John Miles On How Authenticity and Vulnerability Pay Off and Help You Win Personally and Professionally

An Interview With Maria Angelova


Driving Creativity and Innovation: Vulnerability is essential for creativity and innovation. It encourages risk-taking and resilience in the face of failure, creating a fertile ground for new ideas and breakthroughs. In a professional setting, this openness to experimentation and learning from mistakes is crucial for adaptation and growth.

Being vulnerable and authentic are some of today’s popular buzzwords. It may seem counterintuitive to be vulnerable, as many of us have been taught to project an air of confidence, be a boss, and act like we know everything. In Brene Brown’s words, “vulnerability takes courage.” So is vulnerability a strength or a weakness? Can someone be authentic without being vulnerable? How can being authentic and vulnerable help someone grow both personally and professionally? In this interview series, we are talking to business leaders, mental health professionals and business and life coaches who can share stories and examples of “How Authenticity and Vulnerability Pay Off and Help You Win Personally and Professionally.” As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing John R. Miles.

John R. Miles is a recognized expert on intentional behavior change, leadership, and personal mastery. He is a keynote speaker, author, top-rated show host, and the founder and CEO of Passion Struck®. His globally renowned podcast, Passion Struck with John R. Miles, has garnered tens of millions of downloads and consistently holds the title of the #1 alternative health podcast worldwide, securing its place among the top 100 on Apple Podcasts. The show is now in syndication on the Brushwood Media National Broadcast. Miles’s enthusiasm lies in educating individuals to MASTER THE INNER GAME OF LIFE BY LIVING INTENTIONALLY.

With over 25 years of leadership experience, Miles is frequently sought after as an advisor by many of the world’s top companies and their executives. His leadership has been credited with generating billions of dollars in sales and advising two unicorn startups. However, his true passion lies in coaching and mentoring individuals to live a passion-struck life in every area. Through his work, he has developed close connections with other titans such as Marc Benioff, Michael Dell, Jim McKelvey, Matt Higgins, and numerous more, sharing the stage with many of them to inspire and motivate audiences.

In a world where success is often measured by influence and impact, Miles has earned his place among the world’s foremost thought leaders, leaving an indelible mark as a beacon of inspiration and change. His story of a U.S. Naval Academy graduate exemplifying the principles of leadership and personal growth are a part of his latest book endeavor, Passion Struck [PostHill Press Feb 2024].

His social media presence, podcast, and YouTube channels annually enriches the lives of tens of millions of individuals, inspiring them to embark on their transformative journeys.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we start, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

As a child, a simple game of tag forever changed the trajectory of my life. At just five years old, I found myself thrust through a basement window, not just breaking glass but also the course of my childhood. That accident left me with a brain injury, planting the seeds of cognitive impairments, auditory and sensory processing disorders, chronic headaches, and a speech impediment. Overnight, I became the boy with a “broken brain,” facing a reality far removed from the carefree days I once knew.

This label, though unwelcome, became a crucible for my resilience. The road to recovery was fraught with challenges; each day presented a new obstacle, from struggling with basic learning tasks to grappling with the physical pain and frustration that accompanied my injuries. But these hurdles, steep as they were, did not define me. Instead, they forged a resilience within me that I would carry into adulthood.

My journey was not solitary. It was marked by the unwavering support of my family, teachers, and therapists, who saw beyond my deficiencies, to the potential that lay beneath. Their belief in me was a beacon during the darkest times, guiding me to realize that my limitations were not insurmountable barriers but challenges to overcome.

As I grew, so did my determination to navigate and redefine my capabilities. The narrative of the boy with a brain injury began to shift, replaced by a story of triumph over adversity. This transformation was not immediate, nor was it easy. It required an intentional approach to life, a steadfast commitment to growth, and an unwavering belief in the power of resilience.

Today, as the host of “Passion Struck with John R. Miles” and a voice for those navigating their adversities, I reflect on my childhood not with regret but with gratitude. The lessons learned from overcoming my “broken brain” have fueled my passion for helping others realize their potential, regardless of their challenges. My story, marked by resilience and transformation, is a testament to the power of intentional living and the undeniable human capacity for growth and recovery.

In sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others to embrace their adversities, not as defining limitations but as opportunities for growth and transformation. In the face of challenges, we find our true strength; in overcoming them, we uncover our best selves.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

One of my favorite “Life Lesson Quotes” comes from Sharon Salzberg: “There’s no commodity we can take with us. There is only our lives, whether we live them wisely or whether we live them in ignorance. And this is everything.”

In my life, this quote has underscored the invaluable nature of living authentically and embracing vulnerability. It reminds me that the true essence of our existence isn’t found in the material possessions we accumulate but in the authenticity, and depth with which we live our lives. Salzberg’s wisdom has been a guiding light in my journey, teaching me that living wisely involves shedding the layers of pretense and fear that hold us back from expressing our true selves. It has shown me that vulnerability, though often perceived as a weakness, is a profound strength that allows us to connect deeply with others and ourselves.

Through my experiences, particularly as a 100% disabled combat veteran who has faced significant challenges, including overcoming cognitive impairments and chronic pain, Salzberg’s words have been a beacon of hope. They have encouraged me to live a life marked not by what I have lost or what I fear but by the courage to be vulnerable and the authenticity to be my true self. This perspective has shaped my personal journey and fueled my mission with “Passion Struck” to inspire others to embrace their vulnerabilities and live authentically, leading to a more fulfilling and impactful existence.

Is there a particular book, podcast, or film that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you?

Joseph Campbell’s “The Power of Myth” delves into the universal themes and archetypes found in the world’s myths, exploring how these stories reflect the human experience and the journey towards self-realization. Campbell’s work emphasizes the Hero’s Journey, a narrative pattern where a hero embarks on an adventure, faces trials, receives enlightenment, and returns transformed. This journey mirrors the process of embracing vulnerability and striving for authenticity. It’s about leaving the comfort zone (or the ordinary world, in Campbell’s terms), confronting fears (the trials), discovering one’s true self (the revelation), and integrating that understanding into one’s life (the return).

For me, the connection between Campbell’s insights and the journey to authenticity and vulnerability is profound. My experiences, from overcoming significant challenges since childhood to pushing beyond the constraints of a “child marked by resilience,” reflect the Hero’s Journey. These experiences forced me to confront my vulnerabilities head-on, stripping away the facades and revealing the authentic self beneath. It was through these trials that I found strength in vulnerability, understanding that it is not a weakness but a powerful force for growth and transformation.

“The Power of Myth” also speaks to the importance of myths in understanding our place in the world and our path to authenticity. Myths, as Campbell presents them, are not just old stories but guides for living a life aligned with our deepest truths. They encourage us to find the courage to be vulnerable, to face our dragons, and to emerge with a newfound understanding of our authentic selves.

This work resonated with me because it validated the journey I was on and the work I was doing on my journey to becoming Passion Struck. It underscored the significance of embracing our personal myths — our stories — and using them as a compass for living a life of purpose, intention, and authenticity. Campbell’s exploration of myths as a pathway to understanding and embracing the human condition has been a cornerstone in shaping my approach to vulnerability and authenticity, both in my personal life and in guiding others to discover their own paths to their true selves.

In essence, “The Power of Myth” offers a framework for understanding the transformative power of embracing our vulnerabilities and living authentically. It is a testament to the journey we all must undertake to uncover our true essence and live in alignment with it, a journey that is at the heart my mission to empower individuals to lead lives of profound intention and significance.

Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. Let’s begin with a definition of terms so that each of us and our readers are on the same page. What exactly does being authentic mean?

As the author of “Passion Struck,” I, delve into the essence of what it means to live authentically. To me, being authentic is the cornerstone of the “Passion Struck” philosophy. It signifies embracing your genuine self, aligned with your deepest passions, values, and convictions. It’s about shedding societal expectations and the masks we wear that divert us from our true path, advocating for a life that resonates deeply with what we truly care about.

In “Passion Struck,” I encourage individuals to recognize and honor their unique gifts and perspectives, fostering a life lived with intentionality and purpose. Authenticity involves a steadfast commitment to personal growth and self-discovery, fostering a connection to one’s passions that is both profound and actionable. It’s about making choices congruent with your innermost desires, leading to a fulfilling and impactful existence.

Thus, being authentic, from a “Passion Struck” perspective, means navigating life with the courage to be intentionally yourself, crafting a life that not only reflects your true self but also unleashes the full potential of your passions. This commitment to authenticity enriches your life and inspires others to pursue their genuine selves, creating a ripple effect of positive change and fulfillment.

What does being vulnerable mean? Can you explain?

Being vulnerable is about opening up to others, revealing your true feelings, and asking for help without fear of judgment. It means letting go of the façade we often wear to protect ourselves from potential rejection or embarrassment. Vulnerability is a powerful tool for growth, allowing us to connect deeply with others, build trust, and foster genuine relationships.

In the context of overcoming pain, as I discussed in a recent episode of the Passion Struck podcast, vulnerability plays a crucial role. It’s about facing our fears, embracing our imperfections, and being honest about our struggles. This openness not only aids in healing but also paves the way for personal transformation. By acknowledging our vulnerabilities, we grant ourselves permission to seek support, learn from our experiences, and move forward with resilience and courage.

Vulnerability is not about weakness; it’s about strength. It takes bravery to expose our true selves, especially in moments of uncertainty or pain. Yet, it’s through this bravery that we find our most profound connections and the potential for true growth. In embracing vulnerability, we learn that our challenges and emotions do not define us but instead are stepping stones on our journey to becoming our best selves.

What are the positive aspects of being authentic and vulnerable? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

In an unforgettable episode of the “Passion Struck” podcast, I had the honor of interviewing Hari Budha Magar, a former Gurkha soldier whose life was dramatically altered by an IED explosion that resulted in the loss of both his legs. Hari’s candid discussion about his battle with alcohol abuse in the aftermath of his injury provided a profound illustration of the transformative power of vulnerability and authenticity.

Hari’s journey from the depths of despair to taking control of his life and becoming an inspiration to many when he climbed Mount Everest is a testament to the strength inherent in embracing our vulnerabilities. By sharing his struggles openly, Hari not only engaged our audience on a deeply personal level but also illuminated the path of resilience and recovery for others facing similar challenges.

This conversation with Hari Budha Magar highlighted a critical insight: authenticity and vulnerability are not signs of weakness but of immense courage. They are the keys to unlocking our potential to overcome adversity and to connect with others in meaningful ways. Hari’s story serves as a powerful reminder that when we dare to reveal our true selves, especially in our darkest moments, we not only find our way back to the light but also light the way for others.

Being vulnerable and authentic isn’t just about showing our flaws or challenges; it’s about demonstrating the strength it takes to acknowledge them. This act of courage invites others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of empowerment and connection. It has taught me that our authentic selves, complete with our vulnerabilities, are our most relatable and powerful selves. By being genuine, we not only liberate ourselves from the constraints of pretense but also encourage others to live more freely and fully.

Are there negative aspects to authenticity and vulnerability? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

Despite the profound benefits of living authentically and embracing vulnerability, there are challenges and potential drawbacks. For instance, after sharing the financial failure of a venture I was passionately involved in, hoping to offer insights and lessons learned, I was met with criticism and negativity. Some responses were personal attacks rather than constructive feedback.

This experience highlighted a critical lesson: while vulnerability can foster connection and growth, it can also expose us to judgment and negativity. It taught me the importance of discernment in sharing vulnerabilities and the need to create boundaries to protect one’s emotional well-being. This delicate balance between openness and self-protection is a crucial aspect of navigating the complexities of authenticity and vulnerability in our lives.

From your experience or perspective, what are some of the common barriers that hold someone back from being authentic and vulnerable?

From my experience and through the conversations I’ve had with countless individuals who’ve overcome incredible obstacles, I’ve identified several common barriers that frequently hold people back from embracing authenticity and vulnerability:

  1. Fear of Judgment and Rejection: Many individuals fear that being their true selves might lead to judgment or rejection from others. This fear is often rooted in past experiences or societal pressures to conform to certain norms and expectations.
  2. Cultural and Societal Norms: Cultural upbringing and societal norms can significantly impact one’s willingness to be vulnerable. In many cultures, showing vulnerability is perceived as a sign of weakness, discouraging individuals from opening up about their feelings and experiences.
  3. Self-Doubt and Low Self-Esteem: A lack of self-confidence and persistent self-doubt can make it challenging for someone to believe that their authentic self is worthy of acceptance and love. This can lead to hiding one’s true self in an attempt to appear more favorable to others.
  4. Previous Trauma or Negative Experiences: Traumatic experiences, especially those involving betrayal or emotional pain, can create deep-seated barriers to vulnerability. The fear of experiencing similar pain again can cause individuals to close themselves off as a protective measure.
  5. Perceived Risk of Vulnerability: The risk associated with being vulnerable and open — such as the fear of being taken advantage of or hurt — can be a significant deterrent. People often calculate the potential risks and benefits of opening up and may decide it’s safer to remain guarded.
  6. Internalized Negative Beliefs: Internal narratives and beliefs about oneself, often shaped by past experiences and societal messages, can hinder one’s ability to be vulnerable. These might include beliefs like “I’m not good enough” or “I must always appear strong.”

What are five ways that being authentic and vulnerable pay off and help you win, both personally and professionally?

The journey towards authenticity and vulnerability is not just a path to personal enlightenment but also a strategic approach to achieving both personal and professional success. Here are five ways embracing these principles pays off:

  1. Cultivating Stronger Connections: Authenticity and vulnerability are the bedrock of deep, meaningful relationships. By being genuine and open, like Hari Budha Magar’s story, we not only strengthen our personal bonds but also inspire trust and respect in professional environments. His candidness about overcoming the aftermath of an IED explosion exemplifies how vulnerability can transform adversity into a source of connection and strength.
  2. Enhancing Leadership: Vulnerable leaders who acknowledge their flaws and share their journeys encourage a culture of transparency and loyalty. This authenticity in leadership fosters a supportive environment where teams feel valued and motivated, directly impacting organizational success and innovation.
  3. Fostering Personal Growth: Embracing vulnerability invites us into a process of self-discovery and continuous growth. It challenges us to face our fears and expand our comfort zones, leading to a richer, more fulfilling life and career that truly reflects our innermost aspirations.
  4. Attracting the Right Opportunities: When we operate authentically, we align more closely with opportunities that resonate with our true selves. This alignment ensures that we engage in work that is not only successful but also genuinely fulfilling, leading to lasting satisfaction in our careers.
  5. Driving Creativity and Innovation: Vulnerability is essential for creativity and innovation. It encourages risk-taking and resilience in the face of failure, creating a fertile ground for new ideas and breakthroughs. In a professional setting, this openness to experimentation and learning from mistakes is crucial for adaptation and growth.

In my work, I’ve witnessed firsthand how adopting a stance of authenticity and vulnerability enriches our personal lives and elevates our professional endeavors. It’s about more than just being true to oneself; it’s a powerful strategy for crafting a life and career that are as rewarding as they are impactful.

You are a person of significant influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

If I could inspire a movement to bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, it would be to amplify the very mission I’m already dedicated to: empowering individuals worldwide to live “Passion Struck.” This movement is not just an aspiration; it’s an ongoing quest to inspire everyone to align their actions, intentions, and aspirations with an unwavering commitment to personal excellence and self-actualization.

Rooted in the profound insights and principles outlined in “Passion Struck,” the movement seeks to address the pervasive sense of “unmattering” that plagues so many, by showing them the transformative power of living with intentionality. Drawing on the wisdom of luminaries and personal experiences, including overcoming the adversities of my own life as a combat veteran, this movement is a clarion call to everyone to embrace their potential for greatness.

The essence of being Passion Struck lies in recognizing that each individual has the inherent capacity to lead a life that truly matters — filled with purpose, growth, and fulfillment. By choosing to live intentionally, we can transcend the limitations and obstacles that stand in our way, and unlock a path to becoming our best selves. This is the movement I am leading, one that champions the journey toward a passion-driven life, where authenticity, resilience, and purpose are at the heart of everything we do.

Is there a person in the world whom you would love to have lunch with, and why? Maybe we can tag them and see what happens!

If I could choose one person in the world to have lunch with, it would be Brene Brown. Her groundbreaking work on vulnerability, courage, and authenticity resonates deeply with the ethos of Passion Struck. Brene’s insights into embracing our imperfections and the power of vulnerability align with the journey toward living intentionally and authentically that I advocate for in “Passion Struck.” Her research and storytelling have not only transformed how we perceive strength and vulnerability in personal development but also in leadership and professional growth. Having a conversation with Brene would be an incredible opportunity to explore the synergies between our work and discuss strategies for empowering individuals to lead lives filled with purpose, courage, and authenticity.

How can our readers follow you online?





Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

About The Interviewer: Maria Angelova, MBA is a disruptor, author, motivational speaker, body-mind expert, Pilates teacher and founder and CEO of Rebellious Intl. As a disruptor, Maria is on a mission to change the face of the wellness industry by shifting the self-care mindset for consumers and providers alike. As a mind-body coach, Maria’s superpower is alignment which helps clients create a strong body and a calm mind so they can live a life of freedom, happiness and fulfillment. Prior to founding Rebellious Intl, Maria was a Finance Director and a professional with 17+ years of progressive corporate experience in the Telecommunications, Finance, and Insurance industries. Born in Bulgaria, Maria moved to the United States in 1992. She graduated summa cum laude from both Georgia State University (MBA, Finance) and the University of Georgia (BBA, Finance). Maria’s favorite job is being a mom. Maria enjoys learning, coaching, creating authentic connections, working out, Latin dancing, traveling, and spending time with her tribe. To contact Maria, email her at To schedule a free consultation, click here.



Maria Angelova, CEO of Rebellious Intl.
Authority Magazine

Maria Angelova, MBA is a disruptor, author, motivational speaker, body-mind expert, Pilates teacher and founder and CEO of Rebellious Intl.