Inspirational Women In Hollywood: How Actress Bevin Bru Is Helping To Shake Up The Entertainment Industry

Karina Michel Feld
Authority Magazine
Published in
10 min readApr 9, 2021

Stay up to date with current events. As an artist you want to be able to reach your audience in the most compelling way. To do this you must understand where society is as a whole and be able to empathize with that. This will make your characters relevant and relatable.

As a part of our series about Inspirational Women In Hollywood, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Bevin Bru.

Cuban actress, writer and fitness expert Bevin Bru is lighting up television screens across the nation on The CW’s hit series “Batwoman” as Angelique Martin, Batwoman’s ex-girlfriend. Now in its second season airing on Sundays at 8/7c.

Born and raised in Miami, FL, Bevin fell in love with being on stage and acting at a young age when she started doing community plays. From that point on, she had one goal, and that was to make it to New York City and Los Angeles when she was of age to pursue her dreams of making it in the entertainment business. Surrounded by love from her siblings and her two moms, Bevin was always supported in pursuing her dreams. At the age of 18, Bevin moved from Miami to NYC to attend AMDA to further her education. When she first arrived in Los Angeles, Bevin took on many odd jobs to make ends meet before teaching fitness classes in Santa Monica, which she still does from time to time when she isn’t filming. From there Bevin began going out for auditions and booking commercials before landing her role as “Camille” in the horror film HEAD COUNT. Bevin is also known for her roles in series and films such as “Don’t Look Deeper,” “METRO,” and “Private Sales.”

When Bevin isn’t in front of the camera, she can be found working out on her Peloton, lifting weights, teaching fitness classes through IGTV, taking spin classes, or practicing Qigong exercises. Bevin is also an active member of the LGBTQIA+ community having gay parents, a gay brother and being bi-sexual herself, the community and representation of said community has always been a big part of her life.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

I was born and raised in Miami, Florida by two incredible, strong Cuban mothers and a very charismatic father. I was blessed with incredible siblings who I adore and admire. Growing up I was always involved with The Miami Children’s Theatre. I must have done over 50 plays and musicals by the time I graduated high school. I studied ballet, hip hop, flamenco, and jazz at The Ballet Academy of Miami. Constantly performing throughout my youth instilled some serious D1 athlete discipline in this little performer. Four days after graduating from high-school, I moved to New York City to begin a life dedicated to my craft. I attended AMDA for musical theatre. Fast-forward to 2016, after 6-years of living the NYC life, doing off Broadway plays and national tours, it was time I experienced what Film and TV had to offer in Los Angeles. LA has been everything I could dream of and more!

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?

The theatrical seed was planted when I was seven years old while attending a summer program at the Actor’s Playhouse in Coral Gables. I was one of the children chosen to write and perform an original monologue. The day before our show opened, I was on stage doing a dress rehearsal when a local news channel happened to show up to do a piece on our summer show. Later that evening, my mom got the news (while she was cooking) and I saw my little self-on-screen for 2-seconds, but that’s all it took! From that moment forward, I knew immersing myself in the craft, learning and performing was all I wanted to do.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

Ha! One that sticks out — I had just moved to New York City at eighteen and was working the front door for some event when a man, claiming to be a manager, approached me saying he “loved my look” and sold me on the idea of “being a star.” We had a meeting and I committed to paying like $800 up front for headshots and his “services.” A week or so later he called, I had an audition! It was a “show” looking for “tough athletic females.” I thought “hmm okay, I can get behind this. I’m pretty tough — let’s go!” Turns out it wasn’t a show at all but an ACTUAL woman’s wrestling league out in New Jersey à la Netflix’s “Glow.” I ended up joining the team, training, and doing one live match before I realized this wasn’t exactly the path, I envisioned for myself. Early lesson learned, don’t entrust just anybody with your career. You are your team, and your team is you. You must all reflect each other’s work ethic and vision. Plus, you should NEVER pay upfront for any manager or agent’s services!

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

This is a tough one! I have been blessed with so many incredible mentors in different forms throughout the years. My high school acting teacher Larry was instrumental in nurturing my curiosity and drive for acting at an early age. Peter Allas, who I have been studying under on and off since my early years in New York, has been there for me developmentally as a person and continues to refine my talent and confidence as an artist. Then there is my agent Jacqueline! She has fought tooth and nail for me, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her in my corner. She is constantly sharing her infinite wisdom with me. I appreciate all the people who have challenged me and have had the patience and vision to help me grow.

You have been blessed with great success in a career path that can be challenging. Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure?

You don’t need to fear failure. You’ve only failed if you’ve died without pursuing your passion! Chase your dream ’til the very end. Many actors see rejection as a sign of failure, but really, it’s just part for the course. I always tell myself when I don’t book a role, I was excited about, “the universe will only ever put me in the position to grow and succeed. This role wasn’t it, but the role that will, is out there and we will cross paths. Also, diversify. Don’t let your self-esteem be dependent on your acting successes alone. Find hobbies, causes, fitness goals, etc. that recharge, fulfill, and inspire you!

What drives you to get up every day and work in TV and Film? What change do you want to see in the industry going forward?

Performing is my purpose, so that alone drives me every day to get up and after it. One day I won’t exist. I have limited time on this planet, why wouldn’t I make the most of this experience and gift we call life?

The changes I’d like to see in the industry are bigger budgets and higher production values for Latino stories, especially Cuban stories. I want to inspire more Cuban actors, directors, writers to get on the scene. These are my people, my blood, I want their — our — voice to have the same representation and opportunities.

You have such impressive work. What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? Where do you see yourself heading from here?

Thank you! Right now, I am most excited to tell my mother’s story. She is a Cuban immigrant who faced challenges and loss on a level no person should endure, yet through her hard work and determination, she managed to rise up all the way to become City Attorney of Miami. I’m working with a producing partner at the moment to compile the interview materials and write the pilot. I also see myself continuing to work with exciting and talented directors and visionary writers on interesting roles that challenge the status quo.

We are very interested in looking at diversity in the entertainment industry. Can you share three reasons with our readers why you think it’s important to have diversity represented in film and television? How can that potentially affect our culture and our youth growing up today?

1) Diversity exists all around us and to deny them a platform is to deny the very facts of life.

2) Sorry, but stories told over and over again with the same point of view is boring AF! This is a world filled with distinct life experiences and these different perspectives must come into the narrative.

3) Now more than ever, there is an abundance of room in this modern-day Hollywood for diverse voices, characters and plots. Whether that’s traditional “Hollywood” distribution methods, streaming platforms or short-form platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. There is enough space and reach that creators from all walks of life can be heard.

How can that potentially affect our culture and our youth growing up today?

Having diversity and accurate representation on the screen will normalize and introduce characters that a more secluded or sheltered audience may not have access to in real life. It would help not only the youth, but also adults, make up their OWN minds and opinions on “different” people, as opposed to just following stereotypes their parents and community may unintentionally be perpetuating.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why? Please share a story or example for each.

1. Live a full and experientially rich life!

The more people you meet, cultures you immerse yourself into, adventures you go on, the more you can bring this knowledge to your characters.

2. Learn discipline.

You will lose steam and motivation from time to time, but discipline will keep you on track and moving towards your goals.

3. Get the partying out of your system when you’re younger!

The older you get the worse the hangovers are and the more time you waste on recovering brain fog! I barely drink now, and I don’t miss it one bit!

4. Stay up to date with current events.

As an artist you want to be able to reach your audience in the most compelling way. To do this you must understand where society is as a whole and be able to empathize with that. This will make your characters relevant and relatable.

5. Always find the win within the “loss.”

No matter how small that win is, focus on the win. The small win may not be obvious at first but train your eye to think outside the box and you will see there is always a silver lining. This career is a stamina game.

Can you share with our readers any selfcare routines, practices or treatments that you do to help your body, mind or heart to thrive? Please share a story for each one if you can.

  1. The tone for the day is set in the first hours of the morning. I developed a strong morning routine that consist of meditation, Qigong, and The Artist’s Way Morning Pages.
  2. Stay hydrated and take care of your skin. I have a filtered water bottle that I carry with me everywhere I go. Hydration is so important for maintaining moisture and elasticity in your skin. I also have a tight AM and PM skin regimen that uses oils from The Ordinary but find what works for you and be consistent.
  3. To keep my energy levels up I practice intermittent fasting daily and train 5–7 days a week. I love my Peloton!
  4. I believe in the 80 / 20 rule when it comes to diet. I avoid dairy, gluten, and sugar. But I never forget to have some fun! I have Super Cheat Day Sunday where I let myself have whatever I want :) then lay on the couch watching TV all day.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

Luck is the residue of design” is a quote I heard from one of my mentors shortly after moving to Los Angeles. I immediately felt empowered! You create your luck with hard work and clear intention. It puts you in the driver seat of your life.

You are a person of huge influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

It would be a movement of the mind and self-development. Inspiring independent, critical, and objective thinking. Breaking down the idea of mob mentality and liberating individuals to create their own true identities based off their own opinions and moral compasses. I believe that humans are inherently good and loving. Any hate or negativity a person exudes comes from the shame or guilt they live under. Liberate, Educate, and Empower.

Is there a person in the world whom you would love to have lunch with, and why? Maybe we can tag them and see what happens!

It would have to be Madonna. She has been such an inspiration to me. She shaped my concept of what a woman should be. What a woman COULD be. She is sexy, bold, liberated and unapologetic. She is a businesswoman and an artist. Best of both worlds!

Are you on social media? How can our readers follow you online?

Sure am! Bevin Bru across all socials but my favorite is Instagram — @bevinbru ! I love my fans so much and try to repost and share most things I am tagged in :)

This was so informative, thank you so much! We wish you continued success!

