Keeping In Touch With Your Intuition: Jana Stern of The Resilience Revolution On How To Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
17 min readJul 17, 2024

Trust your knowingness. You are a powerful creator in this world. Your thoughts are constantly creating your reality from moment to moment. The more deeply you learn to trust this fact, the more you will innately begin to trust your intuition. When something feels off, that is your knowingness. When you get a funny feeling that something is going to happen, that is your knowingness. The Universe is sending you messages on an infinite loop from birth to death to help guide you on your journey back to Source. You are the creator of your personal Universe. Trust that when you know, you know.

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand something immediately without the need for conscious reasoning. Where does intuition come from? Can it be trusted? How can someone tune in to their intuition? To address these questions, we are talking to business leaders, coaches, mental health experts, authors, and anyone who is an authority on “How to Get In Touch With Your Intuition And When To Trust Your Intuition When Making Decisions.” As a part of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jana Stern.

Jana Stern is a renowned psychic, astrologer, and spiritual activator deeply committed to transforming lives through spirituality. With over 15 years of professional expertise and a lifetime of studying her innate psychic abilities, Jana utilizes her knowledge in metaphysics, esoterics, astrology, and energy healing to empower her clients, helping them navigate their spiritual and personal journeys with clarity and purpose. Recognized as the ‘no-namaste anti-guru,’ Jana offers an alternative to conventional spiritual teachings, focusing on substantial, actionable healing for individuals prepared for transformation.

Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, Jana is part of a lineage of gifted psychics that includes her grandmother and great-grandmother, both recognized for their psychic abilities and deep understanding of astrology. This heritage, coupled with her identity as a Jewish woman and a pivotal near-death experience that deeply influenced her path, has fueled Jana’s mission to foster growth in others.

Jana is the founder of The Resilience Revolution, a unique program designed to facilitate personal and spiritual resilience through tailored coaching and holistic health techniques. She is the host of the podcast, “I’m Really Into ‘That Stuff’,” where she explores various spiritual topics, and she is a dynamic public speaker known for her engaging talks and group meditations. As a certified Life Activation™ practitioner, Jana offers sessions that are transformative, tapping into her extensive training with noted astrology and metaphysics educators including Rick Levine and Kaypacha.

In addition to her spiritual practice, Jana is an artist, a jewelry designer, and a web3 founder/builder, and she is the author of “Activate Your Chakras,” which complements her hands-on workshops and digital content aimed at helping individuals unlock their full potential.

Jana has collaborated with prominent figures including Deepak Chopra and has been featured in notable publications like Yahoo, Canvas Rebel, Decrypt, and NFT Now. Her work extends beyond individual transformations, aiming to initiate broader shifts in mental health understanding through the integration of spirituality and traditional healing practices.

Jana’s teachings challenge the superficial elements of contemporary spiritual practices by focusing on depth, authenticity, and practicality. Her mission is clear: to equip individuals with the tools they need to dismantle outdated systems and embrace a holistic approach to living, contributing to a healthier, more enlightened society.

Thank you so much for doing this with us! Before we start, our readers would love to “get to know you” a bit better. Can you tell us a bit about your childhood backstory?

Sure! Thank you so much for this opportunity. I was a very sweet and sunshiny kid who had a lot of very big feelings. I used to collect seashells by the beach at my grandparents house in Florida and I would sit and listen to the crystals that my grandfather had collected over his lifetime as they sang me songs and told me stories.

By the time I was four my biological father had a very serious psychotic break, and he was institutionalized. My mom made the difficult decision to leave him with myself, my two younger brothers, our two Huskies and their six puppies. My mom’s parents played a very active role in our lives, doing everything that they could to help us to feel “normal” during the difficult adjustment. About 9 months later, my mom met my stepdad and he and his two older boys became part of our family and we lived very “Brady” from then until now.

My childhood was not an easy one. I was the only girl of five kids, and the joke was that I had enough emotions for all five of us combined and then some. Naturally I developed some daddy issues, and eventually had a more personal experience with mental health, experimenting with eating disorders and navigating a number of diagnoses of mood disorders topped off with a suicide attempt. All of which I later sought treatment for.

Though things were tough, there was also a lot of love in my life, plenty of good times and blessings that I didn’t fully comprehend until I was much older. I just knew from a young age that my life was crazy and now I always say “crazy is my normal.”

Can you please give us your favorite “Life Lesson Quote”? Can you share how that was relevant to you in your life?

“You have to be crazy to stay sane in this world” — Edgar Froese

My perspective on Mental Health has shifted exponentially over the course of a lifetime of living with a schizophrenic bipolar biological father.

I used to get enraged every time I even heard the word “crazy” because it activated something for me. As I got older I began to recognize that crazy is something that happens to people who are deep feelers or expansive thinkers.

My father is an exceptionally intellectual human being with a beautiful mind and (I believe) a gift for understanding cosmic reality. He could look up at the sky and know every constellation. He was constantly inventing things and thinking outside of boxes that I didn’t understand at the time we’re even boxes.

The way his mind worked showed me that the human brain can operate in much more esoteric and Quantum ways (not that I had this kind of language as a child, but it found me as I got older because the Universe knew I needed an explanation for why I didn’t get to have my bio-dad in my life like others did). People called him “crazy” but I understood his genius was beyond the grasp of most people.

The more I sat with this idea the more that I began to understand that the more intelligent a person was, the more likely they were to feel that this world was limited to what our brains can comprehend and over time I came to understand that what Edgar Froese is saying is exceptionally true — in a matrixed world where we believe in the physical reality that we can perceive with our five senses, where we must deny sixth sense and our clair senses, it is no wonder that we are left to feel crazy.

In my own personal healing with mental health, I found metaphysics and a variety of spiritual practices and tools were exceedingly helpful for me to come back to a mental homeostasis. The more I let myself tap into the cosmos and the magic of this world, the more I realized that the mundane reality was what was crazy — not me!

Is there a particular book, podcast, or film that made a significant impact on you? Can you share a story or explain why it resonated with you so much?

Some people are going to hate me for this but the answer can never change no matter what politics surround it. I am a lifelong Harry Potter fan. I’m not one of those people that has a million toys and needs to dress up and play Quidditch, however Harry Potter is the book series that I come back to over and over and over again to remind myself that the world around us is magical.

Going back to what I was saying just above, I knew that my reality was different than many of the people around me. As soon as Harry found out he was a wizard and we learned about Muggles, I knew I had never been one, and I didn’t want to try to be.

The book gave me permission to continue to be as weird and as intelligent and as magical as I had always been. It allowed me to stay connected to the things that I had always loved like making potions, experimenting with crystals, lighting candles, and things of that nature. As I got older, each time I reread the series (I’ve read it about 11 times), I reassessed what current reality looked and felt like while I was reading, and where the magic was within it -even if it was a troubling time for me.

As I started studying hermetics and metaphysics as well as ancient lore from around the world, some light herbalism and some intense astrology, the Harry Potter series continued to prove to me that there is always more magic to be found when we let ourselves look for it. That, and J.K. Rowling must know a lot about metaphysics!

Let’s now shift to the main part of our discussion. Let’s begin with a definition of terms so that each of us and our readers are on the same page. What exactly does intuition mean? Can you explain?

Intuition is the message that we receive from the Quantum Field that guides us towards the people, places, things, and experiences that we are meant to connect with in this Physical Realm which help us to become our most enlightened selves. It is something that I often refer to as our internal compass, gently redirecting us away from danger or more dense vibrational experiences.

In spiritual circles we often reference our “Higher Self”. This self lives in the Quantum Field, and can be thought of as the magnetic force that our intuition naturally polarizes to. Our intuition can also be influenced by our Spirit Guides, Angels and Archangels.

How would you define common sense? Are intuition and common sense related?

Common sense is somewhat more practical. Not going down a dark and sketchy alley at night is common sense. Throwing out spoiled milk instead of gulping it down is common sense. Not trusting a known thief is common sense.

They are definitely related because our fight, flight, freeze, fawn response survival instincts force us to be constantly assessing our environments for things that might indicate a lack of safety, and both our intuition and our common sense help us to ascertain our individual and collective levels of danger and/or comfort available to us.

How are they different from each other?

The main differences are that 1) whereas intuition might tell you to take a risk that could lead to something wonderful on the other side, common sense would lead only towards safety, and 2) that intuition often has a cosmic *knowingness* to it that common sense does not.

Intuition feels like an undeniable gut feeling that might even seem like it goes against your common sense. Perhaps your common sense is telling you that the alleyway couldn’t possibly be safe, but your intuition knows that there is a gold necklace that someone dropped that looks just like the one you had been envisioning for yourself for you to find, if you take a chance, follow your intuition with trust, and walk down it tonight.

What are the positive aspects of being in touch with your intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

Following your intuition will never lead you astray. Every time that you listen to that higher guidance, portals open to possibilities that are incomprehensible to the conscious mind. Your intuition’s knowing is so Divine that it will always land you in a place better off than where you started.

As I mentioned above, going with the magnetic pull towards something that might “make no sense”, often leads us to wild and beautiful scenarios where dreams become realities.

I once followed my intuition to jump onto a stage of a Twitter (now X) space with a woman I thought was well spoken and seemed similarly aligned with my values and morals. Cut to a year later, and she and I were working together with TimePieces (the web3 subsidiary of Time Magazine), Deepak Chopra & some huge brands in the crypto space for a mental health art project that became one of the biggest projects of my career thus far. I had read more than half of Deepak’s books, and spent a lifetime studying this man, and suddenly I was hosting an X space with him as one of our speakers, and this incredible woman as another.

Had I not followed the intuition to log onto X, go into that particular space, jump on the stage and introduce myself, I never would have had the chance to work alongside a hero of mine nor would I have gained a mentor like this woman.

Are there negative aspects to being guided by intuition? Can you give a story or example to explain what you mean?

There is always light in the dark and often, moving through the process of trusting your intuition can look like a negative experience before you reach the light at the end of the gloomy and threateningly dark tunnel.

There are definitely negative aspects to being guided by intuition, but mostly that comes from a) the fact that most people don’t trust their’s, so they “other” you [which on a cellular level can feel scary], or b) you haven’t yet reached the part of the trust fall where you land in the proverbial pot of gold yet, and the fall is scary to you.

Perhaps you have followed your intuition and finally looked at the phone of that person you’ve been dating, only to find that they have been cheating on you. Now you have to go through a nasty breakup, pain and heartache.

Your intuition led you to check the phone because you needed to know what was going on in order to protect you from getting hurt even more. And, from a higher purpose, in time you meet a new partner who treats you the way you deserve to be treated or better, but you can’t deny that your intuition guided you through the negative part of the experience first.

No matter what happens though, with unbridled faith in the Universe, you will see that even negative experiences lead us to positive ones. The sun rises and sets and rises again. The seasons keep changing. And as they do, we live through beautiful summers of abundance, cold winters of sadness, and warm springs of passion again and again and again.

Can you give some guidance about when one should make a decision based on their intuition and when one should use other methods to come to a decision?

I actually don’t believe there is ever a bad time to make decisions based on your intuition. You just need to have a lot of faith in the bigger plan.

When it comes to other methods one can use to support intuitive decision making, I am a big believer in pendulums. Any natural (wood, a crystal, some metal) fine point on the end of a string can be used to help us to make conclusive decisions. Pendulums are wonderful because they use your own frequency or Chi to give you answers. I often remind my clients that we, ourselves are the pendulum, we simply use this (and other divinatory tools) to help us access what our higher self wants us to know.

This can also be done with muscle testing, Tarot, Oracle or any even Astrology. Remember that millionaires don’t have astrologers, billionaires do! Learn to go higher when making crucial (or sometimes even mundane) decisions, and you will find your outcomes will be far more successful.

From your experience or perspective, what are some of the common barriers that hold someone back from trusting their intuition?

Usually it comes down to one word — should. The thing that holds us back from trusting our intuition is the belief that life should look a certain way, that people should act the way we want or expect them to, or that we should feel good all the time. The word should is the sole reason that we deny what Source says is best. We believe we should listen to what others think is best for us, or that we should stay in a well paying job even though it would make our soul sing to quit and move to the forest.

Should is the bane of our existence. It assumes that something other than our inner Divine wisdom is guiding us. Intuition is about trusting and guiding ourselves. Should is a prison of expectations that we ourselves cannot even meet. The more we let go of how we think things should be, the easier it becomes to actually trust in Source and The Truth that the Divine Plan of Love that is unfolding in the Universe is inevitable and that we can have all that we want, so long as we let go of expectations about how we arrive there.

What are five methods that someone can use to become more in touch with their intuition?

#1 Follow the signs. The more you learn the ways that Spirit delivers messages to you, and give yourself permission to follow those signs, the more your intuition will increase. Your intuition is a muscle. The more you work it, the stronger it will become over time. There are countless ways that your Guides might show you that you’re on the right path (including animals, butterflies, feathers, coins, strangers and more), that can help to keep your intuitive compass on the straight and narrow. You just gotta follow the signs.

#2 Trust your knowingness. You are a powerful creator in this world. Your thoughts are constantly creating your reality from moment to moment. The more deeply you learn to trust this fact, the more you will innately begin to trust your intuition. When something feels off, that is your knowingness. When you get a funny feeling that something is going to happen, that is your knowingness. The Universe is sending you messages on an infinite loop from birth to death to help guide you on your journey back to Source. You are the creator of your personal Universe. Trust that when you know, you know.

#3 Test it out. I love to play intuition games with myself. I will go on a walk and play with my capacity to manipulate reality. I might choose something silly like “every time I see a blue car I will turn left at the next stop”, and then observe as the Universe shows me the beauty of my surroundings. Or maybe I will ask: “show me a ladybug by Friday if I am meant to invest in this coin”. These games are always lighthearted and meant to be playful, but they also serve to show me that when something is truly for me, the Universe will actively conspire and work with me to make it so.

#4 Develop a relationship with Source. Meditate, pray, sit in silence, listen to music, listen to the trees, talk to a stray cat or just put your bare feet on the soil beneath you. The relationship we cultivate with Spirit is a sacred one and it is different for us all. In developing a loving connection with nature and the nature of our true selves, we become intuitive masters. Our psychic gifts (that each and every one of us have but have been taught to ignore) begin to open and flourish when we develop and intentionally deepen our relationship with Source.

#5 Say “thank you”. Our words have far more power than we can comprehend. Saying “thank you” when we are shown signs from the Universe, when we have beautiful experiences, or even when we experience plight, can change the course of our lives. A devout practice of gratitude not only uplifts the spirit, it also amplifies the likelihood that we will experience more joy, and tells Spirit that we are open to receiving more and more of it. “Thank you” seems simple, but it truly can transform any trauma into a Divine lesson for growth and expansion in the most empowering and beautiful way.

You are a person of significant influence. If you could inspire a movement that would bring the most amount of good to the most amount of people, what would that be?

I would love to help spread the message to the world that our mental health epidemic only exists because we do not live in alignment with the Spiritual Universal Law of LOVE. This world has been shaped by systems of control of the mind that have convinced us that we lack the tools to self govern and that we need things in our realities to look and feel a particular way, but that is a lie. The truth is that we are made from a Divine Source, and within us we have the power to create just about anything we want purely with our minds.

As we begin collectively deepen our understanding about frequency and energy, it is becoming more and more clear that the way through the currently global hellscape of a reality that we all feel so stuck in, is to remind ourselves that we have the sovereign power to (co)create an entirely new, utopian world in which we all collectively have and feel we are enough. Simply by changing our minds about our enoughness and that (we as a humanity) deserve to tap into the loving abundance that is available to us all on this Earth.

This enoughness would ripple so deeply that we would forget our divisible differences, and instead focus on our own unique gifts that we bring to the collective table in order to feed us all. Greed would evaporate because enoughness would be the basis of existence. Deceit would be unnecessary because there is nothing to lie about if we have enough. Relationships would transform. Humans would thrive. And our planet would heal and bloom abundantly in just a few short generations.

… A Pisces Projector dreamer can dream, can’t I?

Is there a person in the world whom you would love to have lunch with, and why? Maybe we can tag them and see what happens!

I think my power lunch would include 5 people: Russell Brand, Mayim Bialik, Rainn Wilson, Emma Watson & Jhene Aiko. Each of these people seem to embody a wisdom beyond their years without the nefariousness that usually comes with Hollywood stars. They all have a unique reason why I would love to sit with them:

Russell has been a guiding light for me for many years — especially during the pandemic, and I would like to thank him to his face and maybe do a yoga practice together.

Mayim is a fellow Jewish woman whose devout connection to her faith has given me so much hope over the years. I was a Blossom fan as a kid, I was a Big Bang Theory fan as a 20-something, and I am a fan of a strong Jewish woman forever and always.

Rainn has a brilliant mind and a beautiful take on life and spirituality. Soul Pancake is a site I have been following since inception, and I am an Office fan who has watched the series about a dozen times.

Emma is a genius as well. Not only is she well spoken, her perspective of what it means to be a woman in today’s world constantly motivates me every time I hear her speak. Plus, who wouldn’t want to have tea with Hermione Granger?

Jhene has a true gift that few can match. Not only does her voice clearly channel something majestic and holy, her attitude about the physical world seems as if she has forgotten she is in it (which I love). To have a sound bath and get to read her chart with her would be *chef’s kiss*.

I don’t know if I will get to meet any of these people in this lifetime, but I am certainly open to the infinite possibilities that are available to me in the vast and abundant Universe!

How can our readers further follow your work online?

You can learn more about the The Resilience Revolution and join my group coaching on my website:

You can take my one hour workshop Own Your F&*king Intuition to really master this topic here:

You can listen to my podcast, I’m Really Into ‘That Stuff’, here:

And you can connect with me on social media at:

Thank you so much for sharing these important insights. We wish you continued success and good health!

