aspects of travel is the opportunity to meet people from different cultures and walks of life. Each encounter offers a unique perspective and a chance to reflect on our own lives.

For instance, example comes from a trip I took to Mumbai, India, where I met a successful entrepreneur who had built his business from scratch. He shared his journey, highlighting how financial success alone didn’t bring him happiness. Despite his wealth, he felt unfulfilled and realized that mental and spiritual awakening was necessary to achieve true happiness. He began practicing gratitude, appreciating the people and opportunities that helped him reach his pinnacle of success. His story was a powerful reminder of the importance of being grateful for our journey, no matter how challenging it might be.

During my travels, I also encountered people who, despite having significant advantages due to their upbringing or country’s support systems, found themselves comparing their lives to those less privileged. A visit to a remote village in Bihar, in India, brought this to life for me. I met a local teacher who, despite limited resources and facing daily hardships, radiated happiness and contentment. He found joy in simple things — his family, his community, and the opportunity to educate children. His resilience and positivity were inspiring and made me reflect on the value of gratitude and mindfulness in my own life.

Moreover, travel can highlight the stark contrasts in opportunities and privileges between different societies. I remember visiting a remote village in Uzbekistan, where the residents had limited resources but exuded happiness and contentment. Their gratitude for simple pleasures and their resilience in the face of challenges were incredibly humbling. It made me reflect on the advantages I had taken for granted, such as supportive parents and favorable societal conditions.

These experiences teach us to be more mindful and present, to appreciate the journey rather than just the destination. They instill a sense of optimism by showing us that happiness and fulfillment are not solely dependent on material success but on our outlook and gratitude. Travel broadens our horizons, deepens our empathy, and reminds us to be thankful for both our achievements and the people who support us along the way.

By embracing these lessons, we can carry a more mindful, optimistic, and grateful attitude into our everyday lives, ultimately enhancing our overall well-being.

What are your “5 Habits You Should Develop In Order Make Travel Into An Opportunity For Wellness & Personal Growth?”

Turning travel into an opportunity for wellness and personal growth involves cultivating specific habits that help you engage deeply with your experiences. Here are five essential habits, along with stories or examples for each:

  1. Observe and Embrace Different Cultures Without Judgment:

One of the most enriching aspects of travel is encountering different cultures. It’s important to observe without judging. For instance, during my travels in Japan, I noticed the meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of daily life, from the tea ceremony to the way meals are presented. By immersing myself in these practices without preconceived notions, I gained a deeper appreciation for their culture’s emphasis on mindfulness and respect.

2. Understand the Scientific Background of Local Practices:

Understanding the reasons behind local customs and practices can offer profound insights. For example, in high-altitude regions like the Andes, coffee is often consumed as a medicinal beverage due to its stimulating effects on the cardiovascular system, which can help counteract altitude sickness. Conversely, in lower altitudes, coffee is primarily a stimulant. This understanding helps in appreciating why certain practices are prevalent in specific areas and how they contribute to local wellness.

3. Adapt to Local Dietary Habits Mindfully:

Dietary habits vary significantly based on climate and geography. For instance, in cold countries, people often consume raw foods, which can be more nutrient-dense and easier to store. In contrast, in tropical climates, cooking vegetables helps eliminate parasites and bacteria. When I traveled to Bhutan, I noticed the heavy use of cheese and animal fat in high-altitude, colder regions, which provides essential calories and warmth. Meanwhile, in tropical Kerala & Karnataka in India where I come from, coconut oil and light, cooked vegetables are staples, suiting the hot climate.

4. Connect with Nature and Practice Local Wellness Traditions:

Engaging with nature and local wellness traditions can enhance your travel experience. While visiting Bali, I participated in traditional yoga and meditation sessions. These practices, rooted in local culture, helped me connect with the environment and the community, fostering a sense of peace and well-being that stayed with me long after I returned home.

5. Maintain a Reflective Travel Journal:

Keeping a travel journal allows you to reflect on your experiences and growth. Documenting not just where you went and what you saw, but also how you felt and what you learned, can be incredibly beneficial. During my visit to the Mediterranean, I noted how the Mediterranean diet, rich in fresh vegetables, olive oil, and fish, contributed to the longevity and health of the local population. Reflecting on these observations helped me incorporate some of these healthy habits into my own life.

By developing these habits, you can transform travel into a journey of wellness and personal growth. Each new destination offers unique lessons and opportunities to enhance your understanding of the world and yourself

Based on your experience, where do you see the future of wellness travel heading in the next 5–10 years?

The future of wellness travel is going for significant evolution, driven by a growing global interest in holistic health and personalized experiences. Also, its other way round that the wellness can be practiced even during travels and not necessarily you have to stay at a place for that.

Here are several key trends that I foresee shaping the industry:

1 . Personalization and Customization: There will be a shift towards highly personalized wellness programs tailored to individual health goals. Resorts and retreats will offer customized fitness plans, dietary regimes, and wellness activities that address specific needs, from stress reduction to weight management.

Example: Imagine a wellness resort where each guest undergoes a comprehensive health assessment upon arrival. Based on their unique needs and preferences, a personalized itinerary is crafted that includes specialized fitness sessions, dietary consultations, and therapeutic treatments designed to optimize their well-being.

2. Integration of Technology: The use of wearable devices, health apps, and virtual wellness consultations will become common. Travelers will have access to real-time health monitoring and personalized recommendations, allowing them to track their progress and adjust their wellness routines on the go.

Example: A guest at a wellness retreat uses a smartwatch to monitor their heart rate during yoga sessions and receives instant feedback on their performance and stress levels via a wellness app. Virtual consultations with wellness coaches further enhance their experience by providing continuous support and guidance.

3. Tech-Enhanced Wellness: Advances in technology such as AI and VR will enhance the wellness experience. Resorts may offer virtual wellness sessions, AI-driven health assessments, and immersive experiences that promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

Example: Using VR technology, guests can experience guided meditation sessions in serene virtual environments that enhance mindfulness and reduce stress. AI-powered health assessments provide personalized insights into nutritional needs and fitness goals, optimizing the effectiveness of wellness programs.

4. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices: There will be a heightened focus on sustainability and eco-friendly initiatives within the wellness travel sector. Resorts and retreats will prioritize reducing their carbon footprint, utilizing renewable resources, and promoting environmentally conscious activities.

Example: These days most of the wellness places subscribe themselves to sustainability certifications which encourages sustainable practices by sourcing organic produce locally, minimizing plastic waste, and implementing energy-efficient technologies. Guests are encouraged to participate in eco-friendly excursions that support local conservation efforts, fostering a sense of environmental stewardship.

5. Holistic and Inclusive Wellness: Wellness travel will embrace a holistic approach that encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Resorts will offer mindfulness practices, mental health support, and opportunities for spiritual growth, catering to diverse wellness needs.

Example: Like us, we integrates yoga and meditation with workshops on emotional intelligence and stress management. Guests participate in healing ceremonies that honor local traditions and promote inner balance, fostering a deeper connection to themselves and their surroundings.

6. Integrative Health Approaches: There will be a rising demand for integrative health practices that combine conventional medicine with holistic therapies such as Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine. Wellness retreats will offer comprehensive treatments that address the root causes of health issues.

Example: Like us, we combines Ayurvedic and osteopathy consultations with Western medical assessments to create personalized treatment plans for guests dealing with chronic conditions. Integrative therapies like acupuncture, manual therapy, and herbal remedies complement conventional treatments, promoting holistic healing.

7. Focus on Immersive Experiences: Travelers will seek immersive and transformative experiences that allow them to connect deeply with nature, local cultures, and ancient traditions. Retreats will offer activities like nature walks, cultural workshops, and spiritual retreats to enhance personal growth and self-discovery.

Example: A retreat in the Himalayas offers guests the opportunity to engage in traditional Himalayan practices such as meditation with monks, trekking through scenic landscapes, and participating in local ceremonies. These immersive experiences promote introspection and spiritual renewal, fostering a profound sense of connection to the natural world.

8. Rise of Wellness Communities: There will be an increase in wellness communities and co-living spaces where individuals can live, work, and practice wellness together. These communities will offer a supportive environment for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and fostering meaningful connections.

Example: A wellness community in California provides residents with access to on-site wellness amenities such as organic farm-to-table dining, fitness centers, and mindfulness workshops. Community events and social gatherings encourage collaboration and mutual support among like-minded individuals, promoting overall well-being.

9. Cultural and Authentic Experiences: Travelers will seek authentic cultural experiences that immerse them in local traditions and practices. Wellness retreats will offer activities such as traditional healing rituals, culinary workshops showcasing local cuisine, and nature-based therapies rooted in indigenous knowledge.

Example: A retreat in Thailand incorporates Thai massage workshops, cooking classes using fresh local ingredients, and visits to sacred temples for meditation and reflection. Guests gain a deeper appreciation for Thai culture while enhancing their well-being through authentic and enriching experiences.

10. Remote and Secluded Destinations: In response to the growing desire for privacy and safety, there will be a rise in wellness travel to remote and secluded destinations. These tranquil settings provide opportunities for relaxation, rejuvenation, and disconnection from the stresses of everyday life.

Example: A wellness resort in the Maldives offers guests exclusive access to private villas nestled amidst pristine beaches and turquoise waters. Activities such as sunrise yoga on the beach, snorkelling in coral reefs, and spa treatments using locally sourced ingredients enhance the sense of tranquillity and serenity.

11. Community and Social Wellness: The concept of wellness will extend beyond individual health to include community and social well-being. Group retreats and wellness communities will become more popular, emphasizing the importance of social connections, shared experiences, and support networks.

Example: A corporate wellness retreat focuses not only on individual health but also on fostering team cohesion and morale. Team-building activities, group workshops on stress management, and collaborative projects promote a sense of community and collective well-being among employees.

12. Preventive Health and Longevity: Wellness travel will increasingly focus on preventive health measures and longevity practices. Programs will incorporate scientific advancements in disease prevention, anti-aging therapies, and holistic practices that promote overall wellness and vitality.

Example: A wellness retreat in Europe offers guests access to cutting-edge longevity programs that include genetic testing, personalized nutrition plans, and regenerative therapies. Guests learn lifestyle strategies for longevity based on the latest research, empowering them to optimize their health and well-being.

13. Mental Health and Stress Reduction: With a growing awareness of mental health issues, wellness travel will place a stronger emphasis on stress reduction, mental clarity, and emotional balance. Retreats will offer therapies such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness training to promote mental well-being.

Example: Guests come for our wellness program which specializes in mindfulness-based stress reduction programs that combine meditation retreats with therapeutic spa treatments. Guests learn practical techniques for managing stress and enhancing emotional resilience, empowering them to maintain a balanced and harmonious lifestyle.

14. Corporate Wellness Retreats: Companies will increasingly invest in wellness retreats for their employees as part of corporate wellness programs. These retreats will focus on improving overall well-being, boosting productivity, and fostering team-building through activities that promote stress management and work-life balance.

Example: A multinational corporation hosts a wellness retreat for its executives at a luxury resort in Bali, offering leadership workshops, executive coaching sessions, and wellness activities such as yoga and team-building exercises. The retreat aims to enhance employee health and morale while fostering a positive corporate culture.

15. Accessibility and Inclusivity: The wellness travel industry will strive to become more inclusive and accessible, ensuring that people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds can benefit from wellness experiences. Resorts and retreats will adopt inclusive practices and facilities to accommodate diverse wellness needs.

Example: A wellness resort in Spain implements accessible design features and offers specialized programs for guests with mobility challenges. Staff members receive training in disability awareness and inclusive hospitality, ensuring that every guest feels welcome and supported during their wellness journey.

Thank you for these really excellent insights, and we greatly appreciate the time you spent on this. We wish you continued success.

About the Interviewer: Wanda Malhotra is a wellness entrepreneur, lifestyle journalist, and the CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living. CMB empowers individuals with educational resources and vetted products to help them make informed choices. Passionate about social causes like environmental preservation and animal welfare, Wanda writes about clean beauty, wellness, nutrition, social impact and sustainability, simplifying wellness with curated resources. Join Wanda and the Crunchy Mama Box community in embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle at



Wanda Malhotra
Authority Magazine

Wellness Entrepreneur, Lifestyle Journalist, and CEO of Crunchy Mama Box, a mission-driven platform promoting conscious living.