Inspirational Women in STEM and Tech: Lana Antonova of Webvixxen Design On The 5 Leadership Lessons She Learned From Her Experience

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
19 min readJul 23, 2023

Embrace your uniqueness: One important lesson I learned is to embrace what makes me unique as a woman in a male-dominated industry. Instead of trying to fit into a mold, I celebrated my distinct qualities. For instance, I realized that my attention to detail and empathetic nature gave me an edge when it came to designing user-friendly solutions. I used these strengths to create experiences that truly resonated with our customers and set us apart from the competition.

As a part of our series about “Lessons From Inspirational Women in STEM and Tech”, we had the pleasure of interviewing Lana Antonova.

Lana Antonova, a self-taught coder and designer, has been a trailblazer in the tech industry since she founded Webvixxen Design in 2004, challenging gender norms in an overwhelmingly male-dominated field. From her initial plans of pursuing a government web security job, Lana’s pivot led her to found Webvixxen, and her breakthrough came when she demonstrated the importance of a digital presence to a small restaurant, propelling the company onto a growth path that led to a team mainly made up of women whose creativity and communication skills drove the company to prominence. Lana’s love for the problem-solving aspect of programming embodies her philosophy of continuous learning and her humble, service-focused leadership style prioritizes product quality over self-promotion.

Today, Webvixxen Design, under Lana’s guidance, comprises a talented team of more than 40 members with almost two decades of experience in the industry. The company has attracted high-profile clientele including Nike, Sony, and Gucci, providing comprehensive digital solutions for their branding needs. As Lana continues to lead the way, she remains a staunch advocate for diversity in the tech world, encouraging more women to discover and leverage their potential in this field.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for having me. Absolutely! When I started my company, I was going through a pivotal stage in my life, trying to discover my true path. At that time, I was married to Chris Kennedy Lawford, a member of the Kennedy family, and I decided to assist him with his career. I strongly believed that he had much more to offer the world. So, I took the leap and embarked on a journey to rebrand him, despite having no prior knowledge of the process. Miraculously, I helped him become a bestselling author, a highly sought-after speaker, and achieve tremendous success. This experience made me realize that if I could successfully brand an individual, I could do the same for other companies and brands. On the day I started my own company, I had a secure job waiting for me at Warner Brothers’ marketing department. But something inside me urged me to take the leap and start my own venture, and that’s exactly what I did.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you began at your company?

One of the most interesting and memorable stories that happened to me since I started my company was when we had the opportunity to work with a well-known celebrity on a branding project. This particular client was known for their strong personal brand and wanted to expand their presence in the digital space.

Throughout the project, we had the chance to interact closely with the celebrity and their team. It was an exciting and unique experience to witness their dedication to their craft and their attention to detail in building their brand. Collaborating with such a high-profile individual taught me valuable lessons about the importance of consistency, authenticity, and staying true to one’s brand identity.

What made this story even more interesting was the unexpected twist that occurred during the final stages of the project. As we were finalizing the brand strategy and design elements, the celebrity had a change of heart and decided to go in a completely different direction. It was a surprising turn of events, but it taught me the importance of adaptability and the need to be flexible in the ever-evolving world of branding and marketing.

Despite the shift in direction, our team quickly regrouped and worked diligently to meet the new requirements and deliver a successful outcome. It was a valuable lesson in resilience and problem-solving, as we navigated through the challenges and ultimately exceeded the client’s expectations.

This experience not only provided me with a fascinating story to share but also reinforced the importance of effective communication, adaptability, and the ability to pivot in the face of unexpected changes. It was a reminder that even in the world of branding and marketing, where we strive for meticulous planning, surprises can arise, and it’s how we respond to them that truly defines our success.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

One of the funniest mistakes I made was greatly overestimating what I could deliver to a client. It wasn’t a single mistake, but rather a series of small blunders that taught me valuable lessons. One memorable incident was with Electronic Arts while working on a landing page for their highly anticipated video game. We accidentally uploaded the wrong content, showcasing another client’s materials. It was embarrassing, but we acted swiftly to rectify the situation. This experience emphasized the importance of paying attention to every detail. Over the years, these mistakes have taught me the significance of patience, understanding, and meticulousness in my work. They have also honed my leadership skills and my ability to effectively manage my team.

What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

What sets us apart is our unique One-Stop Shop approach. From the beginning, I envisioned a full-service agency that caters to every digital need. While our core strength lies in impeccable brand design, we have also curated a network of exceptional professionals in various areas of expertise. This allows us to offer a comprehensive range of services to our clients. Over the past 19 years, we have established a strong team capable of handling every aspect of their digital requirements. This not only saves them time but also valuable resources. Instead of hiring internal employees, they can rely on our proven track record and focus on running their business effectively.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

We are currently focused on local outreach and supporting new businesses or those facing challenges. In the wake of the pandemic, many companies, especially in our community, have experienced hardships. We are actively working with several local female-owned businesses, providing them with significant discounts to help launch or rebuild and regain profitability. Giving back is crucial, and this company has been a blessing for me. It has allowed me to transform lives and businesses, and in return, they have transformed mine. Whenever I have the opportunity to give back, I am humbled and grateful. If you are local to Los Angeles, particularly Venice, or if you are a struggling woman-owned business, I encourage you to reach out. I would be delighted to offer a complimentary consultation to discuss how we can help you thrive.

Ok super. Thank you for all that. Let’s now shift to the main focus of our interview. Are you currently satisfied with the status quo regarding women in STEM? What specific changes do you think are needed to change the status quo?

While progress has been made, there is still work to be done in achieving gender equality in STEM fields. Although many women have made significant contributions, the representation and opportunities for women in STEM can still be improved.

When I reflect on my journey as a web developer, I vividly remember the challenges of approaching businesses, especially in the restaurant industry, to offer my services. Starting this business as a woman was no easy feat, but I refused to give up. Despite suggestions to hire a sales “man”, I persevered and worked tirelessly. Along the way, I made a conscious effort to hire talented women designers and developers, while also welcoming exceptional male professionals to our team. I’ve observed that women bring a unique sensibility and remarkable attention to detail to their design and/or coding, making them invaluable contributors in our field.

Making meaningful changes to the status quo and fostering inclusivity in STEM requires a multi-pronged approach. Here are a few key areas we can focus on:

Firstly, it’s crucial to provide equal opportunities for girls and young women to explore STEM subjects early on. By offering them hands-on experiences and encouraging their interest, we can nurture their confidence and passion for these fields.

Another important aspect is promoting mentorship and showcasing successful women in STEM as role models. Mentorship programs can provide guidance and support, helping aspiring female professionals navigate their career paths with confidence.

We must also address biases and stereotypes that hinder women’s progress in STEM. By raising awareness about unconscious biases and challenging societal stereotypes, we can create a more inclusive environment that welcomes and supports women in these fields.

Companies and organizations need to prioritize workplace diversity and inclusion. This involves implementing fair hiring practices, ensuring equal opportunities for women, and fostering a supportive work culture that celebrates diversity.

Offering targeted support and resources is crucial as well. Scholarships, grants, and educational resources specifically designed for women in STEM can help overcome barriers such as financial constraints and limited access to educational opportunities.

By taking a comprehensive approach that includes education, mentorship, policy changes, and cultural shifts, we can create lasting change and achieve greater gender equality in STEM. Together, we can build a more inclusive and thriving future for all.

In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges faced by women in STEM or Tech that aren’t typically faced by their male counterparts? What would you suggest to address this?

In my opinion, one of the biggest challenges faced by women in STEM or Tech that isn’t typically faced by their male counterparts is the persistent gender bias and stereotypes that can undermine their expertise and capabilities. I have personally encountered instances where my knowledge and abilities were questioned solely based on my gender.

For example, I recall a situation when I received a call from a potential male client who immediately expressed his desire to speak to “someone else” because he doubted my ability to assist him due to being a woman. Despite this blatant disregard, I chose to remain humble and committed to his project. As I diligently worked on his requirements, he was genuinely surprised by the quality and effectiveness of my work.

To address these challenges, it is crucial to challenge stereotypes and biases, both individually and collectively. Companies and organizations can play a vital role in fostering a culture that values and respects the contributions of women in STEM or Tech. It starts with promoting diversity and inclusion in hiring practices and creating opportunities for women to showcase their expertise and leadership.

Additionally, highlighting success stories of women in STEM or Tech can help dismantle preconceived notions and inspire others. It is essential to provide mentorship and support networks that empower women and equip them with the skills and confidence needed to navigate these challenges.

By raising awareness, advocating for gender equality, and celebrating the achievements of women in STEM or Tech, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment. It requires collective efforts from individuals, organizations, and the industry as a whole to challenge biases, break barriers, and create equal opportunities for women in these fields.

What are the “myths” that you would like to dispel about being a woman in STEM or Tech. Can you explain what you mean?

Let’s debunk some of the myths surrounding women in STEM or tech fields:

Myth: “Women aren’t as capable or competent in technical roles.” Reality: That couldn’t be further from the truth! Women have just as much intelligence and skills as men. Gender doesn’t determine someone’s ability to excel in STEM or tech. Women have made remarkable contributions throughout history, and they continue to do so today.

Myth: “Women aren’t interested in or passionate about STEM or tech.” Reality: Nothing could be more false! Many women have a genuine interest and passion for these fields. It’s crucial to nurture and encourage that passion from a young age, providing equal opportunities and support to explore STEM or tech careers.

Myth: “Women aren’t suited for leadership roles in STEM or tech.” Reality: This myth couldn’t be more outdated. Women make exceptional leaders, bringing unique perspectives and insights to the table. Inclusive and diverse leadership fosters innovation and drives success in STEM or tech organizations.

Myth: “Women can’t balance work and family responsibilities in STEM or tech careers.” Reality: Women are masters at juggling multiple responsibilities. With the right support from employers and flexible work arrangements, women can successfully manage both their professional and personal lives, just like men.

Myth: “Women don’t thrive in male-dominated environments.” Reality: While male-dominated environments can pose challenges, women can thrive and excel. By creating inclusive workplaces that value diversity, provide equal opportunities, and foster a supportive culture, we can ensure that women feel empowered and can thrive in any environment.

Let’s break down these myths and celebrate the achievements and capabilities of women in STEM or tech. By creating an environment that embraces and supports women, we can unlock their full potential and drive even greater innovation and progress in these fields.

What are your “5 Leadership Lessons I Learned From My Experience as a Woman in STEM or Tech” and why.

Here are five leadership lessons I personally learned from my experience as a woman in STEM or tech, along with stories to bring them to life:

Embrace your uniqueness: One important lesson I learned is to embrace what makes me unique as a woman in a male-dominated industry. Instead of trying to fit into a mold, I celebrated my distinct qualities. For instance, I realized that my attention to detail and empathetic nature gave me an edge when it came to designing user-friendly solutions. I used these strengths to create experiences that truly resonated with our customers and set us apart from the competition.

Break through barriers: As a woman, I faced my fair share of barriers and biases in STEM or tech. But I never let them hold me back. I remember a time when a potential client (and not just one) hesitated to work with me because of my gender. It was disheartening, but I didn’t let it discourage me. Instead, I took on the project(s) with determination and delivered exceptional results. Seeing the client’s surprise and satisfaction when they realized my capabilities shattered their preconceived notions and opened doors for future opportunities.

Foster collaboration and diversity: I firmly believe that collaboration and diversity are essential for success in any industry. In the male-dominated tech world, I actively sought out opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from diverse backgrounds. One such collaboration involved a project where I worked closely with a team member who had a different perspective and skill set. By combining our strengths and embracing our differences, we created a solution that exceeded expectations and showcased the power of diverse collaboration.

Lead with empathy: Empathy is a leadership trait that I hold dear. I’ve learned that leading with empathy not only strengthens relationships but also enhances team dynamics and drives results. In one instance, I encountered a team member who was struggling with a personal issue that affected their performance. Instead of reprimanding them, I took the time to listen, understand, and provide support. By demonstrating empathy and offering assistance, I not only helped them overcome their challenges but also fostered a culture of trust and support within the team.

Mentor and empower others: Throughout my journey, I realized the importance of mentoring and empowering fellow women in STEM or tech. I vividly remember a young aspiring professional who sought my guidance. I took her under my wing, sharing my experiences, offering advice, and providing resources to help her grow. Witnessing her progress and seeing her flourish in her career has been incredibly fulfilling. It reinforced my belief in the power of supporting and uplifting others, especially women, in a field where they are underrepresented.

These leadership lessons have been transformative in my career. By embracing my uniqueness, breaking through barriers, fostering collaboration, leading with empathy, and empowering others, I have not only overcome challenges but also paved the way for a more inclusive and thriving environment for women in STEM or tech.

What advice would you give to other women leaders to help their team to thrive?

One piece of advice I would give to other women leaders is to create an environment where your team can truly thrive. It’s all about fostering a supportive and inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and empowered.

First and foremost, make sure to communicate your expectations clearly. Let your team members know what goals you’re aiming for and provide regular feedback to help them grow. Be open to their ideas and encourage them to speak up and share their thoughts without any fear of judgment. When people feel heard and respected, they’re more likely to contribute their best work.

Empowerment is another key aspect. Trust your team members to take ownership of their tasks and decisions. Give them the autonomy to showcase their skills and talents. When they have a sense of ownership and responsibility, they’ll feel more motivated to go above and beyond.

Professional development is crucial. Invest in your team’s growth by offering training opportunities, mentorship programs, and resources for skill enhancement. Encourage them to set their own goals and support them along the way. When you show that you’re invested in their success, they’ll feel inspired and motivated to excel.

Leading by example is also vital. Be transparent, ethical, and authentic in your actions. Show resilience in the face of challenges and stay composed during tough times. Your team will look up to you, so it’s important to model the behaviors and values you expect from them. Lead with integrity and inspire them to do the same.

Remember, your team’s success is a reflection of your leadership. By creating a supportive environment, empowering your team, investing in their growth, and leading by example, you can help them thrive and achieve their full potential. Together, you can accomplish great things and make a lasting impact.

In addition to creating a supportive environment and empowering your team, it’s important to celebrate important events together. Recognizing milestones, achievements, and special occasions can significantly boost morale and strengthen team dynamics.

Take the time to acknowledge and appreciate your team’s hard work and accomplishments. Whether it’s birthdays, anniversaries, reaching a project milestone, meeting a challenging deadline, or surpassing a target, celebrate those moments of success. It can be as simple as gathering everyone for a team lunch or organizing a fun activity to commemorate the achievement. By doing so, you show your team that their efforts are valued and recognized.

What advice would you give to other women leaders about the best way to manage a large team?

Without repeating myself, if I were to offer advice to other women leaders about managing a large team, I would emphasize the importance of effective communication, fostering a collaborative environment, and embracing diversity and inclusion. Foster open and transparent communication, encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and embrace the unique perspectives and experiences of team members. Trust and empower your team, delegate responsibilities, and provide opportunities for growth. Lead by example with integrity and empathy, and celebrate successes. By prioritizing these key aspects, you can create a positive and high-performing environment for your team to thrive.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

I am incredibly grateful to so many, but these two individuals who have played pivotal roles in my journey, truly stood out. One person who comes to mind is the owner of A Votre Sante restaurant in Brentwood, CA. They were my first client and took a chance on me when I was just starting out. After persistently reaching out to them for months, they finally decided to give my services a try. That opportunity really kick-started my company and gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams. To this day, I am grateful for their trust and support.

Another person who had a significant impact on my career is Chantal Cloutier, the owner of Cloutier Agency. She was recommended to me by another client, and our initial meeting was quite memorable. She reached out to me in a rush, on her way to the airport, and asked if she could stop by my home office. Without hesitation, I welcomed her in and we had a conversation over tea. Chantal entrusted me with the task of completely rebranding her agency, which was facing challenges at the time. The success of that rebranding project not only transformed the agency but also opened doors for my company. Chantal’s belief in my abilities and the impact we made together still inspires me to this day.

Both of these experiences taught me the power of relationships and the importance of seizing opportunities. It’s through the support and trust of individuals like them that I have been able to reach where I am today. I am forever grateful for their belief in me and the positive influence they’ve had on my journey.

How have you used your success to bring goodness to the world?

Using my success to bring goodness to the world has always been a priority for me. One of the ways I have done this is by actively supporting and promoting local businesses, especially those owned by women. I understand the challenges that entrepreneurs face, particularly in times of hardship like the recent pandemic. As a result, I have made it a point to work closely with female-owned businesses in my community, offering them discounted services to help them get back on their feet or establish themselves.

Furthermore, I believe in the power of giving back. Throughout my career, I have participated in various philanthropic initiatives and community outreach programs. Whether it’s volunteering my time, providing pro bono services, or contributing to charitable causes, I strive to make a positive impact beyond my professional endeavors. It’s important to me that success is not solely measured by financial achievements, but also by the positive influence we can have on others.

Moreover, I am passionate about mentoring and empowering young women who aspire to pursue careers in STEM or tech. I actively engage in mentorship programs, speaking engagements, and workshops to share my experiences, insights, and advice with the next generation. By encouraging and supporting women in these fields, I aim to help bridge the gender gap and create more opportunities for success.

Overall, I believe that success is not just about personal gain but also about using our platform and influence to make a difference in the world. Through my work with local businesses, philanthropy, and mentorship, I strive to bring goodness and positive change to the communities I serve and beyond.

You are a person of enormous influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I had the opportunity to inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, it would be centered around fostering education and equal opportunities for all. I believe that education is the foundation for personal growth, empowerment, and positive change.

The movement would focus on ensuring access to quality education for every individual, regardless of their background, socioeconomic status, or geographical location. It would strive to eliminate barriers such as financial constraints, gender discrimination, and limited resources that hinder educational opportunities for many.

The movement would promote innovative approaches to education, leveraging technology and digital platforms to reach underserved communities and provide them with learning opportunities. It would emphasize the importance of early childhood education, as well as lifelong learning, to equip individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Additionally, the movement would advocate for inclusive education that celebrates diversity, respects different learning styles, and supports individuals with disabilities. It would encourage collaboration among governments, educational institutions, businesses, and communities to create a comprehensive and inclusive educational ecosystem.

By empowering individuals through education, this movement would have a ripple effect on society. It would enable people to break the cycle of poverty, pursue their dreams, and contribute to their communities in meaningful ways. It would foster innovation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, preparing individuals to address global challenges and create a better future for all.

Ultimately, the goal of this movement would be to create a world where education is not a privilege but a fundamental right. It would empower individuals, uplift communities, and unlock the full potential of humanity.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“Embrace the unknown, for within it lies the magic of endless possibilities.” — Me

This quote has been relevant to me in my life because it reminds me of the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing new experiences. It’s easy to stick to what is familiar and predictable, but true growth and discovery happen when we venture into the unknown.

Throughout my journey, I have encountered situations where I had to make choices without knowing the outcome. Whether it was starting a new venture, taking on a challenging project, or pursuing a different path, embracing the unknown allowed me to tap into my potential and discover hidden talents and strengths.

By embracing the unknown, I have been able to overcome fears and limitations, and open doors to opportunities I never thought possible. It has taught me to trust in my abilities, be resilient in the face of uncertainty, and have faith that the universe has a way of guiding us towards our true purpose.

This quote serves as a constant reminder that life is an adventure, and the magic happens when we are willing to let go of control and embrace the mysteries that lie ahead. It encourages me to have an open mind, seize opportunities, and approach challenges with curiosity and optimism.

Overall, this life lesson quote has shaped my mindset and approach to life, reminding me to embrace the unknown with a sense of wonder and excitement, knowing that within it lies the potential for personal growth, transformation, and the fulfillment of my dreams.

We are very blessed that very prominent leaders read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US with whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might just see this if we tag them :-)

If given the opportunity, I would love to have a private lunch with Michelle Obama. She is an inspiring figure who has made a significant impact through her initiatives and advocacy for important causes such as education, health, and women’s empowerment.

Michelle Obama’s dedication to empowering young people, particularly girls, and promoting access to education resonates deeply with me. Her commitment to healthy living and wellness is also admirable, as she has used her platform to raise awareness about the importance of leading a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Beyond her accomplishments, Michelle Obama exudes grace, intelligence, and authenticity. I would be honored to have a meaningful conversation with her about leadership, social impact, and the importance of uplifting others. Her insights and experiences would undoubtedly provide valuable lessons and inspiration that I could apply to my own life and work.

Having a private lunch with Michelle Obama would be an incredible opportunity to learn from her wisdom, exchange ideas, and discuss ways to create positive change in the world. Her ability to connect with people from all walks of life and inspire them to take action is truly remarkable, and I would be thrilled to engage in a conversation that explores her journey, values, and vision for a better future.

Although the chances of this message reaching Michelle Obama directly are uncertain, I hope that her team or others who admire her may pass along the invitation. It would be an honor to have the opportunity to sit down with Michelle Obama and engage in a conversation that could potentially make a positive impact on individuals and communities worldwide.

Thank you for these fantastic insights. We greatly appreciate the time you spent on this.

