Justin Peters of The Struggle Is Real Podcast On The Real-Life Struggles of Podcasting

Tracy Hazzard
Authority Magazine
Published in
5 min readJun 16, 2021


Justin Peters, host of The Struggle Is Real Podcast.

Breakthrough the struggles of growing your show with these powerful tips.

Everyone thinks that they can start their own podcast… and then you fast forward five months later… and they haven’t even bought a microphone yet. Starting a podcast takes a lot of dedication, from finding guests, to the research, and every task in between (there are a lot of them). It can all be a hassle if you’re not really serious about it. I found a host and a show that are really getting it right, The Struggle is Real with Justin Peters, and of course, I had to ask him about finding the exact right audience, developing a love for learning and research, growing an audience, and even monetization. As Justin puts it,

“The struggle is real for those who don’t know what the heck they’re doing but want to start figuring it out.”

In April of 2019, Justin bought his first microphone. By December of 2019, he realized he hadn’t even recorded one episode. He was stuck in the perfectionist part of the process where you experience that paralysis of not believing you know what to do or say, or where to start.

“I finally decided I was



Tracy Hazzard
Authority Magazine

Podcasting Expert Strategist; Host of 7 top podcasts: The Binge Factor; New Trust Economy; Feed Your Brand; Product Launch Hazzards; WTFFF?! Podetize Co-Founder