Josh Royal Of Aventus On 5 Ways To Create a Wow! Customer Experience

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
10 min readMay 26, 2024

“Knowing your customer thoroughly is fundamental. For instance, when we began working with a health supplements company, we invested significant time in understanding their customers’ motivations and concerns. This deep dive enabled us to tailor interactions that resonated on a personal level, addressing specific wellness goals and concerns. Customers were not just satisfied; they were delighted to find a brand that ‘spoke their language,’ significantly increasing customer loyalty and referrals.”

As a part of our series about the five things a business should do to create a Wow! customer experience, I had the pleasure of interviewing Josh Royal.

Josh Royal, a 6th generation Charlestonian and entrepreneur, started his career with a successful nutritional supplement venture and now leads Aventus, a 100% minority-owned business providing omnichannel support services to DTC brands. Josh lives in Charleston, SC with his wife and son.

Thank you so much for joining us! Our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your ‘backstory’ and how you got started?

I’m excited to share a bit about my journey. My roots are in e-commerce, and over time, I noticed a significant gap in customer service quality. Motivated by a desire to elevate the customer experience, I embarked on creating a platform that would not only respect business policies but also prioritize customer satisfaction. My goal was to craft a boutique experience that seamlessly blends efficiency with empathy, targeting like-minded individuals who value genuine customer connection as much as we do.

Can you share a story about the funniest mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lessons or ‘take aways’ you learned from that?

Absolutely! When we were just starting out, one of our first clients requested a couple of agents, assuring us that it would be enough to handle their customer service needs. Well, it turned out their calculations were a bit off — they actually needed almost double the number of agents! Our team quickly sprang into action, working tirelessly to scale up and ensure there was minimal impact on the client’s customer service. Thankfully, our client was quite understanding about the mix-up.

This experience taught me a couple of crucial lessons. First, the importance of thorough planning and evaluation at every stage — from sales to onboarding. It highlighted how essential deep discovery is, allowing us to identify and fill any potential gaps in our planning. This ensures we can provide a smooth launch and maintain the high standards of service our clients expect. It was a humorous start, but it really reinforced the value of meticulous preparation and adaptability in our business.”

None of us are able to achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story?

My beautiful wife Liz. When we met I was already a successful entrepreneur, but with terrible lifestyle choices. It wasn’t until we met that I realized my lifestyle was going to be my downfall, and also not allow me to maintain a healthy relationship. She’s always encouraged me to keep moving towards my goals. There were a couple times during the startup stages of Aventus that were a struggle, where I wanted to just throw in the towel. She was right there by my side supporting me every step of the way. For that I am forever grateful.

Thank you for that. Let’s now pivot to the main focus of our interview. This might be intuitive, but I think it’s helpful to specifically articulate it. In your words, can you share a few reasons why great customer service and a great customer experience is essential for success in business?

Great customer service is more than just a business practice; it’s the cornerstone of brand loyalty and longevity. First and foremost, it establishes trust. When customers feel valued and understood, they’re more likely to develop a long-term relationship with your brand. This trust translates into repeat business and valuable referrals, which are essential for growth.

Additionally, a great customer experience differentiates us from competitors. In today’s market, where products and services are often similar, the way a customer feels when interacting with a company can be a decisive factor. It’s about creating memorable interactions that customers want to share with others.

Lastly, it fosters feedback and innovation. Engaging with customers and valuing their feedback provides insights that are crucial for continual improvement and adaptation. This loop of feedback and enhancement ensures we stay relevant and competitive.

In summary, excellent customer service isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a vital component of a business’s strategy and a key driver of its success

We have all had times either in a store, or online, when we’ve had a very poor experience as a customer or user. If the importance of a good customer experience is so intuitive, and apparent, where is the disconnect? How is it that so many companies do not make this a priority?

It’s a great question, and frankly, one that puzzles many of us who prioritize customer experience. The disconnect often stems from a combination of factors. First, there’s the short-term mindset. Many companies are under pressure to meet immediate financial targets, and sometimes, the focus shifts to cutting costs or pushing sales aggressively, at the expense of building sustainable customer relationships.

Another issue is scalability. As businesses grow, maintaining a high standard of personalized customer service becomes more challenging. Without the right systems, processes, and training in place, the quality of service can diminish as volume increases.

There’s also a measurement challenge. The impact of excellent customer service is sometimes hard to quantify in the short run, leading to underinvestment in this area. Unlike direct sales numbers, the benefits of customer satisfaction might take longer to manifest in tangible forms like loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals.

Lastly, some companies simply may not have the right culture in place. A culture that views customer service as a vital part of the business’s ethos is essential. Without leadership buy-in and a genuine commitment to the customer’s experience, efforts to improve service can be superficial and inconsistent.

Do you think that more competition helps force companies to improve the customer experience they offer? Are there other external pressures that can force a company to improve the customer experience?

Absolutely, competition is a key driver for improving customer experience. In a crowded market, companies must differentiate themselves to attract and retain customers. A superior customer experience can become a competitive advantage, prompting businesses to innovate and elevate their service standards continuously.

Besides competition, there are several other external pressures that can push companies to enhance their customer experience. Consumer expectations are evolving rapidly; thanks to the internet and social media, customers today are more informed and have higher expectations. They can also voice their dissatisfaction more publicly and broadly than ever before, which can significantly impact a brand’s reputation and, consequently, its bottom line.

Can you share with us a story from your experience about a customer who was “Wowed” by the experience you provided?

One memorable instance of how we ‘wowed’ a client occurred during a peak holiday season, a time when many businesses face immense pressure to perform. We were working with a client who anticipated an increase in sales, but the actual figures exceeded all expectations — sales surged by an astounding 400%.

Recognizing the potential challenges of such a dramatic increase, our team proactively conducted a thorough review and crafted detailed projections well in advance. Based on these insights, we developed a comprehensive scaling plan tailored to handle the surge. This plan included augmenting staffing with well-trained agents, optimizing response strategies, and deploying advanced technologies to ensure smooth operations.

The execution was seamless. Our client not only managed to cope with the spike in demand but also maintained an exceptional level of customer service throughout the season. The feedback from their customers was overwhelmingly positive, highlighting quick responses and effective resolutions.

Our client was thrilled with the outcome, particularly appreciative of the foresight and precision of our planning. This experience not only fortified our relationship but also underscored the value of meticulous preparation and the impact of delivering beyond expectations.

Did that Wow! experience have any long-term ripple effects? Can you share the story?

Absolutely, the ‘wow’ experience we delivered during that holiday season had significant long-term effects, both for our client and for Aventus. Following the season, our client saw a notable increase in customer retention rates. Customers who experienced the high level of service during such a busy time were more likely to return, citing the exceptional support they received when things could have easily gone awry.

Moreover, the positive feedback didn’t just come from the customers. Our client publicly recognized our efforts in industry forums and through social media, which significantly boosted our reputation as a reliable partner capable of managing large-scale operations smoothly. This endorsement led to several referrals, helping us secure contracts with other major players in the industry who were looking for a similar level of dedication and capability.

This experience also spurred us to refine our approach to scaling and crisis management, developing even more robust strategies and training programs based on the lessons learned. These enhancements have since been integral in securing our position as a leader in customer service solutions, particularly for businesses facing similar high-growth challenges.

Based on your experience and success, what are the five most important things a business leader should know in order to create a Wow! Customer Experience.

1. Understand Your Customer Deeply:

“Knowing your customer thoroughly is fundamental. For instance, when we began working with a health supplements company, we invested significant time in understanding their customers’ motivations and concerns. This deep dive enabled us to tailor interactions that resonated on a personal level, addressing specific wellness goals and concerns. Customers were not just satisfied; they were delighted to find a brand that ‘spoke their language,’ significantly increasing customer loyalty and referrals.”

2. Empower Your Team:

“A well-equipped and empowered team can make a world of difference. We had a situation where a customer was upset over a delayed shipment during a critical time. Our team member, empowered to make decisions, upgraded the shipping to overnight at our expense and included a free gift with an apology note. The customer’s subsequent review highlighted how this gesture turned his frustration into a vow of loyalty. Empowering your team gives them the tools to solve issues creatively and promptly.”

3. Go Above and Beyond Standard Expectations:

“To truly ‘wow’ a customer, you need to exceed their expectations. A client from the fashion industry was launching a new line when their website crashed. Anticipating the high traffic, our team had prepared by setting up additional support and quickly implemented a queue system that informed customers of wait times and offered them exclusive early access as thanks for their patience. This approach not only mitigated frustration but also enhanced their launch day experience.”

4. Solicit and Act on Feedback:

“Continuous improvement is key. After every major customer interaction, we ask for feedback specifically tailored to understand the customer’s personal journey. This practice helped us redesign one client’s onboarding process, making it more interactive and less cumbersome, based on consistent customer input. The new process not only received praise for its ease of use but also improved conversion rates by 25%.”

5. Maintain Consistency Across All Touchpoints:

“Consistency builds trust. We learned this firsthand when a client expressed frustration over receiving conflicting information from different departments. We overhauled our communication protocols and trained our team to ensure that information was uniform across the board. By smoothing out these discrepancies, we provided a consistently reliable experience that restored and then strengthened the customer’s trust in the brand.

Are there a few things that can be done so that when a customer or client has a Wow! experience, they inspire others to reach out to you as well?

1. Follow-Up for Feedback and Reviews:

After delivering a great experience, follow up with customers to request a review or feedback. We automated this process for a client, sending personalized thank-you emails after service completion, which included a link to review. Positive reviews were then featured on the client’s website and social media, enhancing their credibility and attracting new customers.
2. Offer Referral Incentives:

Referral programs can significantly boost word-of-mouth marketing. We implemented a referral program where both the referrer and the referee received a discount. This approach was particularly successful for a client in the subscription service industry, where we saw a 30% increase in subscriptions originating from referrals.

You are a person of great influence. If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be? You never know what your idea can trigger. :-)

If I could start a movement to bring widespread benefit, it would be focused on empowering our youth, who are indeed our future. This movement, ‘Future Innovators,’ would aim to equip children from all backgrounds with access to technology, mentorship, and education in STEM fields. By breaking down the barriers to entry in these areas, we could foster a generation of innovators who are prepared to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges.

The movement would partner with schools, tech companies, and community organizations to create learning hubs in underserved areas. These hubs would not only provide the necessary technology and resources but also connect students with mentors who are leaders in their fields. The goal would be to inspire a passion for learning and innovation from a young age.

Additionally, ‘Future Innovators’ would advocate for policy changes that prioritize STEM education funding and support teacher training in these crucial areas. By creating a supportive ecosystem, we can ignite a chain reaction of curiosity, learning, and leadership that could transform communities around the world.

Imagine the potential unleashed if every child could dream bigger and had the tools to make those dreams a reality. That’s the kind of world I would want to help create.

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This was very inspiring. Thank you so much for joining us!

