Inspirational Women In Hollywood: How Actress Danielle Larracuente Is Helping To Shake Up The Entertainment Industry

This career is 50 % hard work, and then 50% have faith and let go. Big Picture- Look at your overall career not the job at hand. Bring YOU to your work, which will book you the job. You are so right for a role just as much as you are so wrong for another role. What you believe- others will too! Therefore-Toot your own horn!

As a part of our series about Inspirational Women In Hollywood, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing Danielle Larracuente.

Emerging Actress Danielle Larracuente was born on February 25th, 1992, in Cortlandt Manor, New York. She is the daughter of Carmen D. Sabater and Israel Larracuente Jr. Both her parents are of Puerto Ricandescent and retired NYPD officers. Danielle is a sister to three brothers. One of her idols growing up in the New York area was Jennifer Lopez and Rosie Perez. At a very young age, Danielle started in print work and secured her first major commercial at only four years of age. For the next few years, Danielle continued as a child actress doing more commercials, advertisements, and plays. An important milestone in Danielle’s young career, at the age of nine years old, was landing the starring role of Young Nala in “Lion King” on Broadway (2001). After her run, she was cast in a role for a skit on “Saturday Night Live” with Jimmy Fallon (2002) and hosted a season of commercial breaks for the Women’s National Basketball Association (2003). At fifteen years old she along with her mother moved to Los Angeles, California to further pursue her goals and aspirations as an actress. As she continued on with more roles, she moved into television guest-starring in an episode of “ER “ (2006). Her next role was in “Without a Trace” (2009). Later Danielle took a monumental hiatus to be a mother to her young son Benson, complete her Cosmetology License as well as a B.S in Psychology. After a few years of focusing on her schooling and a profession in Psychology/Cosmetology, she decided to return to her first passion. Danielle returned to television with a recurring role on “Vida” (2020), guest spots on “NCIS”, “Home Economics”, and “Good Trouble”. A great achievement of hers is co-starring alongside Melissa Joan Hart in the hit Christmas Movie “Mistletoe in Montana (2021).” Danielle is currently taking on the role of Paulina Calderon on the Bosch spin-off “ Bosch Legacy” in a recurring role. A driving factor for Danielle’s aspirations for the future and beyond is to continue to bring a rising presence in TV & Film for the Latino community.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Our readers would love to get to know you a bit better. Can you tell us the story of how you grew up?

I grew up in Westchester, New York. Both my parents were NYPD police officers, now retired. Given that, I would say that I was taught from a very young age to be aware of my surroundings and how to protect myself. Besides that, I was the only girl among all my brothers! As such, it was nothing short of fun in my household! My life consisted of sparring with my brothers in Martial Arts to ripping the runway in beauty pageants. I would say I had the best of both worlds. Even though I was raised by my divorced parents, my parents always supported my creative endeavors.

Can you share a story with us about what brought you to this specific career path?

Well, I always loved entertaining and strutted my stuff for literally anyone who would look at me and give me the stage! My mom fondly remembers that she was always told by family and friends “you need to put this girl on the stage,” so she started me in beauty pageants. I loved it, and that quickly opened the door to me booking my first commercial with snuggles the bear at 4 years old. Funny story about snuggles. I was absolutely terrified of the bear, to the point where they were about to bring in a replacement. But my mom took me under the stage and showed me there was a guy under there controlling the bear. The rest was history, I jumped in front of the camera and did my thing. I still remember that so vividly!

Can you tell us the most interesting story that happened to you since you began your career?

Well, I would have to say my “Comeback” in 2019. Even though I started as a child, I took a period off to concentrate on my studies and being a mom. When I decided to come back, I had to start from scratch. For instance, learning the new industry, self-taping, new faces in the casting offices, and refreshing my skills. I studied with 3 different acting coaches, hit acting workshops, and grabbed reps! The most rewarding moment was when I finally landed my first role back (2020), and I went in guns blazing and did my job. As I was walking to my trailer one of the writers stopped me and said we were all looking you up on google in the video village. I’m like really? She then explained because we all said there is no way she is a new actor, she is seasoned. I called my mom right after and said I’M BACK BABY! Long story short, if you want to go for it, it’s NEVER TOO LATE, and you are never not capable!

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

So back in 2019, when I was getting my feet wet again in the industry, I got invited to my first business/ acting event. I had no idea since my acting days everyone went digital! I walked in there with a stack of headshots and resumes. I tried giving them to literally everyone in the room, but no one would take them. Thank God I learned oh- now they can see all that online! GOT IT! Thinking back, it is humorous, to say the least.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I have to say my family. They have always rallied around me and supported my aspirations. There were many nights where I had a big audition or filming, and my mom or brothers will plan a day with my son, so I am able to focus and get it done. I am beyond grateful for them!

You have been blessed with great success in a career path that can be challenging.

Do you have any words of advice for others who may want to embark on this career path, but seem daunted by the prospect of failure?


1. Have faith! KEEP GOING!

2. Always make it a point to continually re-assess what you are doing in your career. Ask yourself how can I proactively improve in my career? For instance, working on your acting craft, learn more camera techniques, improve your business skills (updating reels, breakdown services, etc.), getting your social game on, or the biggest thing for me was- knowing when to let go and trust the process?

3. Come from a knowing, confident place as there is no other YOU in the industry, and they are waiting to see you shine!

4. Lastly, my dad always says “This industry is like the DMV, you can’t get out of line, or you will miss when they call your number. But they will call it!”

What drives you to get up every day and work in TV and Film? What change do you want to see in the industry going forward?

It is truly my passion as during my break I have tried other careers and was always drawn back to acting. These career experiences solidified my choice of being an actress because telling stories are what I am meant to do as I feel like I belong, and it completes my identity.

Regarding the industry moving forward, I want to see more inclusiveness for TV and film to reflect what our world looks like today. Also, I would love to see a bridging of the gap between actors and filmmakers, where there are more collaborative experiences happening!

You have such impressive work. What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? Where do you see yourself heading from here?

Thank you, I greatly appreciate that. I would have to say working as a LAPD officer on Bosch Legacy Premiering May 6th. Being on the show brought things full circle as my parents were cops! It was so cool learning law enforcement techniques and bringing Officer Pauline Calderon to life. Additionally, I believe the show portrays law enforcement from a realistic point of view.

I am also thrilled to be a part of the last season of “This is Us.” I play nurse Laila, and I help Rebecca (Mandy Moore) navigate her Alzheimer’s illness. This role was very emotional for me as I have Alzheimer’s and dementia on both sides of my family. I was so grateful to tell that story, showing the humanistic side and thereby helping anyone going through it feel understood and seen.

From here, I see myself continuing to work on exploring different roles for television, specifically, where the roles always expand my range as an actress. I also see myself moving into the movie world and seeing myself one day on the silver screen!

We are very interested in looking at diversity in the entertainment industry. Can you share three reasons with our readers why you think it’s important to have diversity represented in film and television? How can that potentially affect our culture and our youth growing up today?

It’s very important to have people in the entertainment industry be reflective of our diverse population. America is the land of opportunity. Children are the future of America and if they can’t see themselves on TV, movies, etc., then that road map is taken away from them without them realizing it. They must see themselves to spark their aspirations.

What are your “5 things I wish someone told me when I first started” and why? Please share a story or example for each.

1. This career is 50 % hard work, and then 50% have faith and let go.

2. Big Picture- Look at your overall career not the job at hand.

3. Bring YOU to your work, which will book you the job.

4. You are so right for a role just as much as you are so wrong for another role.

5. What you believe- others will too! Therefore-Toot your own horn!

Can you share with our readers any selfcare routines, practices, or treatments that you do to help your body, mind, or heart to thrive? Please share a story for each one if you can.

1. I try to meditate daily, even for 15 minutes, I tend to find my day is so much more magical when I do.

2. When I am done with a project, I let it go fully, I don’t bring it up, and if I think about it, I will distract my mind to something else. Because if you, don’t it will make you crazy and (deadline) will too lol. Plus, when it comes back -God- it’s so much sweeter!

3. When I wake up in the morning, I try to make a conscious decision-I choose- on what type of day I am going to have. For instance, “today I am going to complete 3 things on my “to do” list. This tends to help me focus on the tasks for the day and leaving the rest for another day.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

Always listen to your gut! Honoring your gut feeling will never steer you wrong. This is the running theme of my life I feel. In the past whenever I did not listen to my gut, 99% of the time I completely regret not trusting my gut in that situation as our gut- it’s truly our inner compass.

You are a person of huge influence.

If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

Empowering Latina women in the industry! Especially single moms as I am a single mom). The barriers created by having a child and still trying to pursue your dreams and being Latina can at times feel nearly impossible. You wrestle with traditional roles that come with being a mom. But I believe chasing my dreams was the most courageous motherly thing I ever did. I want my son to always go after his dreams and know by example that if you can dream it-you can do it! So, women! Latina women! Single moms! Yes, you can achieve your dreams, and simultaneously be a great mom!

Is there a person in the world whom you would love to have lunch with, and why? Maybe we can tag them and see what happens!

Omg- I would have to pick two! I love both these women so much for their leadership, how they carry themselves, and the impact they have in their community. Last and not least omg- their acting talent, whoa! -they are unstoppable and so inspirational!

Viola Davis and Priyanka Chopra!

Are you on social media? How can our readers follow you online?

Yes, I am. I’m on Instagram. @daniellelarracuente

This was so informative, thank you so much! We wish you continued success!



Edward Sylvan CEO of Sycamore Entertainment Group
Authority Magazine

Edward Sylvan is the Founder and CEO of Sycamore Entertainment Group Inc. He is committed to telling stories that speak to equity, diversity, and inclusion.