Jennifer Brener Seay Of Art + Artisans Consulting On How To Design Office Spaces That People Love To Work In

Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine
Published in
8 min readMay 30, 2024


Create spaces that are beautiful, welcoming, and comfortable. Our brains are constantly bombarded with stimuli. So much of it goes unnoticed, but color, texture and pattern are things we remember. If you want people to want to be at the office, you need to create a space that feels good to be in!

As part of our series called “How To Design Office Spaces That People Love To Work In”, we had the pleasure of interviewing Jennifer Seay.

Jennifer founded Art + Artisans in 2002 from her home office and soon expanded the firm into a respected art consulting entity serving nationwide clients. Immersing herself in the Texas art scene, Jennifer’s expertise in artist styles and processes has enabled her to provide innovative art solutions to a wide range of clients, including companies, universities, and healthcare facilities. Today, Jennifer continues to lead her team at Art + Artisans, passionately connecting spaces with unique art that fosters human connection.

Thank you so much for joining us in this series! Before we dive in, our readers would love to learn a bit more about you. Can you tell us a story about what brought you to this specific career path?

My early career background was in sales. A Houston gallery approached me to represent them as a corporate art consultant throughout Texas. I had never heard of art consulting and thought it sounded amazing and so much fun! I immersed myself in the art world and started attending as many art events as possible. I met many artists who would invite me to their studios to see their work and learn about their process. I loved the idea of working with artists to create unique pieces for each of my projects and spoke to the client’s vision. After a few years, I founded Art + Artisans to do just that!

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started this career?

I have been consulting for 25 years and there have been so many great stories! As a business owner looking back, there have been numerous times when a really challenging project took us to the next level regarding the results we delivered and the expertise we developed in the process. I cherish each of those opportunities because they have allowed us to grow, and to bring art by so many talented artists to larger and larger spaces for more people to enjoy. It’s a win for the client, the artists, and everyone who gets to experience the art on a daily basis. Art brings joy, human connection and memorable experiences. The more we can put it out into the world the better for all!

It has been said that sometimes our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about a mistake you made when you were first starting and a lesson you learned from that?

On a very early project we had a corporate client who wanted art installed for a big board meeting the following week. I call this kind of scenario ‘The Art Emergency.’ It’s when a client didn’t plan or budget for art during the design process but at the last minute decides their space looks ‘cold’ or ‘unfinished’ and is in a complete panic to get something RIGHT NOW. We were able to get it done on that project; however, for art to feel integrated into design, tell a story, and speak to a larger vision, there should be an intentional process planned for and budgeted. That process takes time, and I like to educate clients on a reasonable timeline for their project size and the impact they want to achieve.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

I love reading business books and Good to Great by Jim Collins is one of my favorites. One of his quotes is, ‘Great vision without great people is irrelevant.’ My mission has always been to create a memorable experience with innovative art that elevates the environment and brings moments of connection and joy. I can’t make that happen in a vacuum. I have a highly credentialed team that has a unique combination of art and project management expertise. We work with incredibly talented artists from around the globe who produce work in every medium imaginable. We have forward-thinking clients who recognize art’s value to their projects, the communities they serve, and the people they want to attract. When you put all those amazing people and resources together, the results lift us all higher.

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

So many people! My mom left corporate America and came into business with me about a year after I started Art + Artisans. She helped me grow the business for 16 years before she retired. It was an incredible experience for both of us. No one has your back like your mom!

I’m also incredibly grateful to CREW Network (Commercial Real Estate Women) and WPO (Women President’s Organization) members. Both organizations have been endless sources of support and mentorship over the years. They are my tribe!

What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? How do you think that might help people?

We just finished installing the art for CHRISTUS Health’s new headquarters in Irving, TX. The project was awarded the 2024 CoStar Impact Award for Commercial Development of the Year in Dallas-Ft. Worth. There are 15 floors of commissioned artwork that beautifully tie into the CHRISTUS story. Almost 2000 employees now work in this extraordinary space and are inspired to strengthen their efforts to provide exceptional healthcare throughout the United States and South America. In surveys, employees have raved about their new home, and engagement is at a record high. I am so proud to have contributed to this gold standard in employee experience!

We have another large campus project that is beginning installation over the summer. The project includes interior and exterior art by diverse artists across Texas and the globe! I am so excited about the project. I know employees will love their new offices’ art, outdoor spaces, and extraordinary design. The company can use these elements to build a community and increase recruitment and retention.

In Downtown Austin we just collaborated with acclaimed international artist Mr. Doodle to install his largest mural in the United States! It was a very exciting project that came together quickly! We only had two weeks to find an appropriate wall Downtown, negotiate the contract between the building owner and the artist, and coordinate a very complicated installation that took place during SXSW, when the whole city is jam-packed with tourists. It was a true community effort to get this accomplished. and we are so proud that our efforts were ultimately successful! As the CEO of the Downtown Austin Alliance put it, “Mr. Doodle’s international recognition as a muralist will not only draw locals and tourists alike to experience art — and all our downtown has to offer — but it will also raise Austin’s reputation as a creative destination and cultural hub that prioritizes free, public art.”

Thank you for that. Here is the main question of our discussion. What are your “Five Things You Should Do To Design Office Spaces That People Love To Work In” and why?

1 . Create spaces that are beautiful, welcoming, and comfortable. Our brains are constantly bombarded with stimuli. So much of it goes unnoticed, but color, texture and pattern are things we remember. If you want people to want to be at the office, you need to create a space that feels good to be in!

2 . Use art to connect to your company values. If sustainability is one of your values, you can work with an artist who uses repurposed materials in their pieces. Working with diverse and local artists or artists who have an innovative process are other ways to use art to showcase company values.

3 . Use art to connect to your company vision. Work with a muralist whose style captures your company culture and helps tell a story. This is a great way to create an environment connecting people with a shared purpose and community.

4 . Creating a first-class employee experience entices people to the office for something they cannot get at home. For one of our clients, this includes heightened visual thoughtfulness in every aspect of their design, furniture, and original art. In addition they have an incredible cafeteria, on-site healthcare, access to beautifully designed outdoor spaces, and tons of natural light. Their high level of employee engagement and retention speaks volumes to the success of their efforts.

5 . Create different spaces and opportunities for people to connect! 75% of employees enjoy coming to the office to see their friends and be part of the wider community at their offices. Interestingly, the number falls by almost 10% in offices where employees do not consider art, culture, and well-being to be prioritized by their employer. A variety of spaces that promote creativity, conversation, socializing, learning and wellness adds an essential component to draw people to the office and turn it into a destination!

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

I want real estate developers to understand the importance art plays in creating destinations and cities that are vibrant, exciting, and worthy of visiting again and again. This translates to including art in their budget and design plans from the very beginning of a project. Many studies show this investment pays off in increased foot traffic and community support, decreased crime, increased property value, and quicker tenant lease-ups. At a higher level, art creates legacy projects with heart and soul, connecting to the community and becoming beloved destinations that bring people joy!

We are very blessed that some of the biggest names in Business, VC funding, Sports, and Entertainment read this column. Is there a person in the world, or in the US whom you would love to have a private breakfast or lunch with, and why? He or she might see this, especially if we tag them :-)

Number one on my dream list is Taylor Swift, Artist and Entrepreneur rolled into one! I could also have a pretty fabulous lunch with Michelle Obama and Brene Brown!

How can our readers further follow your work online?

I’m very active on LinkedIn, You can also follow our Instagram or check out our website,

Thank you so much for joining us. This was very inspirational!



Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine

In-depth interviews with authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech