Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Alice Nova Of Ki-CODE Design On How To Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions

An Interview With Maria Angelova

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
12 min readNov 4, 2024


Creating Time to Pause

In today’s busy and noisy world, it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves and our inner voice. Pausing and creating space for stillness — whether through meditation, a walk in nature, or simply unplugging from external distractions — allows us to start hearing what our intuition is trying to tell us. In my experience, it can take some time to get used to this, and there may be some resistance, like thoughts convincing you that you’re too busy for a walk or meditation. But once I learned to quiet my mind and lean into the flow of silence, I was amazed at how much more clearly I could hear that subtle inner voice and the clarity that comes with it.

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. Where does intuition come from? Can it be trusted? How can someone tune in to their intuition? To address these questions, we are talking to business leaders, coaches, mental health experts, authors, and anyone who is an authority on “How to Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions.” As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Alice Nova.

Alice Nova is the creator of the Ki-CODE Design Method™, an innovative energy work practice that helps individuals break free from limiting patterns and unlock the next level of their expansion and personal growth. Passionate about educating others on how energy shapes every aspect of our lives, Alice empowers individuals to become conscious creators of their reality. Through her work, she guides people to step into their true power, transforming not only their inner world but the reality they experience.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we start, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

Absolutely! I grew up in a small town in what was then Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic, on a little farm surrounded by mountains and nature. Growing up during the communist era could feel pretty gray and limited — imagine having just one TV channel and bananas only showing up in stores around Christmas. But living in the countryside was such a gift. Nature was my playground — full of possibilities for play and adventure. It gave me a sense of freedom that wasn’t always reflected in the world around me back then. Even as a kid, I was curious about what was beyond my little town. I knew quite early on that I wasn’t going to stay there forever. I’ve always felt a pull to explore new places and see what else life had in store for me.

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

One of my favorite quotes is “Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning” by William Arthur Ward. It resonates with me because curiosity has been the driving force behind both my personal and professional life. Whether it’s been exploring new cultures, ideas, or ways of being, curiosity has always opened doors for me. It’s what led me from my small town to living in different cities around the world and made life feel like an ongoing adventure.

I truly believe curiosity is the catalyst for real growth and transformation. It pushes us to move past our limitations, question our assumptions, and see new possibilities without judgment. When we get curious — about ourselves and the world — we can break free from old patterns and open doors to possibilities we hadn’t seen before. This mindset of staying curious and open to change also shaped my career. In my corporate role, curiosity was at the heart of everything I did. My job was to imagine what was possible and bring innovative products to life. Ultimately, it was curiosity that led me to leave that world behind and create my own energy practice, applying that same sense of exploration to help others transform their lives.

Is there a particular book, podcast, or film that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

One book that had a profound impact on me is The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. I read it during a time when I was searching for something deeper, and it planted the first seeds for my understanding of how energy shapes our reality. The book’s exploration of energy, intuition, and synchronicity opened my eyes to the idea that energy isn’t just something we feel — but that it actively shapes our experiences and the reality we live in.

That inspiration led me to dive deeper into various ancient and modern energy practices. Over time, I began to see how much our lives are reflections of the energetic systems we carry. It was also when I discovered my own ability to perceive energy and tap into what I now call ‘energetic blueprints.’ This understanding became the foundation for my own practice, where I help others release old patterns and step into a new level of empowerment and freedom.

Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. Let’s begin with a definition of terms so that each of us and our readers are on the same page. What exactly does intuition mean? Can you explain?

I see intuition as our inner compass — an inner knowing that’s always there, even if we’re not fully aware of it. It’s that subtle guidance we feel, like a gut feeling or instinct, that points us in the right direction even when our logical mind or outside opinions might suggest otherwise. The challenge is that intuition often gets buried under layers of conditioning, societal expectations, limiting beliefs, and fears. We’re taught to prioritize logic and external validation, so we can lose touch with this deeper, intuitive part of ourselves.

But when we start peeling back those layers and reconnecting with our intuition, we tap into a source of wisdom that aligns with who we truly are. It’s like reactivating an internal GPS that helps us make decisions and navigate life from a place of alignment and authenticity.

How would you define common sense? Are intuition and common sense related?

Common sense is shaped by societal norms and our personal experiences. It’s that practical knowledge we use to navigate daily life, based on what’s generally accepted as logical or reasonable within our culture. For example, it’s common sense to look both ways before crossing the street or to dress appropriately for the weather — things we do automatically because they’re rooted in learned behaviors.

Intuition, on the other hand, is an inner knowing or gut feeling that doesn’t rely on logic or external rules. While common sense is influenced by the outside world and shared norms, intuition comes from within and is deeply personal, connected to our unique journey. The two can definitely work together — common sense keeps us grounded in everyday life, while intuition guides us toward what feels right on a deeper, more personal level.

How are they different from each other?

The biggest difference, I believe, is where they come from and how they guide us. Common sense is shaped by the external world — it’s built on shared experiences, cultural norms, and practical knowledge. It’s like a social compass that helps us navigate everyday situations in a way that’s widely accepted.

Intuition, on the other hand, is internal. It’s personal, instinctive, and taps into a deeper sense of what’s right for us, even if it goes against what’s considered common sense. So while common sense is learned and external, intuition is something we feel — it comes from within and often asks us to lean into trust.

What are the positive aspects of being in touch with your intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

One of the best parts of being in touch with your intuition is the deep sense of knowing and clarity it gives us. It’s like having a wise friend you can call for advice anytime, knowing they always have your best interests at heart. Intuition helps us make decisions that align with who we truly are, not based on what others expect or what our ego might desire. But sometimes, following intuition means making tough choices or taking steps that don’t seem logical at first.

For example, long before I decided to leave the corporate world, I kept hearing this inner voice saying, “This isn’t it. There’s more for you out there.” My intuition was nudging me toward a different path, even though it didn’t seem to make sense at the time. Leaving behind the stability I had wasn’t easy, but once I gained clarity about where that new path could lead, I decided to trust that voice and take the leap. Eventually, I created my energy practice, and it turned out to be one of the most rewarding decisions I’ve ever made.

So, while intuition might not always lead us down the most obvious path, it usually guides us toward what’s truly right for us — if we choose to trust it.

Are there negative aspects to being guided by intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

I wouldn’t say there are negative aspects to being guided by intuition, but I do think it’s important to build trust in it first. Many of us weren’t encouraged to listen to our inner voice. Instead, we’ve been conditioned to follow what society or others expect of us, which can make it tricky to rely on intuition at first. That’s why clearing the communication channel is crucial — it helps us clearly discern whether it’s truly our intuition speaking, or if it’s our ego, limiting beliefs, or old conditioning.

When I first started hearing that inner whisper saying, “This isn’t it, there’s something more,” I didn’t immediately jump to conclusions or take drastic action. Instead, I leaned into curiosity. I took time to explore whether it was truly my intuition or just external influences speaking. Over time, as that voice became clearer and I gained more understanding of the new path, I felt ready to trust it and take the leap.

So, it’s not about whether intuition has a negative side — it’s about doing the inner work to strengthen that connection and learn to hear it clearly. Once we can distinguish between intuition and other influences, it becomes an incredibly powerful guide.

Can you give some guidance about when one should make a decision based on their intuition and when one should use other methods to come to a decision?

I’d recommend making decisions based on intuition once you’ve attuned to it and built enough trust in that inner guidance. Intuition is a powerful tool, but if that connection isn’t fully established, it can help to use other methods to support your decision-making.

One approach that works for me is leaning into curiosity and imagination. Instead of jumping to conclusions, I take time to explore all possible outcomes. I write down each option and visualize what each scenario might feel like. I pay attention to the feelings that arise and how they manifest in my body — are they rooted in fear, external expectations, or perhaps my ego?

This reflection helps me understand the forces behind my choices and opens me to seeing different possibilities without judgment. It’s also a valuable practice for getting to know yourself better and tuning into your inner compass.

From your experience or perspective, what are some of the common barriers that hold someone back from trusting their intuition?

From my experience, the most common barrier to trusting our intuition is fear. Intuition doesn’t always tell us what we want to hear or keep us in our comfort zone. In fact, it often pushes us to step outside that comfort zone and make choices that others might not understand or approve of.

This fear of the unknown, fear of judgment, or fear of not being good enough can make it difficult to listen to our inner voice. But it’s important to remember that while our intuition may lead us into unfamiliar territory, it will never guide us toward harm. It might stir up discomfort, but that’s usually because it’s nudging us toward growth and greater expansion. Intuition helps us evolve, even when the path feels uncertain. And that’s often where the biggest growth happens — when we’re willing to trust ourselves and our inner voice, even if it means stepping into the unknown.

What are five methods that someone can use to become more in touch with their intuition?

1. Creating Time to Pause

In today’s busy and noisy world, it’s easy to lose touch with ourselves and our inner voice. Pausing and creating space for stillness — whether through meditation, a walk in nature, or simply unplugging from external distractions — allows us to start hearing what our intuition is trying to tell us. In my experience, it can take some time to get used to this, and there may be some resistance, like thoughts convincing you that you’re too busy for a walk or meditation. But once I learned to quiet my mind and lean into the flow of silence, I was amazed at how much more clearly I could hear that subtle inner voice and the clarity that comes with it.

2. Journaling to Reflect on Emotions and Thoughts
Writing is a powerful tool for learning more about ourselves and connecting with our intuition. By journaling regularly, you can start to notice patterns in your thoughts and emotions, revealing limiting beliefs, fears, and loops that keep you stuck and block you from accessing your inner compass. Rather than trying to force decisions, get curious. Ask yourself open-ended questions and explore different possibilities without judgment. I’ve found that when I approach choices with curiosity — writing down potential outcomes, visualizing them, and paying attention to how I feel — it opens up space for my intuition to come through. It’s a way of letting go of control and allowing inner guidance to surface.

3. Energy Work to Clear and Align
Energy work is a powerful way to clear blocks that clutter the communication channel of our intuition, preventing us from attuning to the right frequency. There are many different modalities — from traditional practices like Reiki and Qigong to more contemporary methods like Spinal Energetics™, the Ki-CODE Design Method™, or Soma+IQ™ — each offering its own approach to clearing those blocks. I’ve seen firsthand through my practice how energy work helps people attune to their inner communication channel and tap into their intuitive wisdom with greater clarity. The key is to explore and find the practice that resonates with you.

4. Practice Body Awareness
Our bodies often communicate what our minds are too busy to notice. Developing awareness of how your body feels in different situations can help you tap into your intuition. For example, you might notice a sense of ease or tension when considering a particular decision. I’ve learned that when I feel a sense of warmth and ease, it’s often my intuition signaling that I’m on the right track. Paying attention to your body’s intelligence and these physical cues can provide valuable insights.

5. Trust the Small Decisions First
Intuition is like a muscle — the more we use it, the stronger it gets. Start by trusting your intuition with smaller, everyday decisions. Whether it’s choosing which path to take on a walk or deciding what feels right in a conversation, listening to your gut on these small matters builds your confidence in trusting it with bigger decisions. Over time, as we built trust with our intuition in small moments, it became easier to rely on it when we are faced with more significant life choices.

You are a person of significant influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

If I could inspire a movement that would bring the most good to the most people, it would be raising awareness about our energy and how it shapes our reality. Many people are unaware that their energy — in the form of thoughts, emotions, feelings, and behaviors — directly creates the life they experience. This lack of awareness keeps us stuck in cycles of reaction rather than creation.

Once we understand how our energy influences everything around us, we can step out of that reactive cycle and consciously create the life we want to experience. This movement would empower people to free themselves from the grip of past conditioning, external expectations, and emotional triggers.

I envision a world where people are no longer weighed down by past wounds or driven by the need to control. When we are no longer triggered by old pain or acting from a wounded ego, we can live in harmony with one another. Unlocking this inner freedom ultimately leads to a more peaceful world.

Is there a person in the world whom you would love to have lunch with, and why? Maybe we can tag them and see what happens!

I would love to have lunch with Peter Crone. His work around freeing people from mental limitations and shifting subconscious patterns deeply aligns with my own mission. Peter has a remarkable ability to help people uncover how they’re unconsciously holding themselves back and guides them toward true freedom and empowerment. I’d find it incredibly valuable to connect and explore these shared perspectives further.

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can follow my work through my website at, where I regularly share insights on energy work, personal growth, and upcoming offerings.

You can also connect with me on Instagram @thekicodedesign, on our LinkedIn page, or by joining my email list for exclusive resources and energy practices.

Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!



Authority Magazine
Authority Magazine

Published in Authority Magazine

In-depth Interviews with Authorities in Business, Pop Culture, Wellness, Social Impact, and Tech. We use interviews to draw out stories that are both empowering and actionable.

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